Cloud backup failure causes Z-Wave radio to go offline

So, it triggers on a change in the location event, whether cloudBackup goes from Success to non-Success, or whatever it's called, or vice versa?

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Looking at what @hubitrep has there the trigger is the fact that the cloud back up occurred (cloudbackup event). From the %value% of the event, you can make a determination of success or failure to take an action.

How all location event triggers work in RM afaik, which also answers @velvetfoot ’s question regarding sunsetTime etc

Ok, I got it. A trigger of cloudBackup will mean that a cloud backup has occurred, regardless of the outcome.

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Well, off the top of my head, you have zwaveCrashed, zigbeeOn, zigbeeOff, sytstemStart, lowMemory now, etc. More to the point.

They created two new location events, one requires a conditional test, and the other doesn't.

A trigger on lowMemory should do it. Not so much for cloudBackup. What do I care if it's successful? :slight_smile:

My point is that all those location event triggers are “event occurred” only, as opposed to device event triggers where you can specify a condition on the event value (switch is on, power exceeeds 100, etc).

HE could have gone with separate success/failure cloud backup location events as you point out, I suppose, but they didn’t so here is a solution :wink:


It's not a long-standing thing though, it happened yesterday, lol.

edit: on a side note, I didn't know %hub_name% was a thing, so thanks for that as well!

Since the issue happens during the cloud backups, why not reduce the frequency of your cloud backups until this issue is fixed? Unless you're adding new Z-Wave devices everyday, you really don't need the radio backed up everyday...


Not a thing, sorry, just a hub variable I set on systemStart in a different rule !

Hey you’re spoiling my whole wishlist here


Now my mind is more messed up than it normally is, lol.


Because I was curious, I wanted to see what a failed cloud backup's value and text are.

Disabling z-wave didn't do it-it said the backup was successful, while the file was the same size as usual, but z-wave box was unchecked.

Unplugging the internet feed to the router created a value of "FAILED". Note the all caps, LOL.

Of course, %text% would be different with failed z-wave. I'm assuming %value% would still be "FAILED" but I guess you never know. I'll keep the test to 'not equal' success, lol.

Not equal to "success" seems like the best bet to me...


If I am reading your rule correctly, I think you want your text to say “NOT successful”

Edit: additional note - I have moved my cloud backup time to Sundays at 3pm. Means I am always awake to deal if something goes south.

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It's not my text...

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Um, I believe Steve is correct. The Notify and Log text is most certainly your text, and is backwards from the test in the IF-THEN clause.

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Maybe with "display current values" turned off it will be clearer what is going on...

When that option is turned on, the %device%, %value% and %text% variables are interpolated in-place with whatever values they currently have (see local variables table)

What it looked like when it ran, in the logs ...


Ok, that’s clear, my error.


Hey you can’t take credit here - definitely MY error.

Sorry @hubitrep