Migrating 3 hubs into a single C8 project

I've been reading and jumped through most of the hoops. But now's the time to simplify - I've been waiting to rebuild a 1-hub system instead of hubmeshing 3 hubs and juggling issues like this. So that's the plan tonight.

I love tinkering but time is less available these days for troubleshooting, so I think the sooner I get everything on a single C8 the better.

Add the Google Home app in the HE apps manually first. Can you select any devices in there? Its possible Hub Meshed devices are excluded from sharing (should be shared from the hub they are on instead).

The error you are getting I think is what happens when you have no devices selected in the app on the HE side to share and then GH bombs out with an error.

Some of the trouble is that HE has recently removed the ability to manually install the Google Home app. It's no longer in the app list. It can only be added via the official Google Home app during the authorization process. After that, the app appears in HE.

Buuuuut in my case it doesn't link anything. This all started a few months ago. My suspicion is hubmesh.

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Add a virtual switch to the hub, then when you go to setup GH you can authorize that single virtual switch to get it started. Then you can at least get the app installed and see what other devices you can select.

I'm already several steps into migrating everything into a single C8. The old situation was Upstairs devices on the C8, downstairs devices on a C7, and a separate C5 doing 'whole house' apps on the meshed devices.

Today I've spent a few hours excluding all of the Downstairs devices from the C7, with no issues. The house is only 50% functional now.

I have moved almost all of the wired repeaters onto the C8 but somewhere along the line I acquired 3 ghost devices and now I can no longer include any new Z-Wave devices. Something is hanging it up "Z-Wave network is busy". I can't add a USB-Z stick either, using Simplicity Studio, to get rid of them. Cannot remove them via Z-Wave Settings either.

So I'm afraid I need to open a support ticket. @bobbyD can you take a look?

(The plan is to see how it performs as a single hub, and if it chokes, to easily migrate to a C8 Pro)

I am thoroughly reading this excellent thread and will give these options a shot tomorrow:

I'm just a lil out of practice, bear with me y'all

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Just take it slow, and start w/the instructions for using the hub's built-in ghost removal devices.

Bobby won't be able to help you much - he can't reach out and remove your ghosts, unfortunately.

Take screen shots of your Z-Wave Details page and post them here. As you note, you will need to remove any ghosts you've created before you can proceed.


Did not see you mention shutting the hub down and unplugging? That is step 1 to clearing the dreaded z-wave busy errors.

Oh yes, I have definitely been shutting down and unplugging.

Maybe I got lucky but I seem to remember ghosts did not wreak so much havoc on the older models... They existed and I occasionally had them, but they didn't bring my mesh to its knees like I've experienced with C7 and C8.

This morning I managed to remove 2 out of 3 by guessing what they were and excluding and re-including their respective real-world devices again. After that, I was able to do Refresh-->Remove on their former ghostly selves. I believe I was having so many issues last night because I was moving too fast (had the hub on an extension and long ethernet cable moving around the house) and it just didn't have time to settle and build any manageable topology.

I've got 1 last pesky ghost left haunting this house:

I'm almost certain it's a Ring Alarm Range Extender (gen2), so when I get home tonight I'll target that one and hopefully we'll be back on track!

I'm going to return the hub to its "forever spot" while I'm at work and let it settle, since all the remaining devices are either battery powered, or moveable plugs. And then as @rlithgow1 wisely suggests going forward, as soon as the next ghost appears, to STOP and get rid of it before proceeding!

They usually dont on newer models as well, typically takes dozens of them before you start seeing major issues.

Why? Just pair in place.

Old habits? I've suspected the dark corners may not have range, but I haven't really put these huge antennas to the test yet.

If it doesn't have range to pair the device then it doesn't have range for it to function later when you move the hub back.

The ONLY time you should need to be close to the device is those certain locks that use a whisper pairing as a security measure.

Gotcha, I'll go ahead and move it then.

Any thoughts about connecting a hub to a meshed router (Asus AiMesh)? The meshed router is wired directly to the main router.

I've had the downstairs C7 hub connected to it for a year with no issues... It would be a better location for the main single C8 basically.

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Should be no issues with connecting to that router with the ethernet backhaul, its just acting like a network switch if the hub is connected via ethernet.


LOL...They are certainly huger than no external antennas. Glad things are getting sorted.

It is done. One C8 to rule them all.

No more ghosts. 152 devices.

I didn't even notice the new "Restore Apps" and "Swap Apps Device" options until too late. Boy that would've been helpful!! Luckily my "controller" hub was still full of all the Offline meshed devices, so those rules stayed more or less intact and I was able to import them with minor corrections. I did take a screenshot beforehand of every single app too.

Thanks Hubitat. I'll see how this performs for a bit and may or may not need the Pro, but it's good to know future upgrades will be quick and painless. Oh, and I'm a new Hub Protect subscriber now, so I can sleep soundly. <3

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I know you've journeyed beyond the google home thing, but I've never been able to have >1 hub connected to Google. I have my C4 and all Google controlled devices meshed to my C4. Previous I tried to also add my C7 and it never worked

I pondered doing this, and there are mixed successes out there, enough to make me hold off. Certain zigbee devices not pairing, Z-wave issues. It'll probably get resolved at some point, but like you, my tinker time has been curtailed. Good luck to you

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I've always had only the one hub speak to Google Home. It was the middle man hub which managed all the meshed devices on the other two hubs. Worked fine for a while until recently.

After a few hours with a single C8 I'm probably gonna need the Pro. :rofl: It's hanging in there, but gets elevated/severe far too often for comfort.

The LIFX devices are the biggest culprits by a longshot. They top the list of busy % work, so I don't know what's going on there. If I can calm them down somehow, it may be manageable.

I see others in the forum have noticed LIFX bogging down the hub as well. Strips are the worst offenders due to creating 20-40 child devices, all refreshing at the same time. A workaround is to set the Strip device driver to LIFX Color unless you absolutely need HE to have access to each individual zone.

I would keep the C5 for the LIFX, other LAN integrations (Matter?) and for any Zigbee devices that doesn't play nice with the newer C8 Zigbee chipsets.

I have most of the LAN stuff on my C5, and it makes a big difference in how snappy the C8 (non-pro) feels, and the memory levels. Just have to hubmesh these devices back to the C8. It sure seems like it would be the same hit to memory by doing this, but somehow Hubmesh virtual device isn't as brutal to memory as an actual device on the hub.

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That was how I was set up before, with a dedicated LAN hub. The main reason I'm consolidating back to a 1 hub house is because HubMesh was becoming very cumbersome with so many devices, and all the back and forth... That and just being able to easily upgrade in the future in like, 30mins flat.