Can't be this hard

In my experience. these outlets, the Iris V2 outlets and Samsung outlets all work well.


These things are awesome mesh builders.. I wish they were still being made.. Z-wave Plus and Zigbee repeaters in 1 device.. I bought a ton of these on ebay..

I know they were made specifically for Iris by Centralite.. but we should start a petition to get them to make these again..


The seller has the last 10 lots of 5 plugs on eBay. He's already out of the gen 2 motion sensors so I'm sure stock is starting to get low.


You have one messy device list. Those devices are going to give you nothing but headache. Cree and GE bulbs are Zigbee mesh killer. Adding in the peanut plugs.......:scream:


Thanks, appreciate the support. Keep i mind that some of us just started this so we learn through trial and error as I'm sure you did. Doesn't help much calling someone's baby 'ugly' though. :v:t5:


You are so right. We all have devices we wish had stayed on the shelf. Before you make new purchases, it might be a good idea to check here to see if there any issues or comments. For a laugh, you might take a gander at Devices in your Drawer of Shame


I am coming from Wink2...CREE, GE bulbs....all worked fine without any issues. I would have still been with WINK if not for the company issues. I bought these bulbs years ago. I just switched to Hubitat in the past few months. Any new bulbs I purchase have been HE compatible. Sengled has worked pretty well so far. Thanks for the kind words....appreciate it.


As an aside, an alternative to consider is:

  1. Get a separate HE for just your bulbs (an HE is about $70, in contrast; 10 RGBW bulbs are $150+).
  2. Link your two HEs using HubConnect.

Bulbs are fine when all they're repeating for is other bulbs. The instability issues arise when mixing bulbs on the same zigbee network as zigbee end-devices like contact & motion sensors.


Interesting. So i have seen others say get a 2nd HE. I didn't realize you could connect them...does that make them seemingless work the same and together as one? The instability issues you mentioned....what were the ones you saw? For me it was 1 or 2 light bulbs either staying on in the dashboard even though they were actually off? Having 3 lights in a set only 1 or 2 of them could be controlled...non-responsive lights causing me to have to rejoin it to the HE. Stuff like that?



Yes. You could even use your Peanuts are repeaters on your "bulb" Hubitat.


You could also grab an inexpensive Philips Hue bridge to link the old Cree and GE Link bulbs to. The Hubitat to Hue integration is local via the LAN.

Note: US Sylvania bulbs, as well as Sengled bulbs, cannot be paired to a Hue bridge.


@jonasd1 FYI - Sylvania === Osram. If all you have are GE and Cree bulbs, @ogiewon's solution is inexpensive and an excellent solution to the bulb instability issue .....


Ok, wait, i like this. So I'm working to reduce the CREES - i have just received some Sengled's today so now i am down to 6 CREEs. The GE link bulbs - 2 inside a ceiling fan and the other 7 are all the bigger spot lights outside. At the time I hadn't been able to find outside spot lights, so i just kept getting GE bulbs. Those fall off every now and then and I have to go back readd them. If I get the Phillips HUE, connect the CREE and GE Bulbs to it you guys are making me think this just might work!


I have OSRAM (2), 6 CREEs, and 7 GE Link bulbs...

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It definitely will work.

And the Hue bridge will integrate with Hubitat bringing your bulbs into Hubitat. Just make sure you get a Hue Bridge v2 (Philips just obsoleted the v1).

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Replace the 2 Osram with Sengled. Put the rest on a Hue Bridge.

2 Likes,prmr:3,tpim:CILI2tr51uLlZBDZ3fbQhrTDgO0BGPC_zRwiA1VTRCjgherzBTD2utg7,pdprs:5&utm_medium=tu_cu&utm_content=eid-lsjeuxoeqt&utm_campaign=125181302&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6sHzBRCbARIsAF8FMpUNEbfBhD-7SCNv6sQLS3DVejSLJ51AZIKR0eNTBd-1tl2uwLDTxAIaAiySEALw_wcB

Yes, that’s it. But you can get these all day long for about $30 on eBay.


ebay is so annoying sometimes, I dont mind paying a little more to get it from Best Buy or a place i can take it back if necessary. Thanks so much TEAM


No. Too expensive.