C8 vs C8 pro, differences?

Great news for EU users!

C-8 PRO price in EU dropped 10€ ... getting there. Still hoping that some sale in US gets here too.

The problem is that I don't NEED a C-8 PRO, but I WANT one .. why life is so hard? :angry:

PS Ultrasmart.pl should be tipping me for advertising their store :laughing:


I REALLY don't see how moving from a 1.5GHz A53 to a 2GHz A55 CPU will make a single bit of difference for Z-wave. Z-wave is 100kbps. Even assuming it was being handled purely in CPU (which it's not) we're talking about a wireless network that pushes bits at 0.006% the total capacity of a single thread of four on the C8. Having it go from being 0.006% of the CPU total to like 0.004% isn't going to matter.

Your Z-wave issues are mesh related. Get a few more repeaters. If you have power monitoring stuff, get rid of it/turn if off (if that's an option).

But I just don't see the extra CPU power making even the slightest bit of difference here. Z-wave is just so much slower than even the C8 CPU it's basically nothing. Plus the Z-wave radio handles most of the 100kbps anyway, so it's even less than 0.006% of the CPU being used.


A faster CPU handles inrush conditions better then a slower CPU. You can't always detect inrush conditions through CPU monitors do to sample rate of the CPU log. THe CPU speeds you've mentioned above, do you have sample rates. In my setup of 150+ devices, mostly z-wave I've had very large delays at the time of a switch event. For example, I want to turn off all the lights on a floor to go to bed. Sometimes that takes seconds, sometimes it could talk up to 30 seconds to complete that task. When complex relationships are involved say between a z-wave device, Lutron, and Samung Smarthings device, things have worked very well then hard delay. I've been able to work the supermajority of the issues out over time, and that's why I've stayed with Hubitat over moving to other products were I would be starting with a new set of issues, but in my expereince faster CPUs always make for better user experience which can smooth over some of these issues. If you have no issues at this time, then in your case, you may have no reason to move forward to a faster system.

Definitely a problem with a Z-Wave/Zigbee network(s).
Talking about CPU speed vs. slow Z networks. Think about street with traffic lights. Since Z networks are very slow CPU wiill see traffic lights mainly in red. Now does it matter how fast you can drive from one cross section to another? Even if you drive with the speed of light you always will be waiting long time for the green traffic light window.

I think you're all thinking it was done on purpose rather than the team just doing some clever marketing and spinning the standard manufacturing process :slight_smile: . We understand that since the 1st pre built hub C5 the processor and ram have not changed that was a while ago. I would not be surprised if the older chips were becoming obsolete or more expensive than a updated newer one. It could have just been a round of rationalization?


8 posts were split to a new topic: Z-Wave Repeater Discussion

It's not impossible the zwave / zigbee network itself could be blame but what Im saying is a bit different and based on my 25+ years of experience building large hardware systems. I've found code is always buggy. Debugging time is limited and throwing faster CPUs at almost any problem gives developers of larger systems more runway to work with. Also note, we don't get much in the terms event driven logs, or time series data in Hubitat design so we're both making personal experience judgment calls with limited data. I do believe faster CPUs are always a good thing for all product lines.


My C8 has been rock solid. I had issues at first due to a bad migration (partly impatience, partly now clearly communicated how the migration should have been done). Once I got that ironed out and my meshes rebuilt (which really needed to happen anyway) I have had Zero issues.


I lost track keeping with this thread so pardon my excuses.

So faster reboot time....on the Pro

Any other "noticeable" differences / improvements between the 2 models ?

I am on the fence getting the C8 Pro
I currently have C8

Thankyou in advance

Faster CPU, more memory. Former is noticable. Latter may be important, if you run a combination of stuff that likes to munch memory. Better to fix memory problems, but having a ton of it may be enough "fix" in some cases.

I'd say if you aren't having any significant issues and don't need/want a second hub to split up your devices, wait for the C9. Being on the bleeding edge is more fun, the C8-Pro is very nice, but just another version of the C8.


Thanks :blush:

C8-Pro shaves off around 50-100ms on motion-sensor based lighting turning on. That alone is worth it if you use a lot of motion sensor lighting.


Has anyone noticed any difference (improvement?) to how z-wave packets are handled on the C8 Pro when there's a lot going on (e.g., arriving home and turning 60-80 lights on at once)? I'm wondering if the faster CPU is able to handle interrupts from the z-wave radio any faster?

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I just don't see how it would make a difference. Z-wave is 100kbps. What you're dealing with is the Z-wave mesh being overload. The CPU on a C8 wouldn't break a sweat even if it were managing 100 Z-wave networks at the same time.


Yup. Sorry, it came across way more negative than I intended. FOMO is my own problem.


Hub Mesh still works. I also has a Wi-Fi 7 Mesh with a Hubitat on each router. I also added a wired 2.5 GB backplane between the two. I think I will want for a C-9 with 4GB and 4 GHz or WiFi 7 with multiconnect.

My C-7 is definitely slow, I added one now that Hub Mesh came along but I still can get but delays depending on the function/app being used. Eh, I think I might wait for C-9 Pro. I am not convinced it would help much. I actually have a third C-7 not in use. It was mistake by me. I accidentally ordered from 2 sources.

The C-8 supports the 800 chipset in hardware, so you may get the functions in a upgraded C-7 but it is not clear you would get LR like in a C-8. Apps should have less delays but I have not tested the Pro yet. I was able to get my Sana WiFI switch and dimmer working but using their app on my phone and then putting the IP addresses into the Hubitat app. I have WiFi 7 (Meshed) so whatever old tech the C-8 is using is useless to me.

I bought a C7 pretty early on possibly 2020 I think?
I have found the device performance is way better now than a couple of years ago, I'm able to run loads of apps and devices spread across two C7's.

I put HTML into temperature fields in my apps to create more complex tiles.


this works fine nowadays, but didn't a couple of years ago


Any word as to when the C9, or better yet, C9 Pro might be released? Also, as long as I'm asking for predictions, what enhancements are being targeted?

btw, how can I tell whether I have a C8 or a C8 Pro, without having to physically look at the hub itself.