C8 Migration Hue Motion Sensors not working [Solved] (hub replacement)

Well... I reverted to .115 (only one that was available to me), tried to re-pair the ikea blind, and here's what I got. Never was able to make the blind work. Tomorrow I will be migrating my blinds and any other devices that fall off back to a C7. Not ideal but my patience and faith are about done.

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From what I understand it is not missing you, especially after you dumped your C7 for the C8 like it was yesterday's lettuce. :wink:


Good point. I should never have migrated. I was seduced by shiny object syndrome and should have known better.


And as an IT professional I should have been warned by the lack of a blackout plan. The rollback to C7 is ugly and very manual - at least on zigbee. Shame on me for letting myself be beguiled.


I blame myself...my "UPGRADE UPGRADE UPGRADE NOW!!!" brain waves must have seeped over into your consciousness. Apologies... :man_bowing:


Z-Wave rules!

So... after taking two hubs to .117 and setting them side by side (but on different zigbee channels) one can include devices like it's going out of style. The other - my original migration hub - cannot. It is on channel 20, which is the channel I started on 3 years ago.

I'm now going to migrate the original hub - the one having issues - to another C8 and see what happens.

Hue Exterior motion on C8 that had been working for many days on .110 stopped working after .117 (skipped .113). Rolling back to .110 on C8 and moving all my C8 Hue sensors to Hue hub to be used in Apple Home. My C5 is on .105 and all the C5 Hue motions function normally and have for years. Enough is enough.

Just about three days; new personal best.


What I said in another post the release of C8 is and was not ready and now we all have to find other ways to make this work as before! It is very difficult for most folks to spend hours and hours to fix what we can’t resolve with out a good software update

We understand there will be bugs but this is notable issues that should have been backward compatible!

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After much trial and tribulation and a few hub migrations I have my original C8 configuration on a new hub on channel 20 and next to it another C8 on channel 25. The original configuration on the new hub cannot include zigbee devices - they either get stuck on initializing if they are a new device or they re-pair an existing device but that device is not functional. On the new C8 on channel 25 I can pair new devices and re-pair old devices and both work fine. Both hubs are on .117. My original pre-migration C7 was on channel 20.

Have any of you seen anything under Child Data?

I haven't seen anything there for the last three days since .117.
My problem outdoor Hue motion hasn't dropped during that time either.
I'm figuring if I see something under Child Data, it's not a good sign.

What happens if you turn off the hub running zigbee on channel 25, set the original migration hub to channel 25? If that does not solve anything one has to wonder if there is something wrong with the original migration process :confused:

I’m happy to report that after migrating my ikea blinds and a handful of other Zigbee devices back to my C7 yesterday….they are all working flawlessly the last 24hrs.

I wish there was an easier way to do it but it was worth it. After 3 weeks with the C8 I almost forgot what it was like for everything to just work correctly

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That's a good thought and I did think of that - maybe I should. But my main Hue hub is on channel 25 and I would like to keep them separate. I could move one of them to channel 15...

As my zigbee mesh slowly rebuilds after this latest migration I noticed something odd... this sensor is not line powered and is not a repeating device yet it shows up looking like one.

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Alternatively, shutdown the original migration hub and set the other hub (you say is on 25) to 20. I am trying to eliminate channel 20 as a cause for problems. I'd be surprised if it was and I am more suspicious of the migration itself.

Whats a mystery to me is why only some have these issues and other not. I removed my Hue sensors but anything else works fine. I can add/remove/re-add zigbee devices to my hearts content and I am using channel 20.

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Yeah I agree but it all worked fine on the C7. I've also been around the house with a spectrum analyzer to validate that there is nothing interfering with channel 20, and there doesn't appear to be. It's clear of my APs. And I can fire up another C7 (not the original one) on channel 20 and include things just fine.

If I understand correctly, you have migrated your original C7 to both hubs?? Each one caused issues after migration but worked fine right out of the box???

No... it's a long and sordid tale. Originally I migrated my C7 to a C8 oh, say, 6 or 7 weeks ago now. I had problems with both zigbee and z-wave so I got a 2nd hub just to eliminate a hardware problem and migrated from the original C8 to the second C8. Maybe 5 weeks ago. Same issues on both zigbee and z-wave. So this morning I though gee you know the only thing I haven't tried is a brand new hub with a new set of stock antennas, so I migrated from the 2nd C8 to a third one an hour or so.

Zigbee network right now is almost completely inoperative. Hopefully it will come back. Z-wave is looking OK but that generally takes a couple days to fully recover.

And yeah I have the migration method down pretty good at this point :slight_smile: Not to mention a stack of hubs!

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