C8 Migration Hue Motion Sensors not working [Solved] (hub replacement)

Aaaaaand I had an Ikea blind fall off... those have been stable for 6 weeks. Not anymore!

Thank you for the Hue Motion Sensor update hack. I had 3 that I had totally given up on ever getting updated. I moved them about 1 foot from the hub, changed the driver to the Hue Button, Saved, then updated.

Takes about 40 minutes per sensor using my C4 on with perhaps 1 or more failures per sensor between 30 and 40%. Update restart picks up about where it left off. When done reset the driver, save, then I configure for good luck.

Error that's killing the update
Firmware update for [name:Master Bedroom Motion/Temp/Lux, manufacturer:Philips, imageFileName:100B-010D-42006BB7, fileVersion:42006BB7] failed, the device doesn't support wildcard file parameters, or the request is malformed, try moving the device closer to the Hub.

What FW did it update to?

Mine are both on the same FW, below:


It was/is faster to remove them from Hubitat, include them in the Hue hub and update that way. Now that they are there that is where they will stay for now.

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One of my points was that I got that message, with the fileversion, etc, using the button driver when I had the device near the hub. When I put it next to a Centralite plug, that I knew was a good repeater, it updated great. All my other indoor hue motions, at a distance from the hub, and so, going through a repeater, updated great with no retries. The one I retried was in a freezer.

I have one device remaining and will try it next to a solid repeater, Current update is needing numerous restarts

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Just finished updating the last of my nine Hue motions.
The problematic one is an outdoor motion, although I did have one indoor drop.

Just had a smart things motion sensor drop offline. That’s a first.

Update: At least once a day, all Zigbee devices now stop working. There is nothing in the logs.

I'm going to give this update a big thumbs down. At least before only my Hue sensors were dropping.

Edit: Rebooting the Zigbee radio brings everything back up. Something is not going well with this update. I may need to roll back.

Yeah you right! Perfect inplace update through a solid repeater. Please remember this is with a C4, so there seems something odd with Hue Motions that are direct connected to the hub.

I've never tried just rebooting the Zigbee radio.

There's something about a direct hub connection that doesn't agree with it.

Aaaaand just had a Sengled outlet fail. Love sitting in the dark missing my C7.

Can rebooting the radio bring it back?

I have not upgraded to .117 it sounds as if I shouldn’t man this is getting a bit out of hand, I am still on .113.

Think I will wait on this one.

Didn’t help me, seems almost like it made things worse.


And I lost another Ikea blind. Can't get this one to re-pair.

I have not upgraded to .117 it sounds as if I shouldn’t man this is getting a bit out of hand, I am still on .113.

Think I will wait on this one.

I started the update to .117 and chickened out. First time I've hit the cancel update button.