C7 Problems Drove Me Crazy

True. It gets populated at first communication between the hub and the device, which for battery devices could be many days!


Well, seems odd that all these devices work and were very near (10-15 ft) the hub when included.
Looks like there may be a delay. All but two now have routes. One is a motion sensor (battery powered) The other is one of the most recent adds. I think I will just stop looking at the zwave details so much. :upside_down_face:

Don't stop. You want a healthy mesh. You can try waking the device up by pressing the button that usually on them. See if they then show route.

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Oh, I won't stop. Just glad I got the information. By the way all the devices that had no route now do. It must be a time thing like others here have said. I'm scared of ghosts. :grimacing:

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Post your updated z-wave details page and lets see how everything looks :slight_smile:

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Here is the first few devices. Did not get all of them in the pic. There are a total of 39 devices. All have routes now. I still have 20 devices on my C5 that will have to be transferred when I am certain that this hub is looking good. All my outside lights and my water sensors are on the C5. Not looking forward to getting under the toilets and sinks. :rofl:

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Does it cause ghosts if you force remove a device?

Yes. Force remove should be avoided.


Looking way better! But it would be good if you could exclude those two S0 motion sensors, and pair them with no security! Especially if they report a lot of events.

What brand/model of motion sensors are those that are paired as s0? (Not zooz I hope) Rest looks really good


Actually yes they are Zooz 4 in 1. Is that a problem? I have quite a few of them. Well 4. I have other motion sensors that are Zigbee. They are less expensive but I have had the Zooz ones for quite a while.



I do not know about s0 but these seem to work fine. They turn on my kitchen scene and garage lights. Also stair lights for my dog when he gets up in the middle of the night to go pee.

They eventually will overwhelm your mesh because S0 is incredibly chatty with them and that doesn't play well with the 700 series chip... (That's the simple version) You can use them but they need paired using a secondary controller to pair them with no security. The new 700 series you can simply bypass encryption when you pair it.


I have had good luck with the Third Reality zigbee sensors. Uses triple a batteries. Which I keep a lot of rechargeable ones around. Might try replacing the Zooz slowly and see how that works.

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AS far as the Zooz motion sensor, there is no way to include them on the C7 without security? I don't think I was ask when I included them.

Not the original (500-series) sensor, no. It always asks to pair securely if the hub does, and the C-7 will always ask because the official Silcon Labs Z-Wave SDK that the C-7 hub uses does not provide a way for the user to select. And because this sensor only supports S0, that is what it will pair as. With S2, which the new 700-series sensor supports, you will get prompted to accept or reject. Would be great if Zooz released new firmware that made a separate non-secure inclusion method to avoid this issue (or if SiLabs changed their mind) ... but a secondary controller can work around it.


A secondary controller is an investment in time and money. Not much money but a lot of time to download the pieces then install them as necessary to get it ready to go.

For this reason I'll suggest you leave them on the C5 where no security is easy to do.. then use Hub Mesh to mirror them onto your C7 where they will work in all your automations.

Then, when you have an excess of time, tackle the secondary controller option and get them migrated.


Great idea. I am down to 3. I might try one of the Zooz S2 if that is the way to go.

I want to thank everyone here for all the info. Learned a lot and it is hard to teach an old dog new tricks. I do think I have every switch and other device include/exclude procedures memorized after about 10 times. (might have to look at instructions sometimes) Going to try to get rid of zwave only devices and go to all zwave plus. Actually tried hub mesh that csteele suggested. Worked with one motion sensor. will attempt more tomorrow.
Again thanks.