C7 Problems Drove Me Crazy

Some how I got a ghost when including all my outside lights this morning and have tried all the suggestions on how to get rid of it. Still there. I ordered one of the UZB sticks for the future.
Any ideas? Remove does not work.

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Amazing to me that we have to buy other hardware to fix this. Somebody at HE has to be smart enough to fix this problem. Sorry to vent but this is ridiculous. All my includes went well this morning and everything works. I am getting close to going to Home Assistant. I know it is a lot of work but the time I have spent this week is amazing. I have a Raspberry Pi sitting on my desk doing nothing.

My advice would be to see if "Logs" show anything when you try but also to consider waiting a day or so before you try again. Patience often helps a Z-Wave network more than anything. Second, while I think you're doing well to consider ghosts as you pair, they are no guarantee of a problem, just something you should try to avoid and certainly consider if there is.

It should be noted that Hubitat does not recommend using non-certified means to remove ghost (or any) nodes, which would include PC Controller--which you didn't mention but I assume is your plan with the stick. They would like to think that the built-in tools are sufficient, and, for the most, part, with newer hubs and up-to-date firmware, they are. :smiley: But there were unfortunately a few issues early on (I see you joined the forum in the early days of the C-7, so if that's when you set this network up, that could apply to you) that could cause corruption that sometimes causes hard-to-remove nodes like this, and my understanding is that the upgrades can't fix this, only make it less likely going forward (and definitely for brand new networks created with the new non-proprietary Z-Wave database format--both choices made by Silicon Labs, whose official SDK Hubitat is using). Anyway, it's possible you ran into one of those problems. Logs may give some clues, or again, waiting may help.

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Waiting is not a problem. I am someone who believes when you click on Remove that it will happen.. Obviously that is not the case. I went through all the steps people here have recommended with no success. I do have plenty of time on my hands and will probably try Home Assistant. I was thinking that HE was a fairly easy platform. Apparently I was wrong.

I understand the frustration you seem to be facing with Z-Wave (I also used an early C-7 and think it is a lot better now, but to get some of those benefits, you'd need to have started with a new database). You'll find quirks on any platform, just likely different ones. :smiley: This seems more like one of these than an "ease of use" thing to me.

But good luck with whatever you choose! Do note that most of these issues stem from the SiLabs Z-Wave SDK that Hubitat and likely some other certified 700-series Z-Wave controllers are using. If my suspicion is correct, Logs will show you the relevant information, often just whatever the SDK reports back. This is something I would check if you try again. (And on this note, ZWaveJS is probably what you'd be using on HASS. It's a DIY Z-Wave implementation, not from SiLabs, so your luck may be differentโ€”not saying better or worse!)

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Ok, I am very techie. Been doing HA since X10. I just find this hard to believe that the average person can deal with these issues. I had no problems with my C5 which I have had since 2019 but now converting to C7 has been a mess. I can deal with these issues but should other people with no tech background be able to., Probably not.

Again, why does a button called Remove not work. This is BS.

Can't say without knowing more. :slight_smile:


Really, so I have to look though logs to find out why Remove doesn't work? Again BS. There are thousands of lines in the log. Sorry but obviously you have no good answer to the question.
I click on Remove and nothing happens.

You do not need to sort through thousands of lines. Current Logs will show you things as they happen (with a fresh slate as of the time of opening), so it should suffice to open them right before trying again -- but if you have thousands of entries within the few seconds it will take you to hit "Remove" after that, then I can state with near certain confidence that your problems are due to other reasons. :smiley: You can also filter on the "Hub" entries if needed (it shows up as a filter option at the top like apps and devices do, though it's not exactly either), but I suspect you won't find that necessary.

I cannot answer why the Z-Wave SDK works the way it does; that is a question for Silicon Labs. Hubitat logs will, however, likely output whatever the SDK responds with, and no one can say anything for sure about your particular situation without that.


Live logs will give you some code or some indication of what is going on.

But really, if remove isn't working, just leave well enough alone. Remove probably will work in a few days or whenever the Silabs firmware recognizes that it is a dead node.


There are no entries in the live logs?

There are many entries in the logs. Like offic lamp off, etc etc. I don't know what you mean by live logs. when I got to zwave logs there is nothing.

Thanks for the time but I'm done with this. :You are blaming someone else's product. Then don't use it in your product. Again I do not understand why when you click on Remove it does nothing. Why have the button .

Hubitat is not "our" product. We are fellow users, just like you, trying to help other users.

Live logs, or current logs, are the default page you get when clicking Logs (though this is also where you can go to view Past Logs and similar tools). I would refresh this page just before you try so you only see new entries, which would soon normally be the response after trying a Z-Wave SDK operation. We are not talking about the Z-Wave Logs here, just regular hub logs.

It seems you've decided to move on, which is fine--just know that you'll have to look at logs there on occasion, too, and in my experience, the forums aren't quite as friendly or helpful. :smiley: (With all respect to everyone who tried the few times I asked when I tried to use it for a while...)


(To clarify, yes, it should work. Logs are your best clue since it apparently does not.)


Ok, I am on the logs page and under current logs I see reports from a couple of lamps saying they are off. They are off. good work logs. Now if you mean hub events there actually is some info there. like zigbee and zwave devices added. But I don't see how this helps.

And sorry for the assumption you had anything to do with HE.

No, I do mean "Current Logs." You will likely see an entry like:

sys:1 xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx.xxx Failed node 01 remove status: 0 SDK failure node is no longer in failed node list

Or one of various other codes/statuses and descriptions.

(The key is that instead of "app:xyz" or "dev:xyz," you'll see "sys:1" or "Hub" as the source.)

This is honestly unlikely be supremely useful unless you are familiar with the Z-Wave SDK, but some people here are, and it's again the best source of information you can get if this doesn't work.


Well you should have said it was in the Past Logs. not Current logs. I do see this
Failed node 2B remove status: 0 SDK failure node is no longer in failed node list

Time will tell.

It is likely because some device is still active, and the Z-wave radio is (mistakenly) thinking it is a real device that probably shouldn't be removed.

If we understood why the Z-wave radio worked the way it does, we would be rich and famous. It apparently can be touchy at times about what works and what does not.

I think you need to step away from this. Repeatedly pushing a button isn't working, so quit doing that! It either will resolve over time, or it just won't be an issue. Let the hub and the software do its thing for a couple days, and see if you can remove it later on IF it is causing an issue.

We have all been there with the quirks over some device or some app, and it doesn't help to work on it while frustrated. Take a break, and see if someone knows what that error means.