C7 fault

Updated zwave shown above. All ghosts removed.

Why do I have theses ghosts?

Do I have to reinstall or can I update from s0 to None

Because of failed pairings.

If you go to the device page and click on/off is it reflected in the attributes? If not, what driver is it using?

Please read this since you are new to hubitat

Not new to zWave I had 3 Vera hubs for over 10 years on two sites. They worked fine. They died of old age and I was recommended Hubitat.

I have not been able to get it to work properly.

I still have 1 Veraplus hub working and I am dreading it dying.

These are on different sites so no interference etc.

They all work sometimes but quite often I get the egg timer and they won't switch.

This is one of the new modules. It won't switch even from the device list at the moment.

This one won't switch at the moment.

Whats the make/model of the plug?

The plug is now working. Two above have now decided not to work.

The main modules I have are Fibaro Double switch FGS 223 (new ones)
and Fibaro Double switch FGS 221.

Use these drivers [as those aren't on the compatibility list...]

(Fibaro FGS-221 and FGS-223 - #7 by bobbles)

Thank you.


Have you updated your hub’s zwave radio firmware? This update is separate from hub platform updates.

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On your z-wave details screen do you have the z-wave firmware update button?

No I don’t have that button.

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That means it's updated.


Oh if the configure button is there after you install those drivers click it...