[DEPRECATED]TuyaHubitat - (jinvoo, smart life, tuya smart - switches only)

Ah. Thank you.

That's me misunderstanding how White bulb dimming is supposed to work. I had it so that if you were in white mode, the setLevel command (with a zero second transition period) would do brightness.

If there's a separate function for light level, then so be it.

Actually... I've read the capability guide (Driver Capability List - Hubitat Documentation), and it's completely unclear to me how dimmable (but not colorControlable) bulbs are supposed to work. My assumption from looking at other drivers, is that it's the 'switchLevel' capability, which gives us a brightness.

However... your interface is nicer, so barring somebody coming back and telling us both that we've misunderstood how dimming is supposed to work... I'll merge your changes and we'll call that a win. Good stuff.

-- Jules

1 Like

@JulesT I updated the driver to include CW WW ability for Bulbs that have this ability

Here is the adjusted code.

 *  Copyright 2016 Eric Maycock & Jules Taplin
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 *  Sonoff Wifi Switch
 *  Author: Eric Maycock (erocm123)
 *  Date: 2016-06-02

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.util.XmlSlurper

metadata {
	definition (name: "Tasmota RGBW Bulb", namespace: "uk.org.ourhouse", author: "Jules Taplin") {
        //capability "Actuator"
		capability "Switch"
		//capability "Refresh"
		capability "ColorControl"
		capability "ColorMode"
		capability "ColorTemperature"
		capability "Light"
		capability "Switch"
		capability "SwitchLevel"
		//capability "Sensor"
        //capability "Configuration"
        //capability "Health Check"

        //command "reboot"

        attribute   "needUpdate", "string"
        attribute   "uptime", "string"
        attribute   "ip", "string"
		attribute	"level", "number" //added by damondins

	simulator {
    preferences {
        input description: "Once you change values on this page, the corner of the \"configuration\" icon will change orange until all configuration parameters are updated.", title: "Settings", displayDuringSetup: false, type: "paragraph", element: "paragraph"
	preferences {		section("Sonoff Host") {
            input(name: "ipAddress", type: "string", title: "IP Address", displayDuringSetup: true, required: true)
			input(name: "TWlow", type: "string", title: "Tuneable White Low Level", displayDuringSetup: true, required: false)
			input(name: "TWhigh", type: "string", title: "Tuneable White High Level", displayDuringSetup: true, required: false)
	//tileAttribute ("device.level", key: "SLIDER_CONTROL") {
    //    attributeState "level", action:"setLevel"
 	tiles (scale: 2){
		multiAttributeTile(name:"switch", type: "generic", width: 6, height: 4, canChangeIcon: true){
			tileAttribute ("device.switch", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL") {
				attributeState "on", label:'${name}', action:"switch.off", backgroundColor:"#00a0dc", icon: "st.switches.switch.on", nextState:"turningOff"
				attributeState "off", label:'${name}', action:"switch.on", backgroundColor:"#ffffff", icon: "st.switches.switch.off", nextState:"turningOn"
				attributeState "turningOn", label:'${name}', action:"switch.off", backgroundColor:"#00a0dc", icon: "st.switches.switch.off", nextState:"turningOff"
				attributeState "turningOff", label:'${name}', action:"switch.on", backgroundColor:"#ffffff", icon: "st.switches.switch.on", nextState:"turningOn"

		standardTile("refresh", "device.switch", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
			state "default", label:"", action:"refresh.refresh", icon:"st.secondary.refresh"
        valueTile("ip", "ip", width: 2, height: 1) {
    		state "ip", label:'IP Address\r\n${currentValue}'
        valueTile("uptime", "uptime", width: 2, height: 1) {
    		state "uptime", label:'Uptime ${currentValue}'


             "ip", "uptime"])

def installed() {
	log.debug "installed()"

def configure() {
    logging("configure()", 1)
    def cmds = []
    cmds = update_needed_settings()
    cmds << getAction("/info")
    if (cmds != []) cmds

def updated()
    logging("updated()", 1)
    def cmds = []
    cmds = update_needed_settings()
    sendEvent(name: "checkInterval", value: 2 * 15 * 60 + 2 * 60, displayed: false, data: [protocol: "lan", hubHardwareId: device.hub.hardwareID])
    sendEvent(name:"needUpdate", value: device.currentValue("needUpdate"), displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
    if (cmds != []) cmds

private def logging(message, level) {
    if (logLevel != "0"){
    switch (logLevel) {
       case "1":
          if (level > 1)
             log.debug "$message"
       case "99":
          log.debug "$message"

def parse(description) {
    def events = []
    def msg = parseLanMessage(description)
    def descMap = parseDescriptionAsMap(description)
    def body

    if (descMap["mac"] != null && (!state.mac || state.mac != descMap["mac"])) {
		log.debug "Mac address of device found ${descMap["mac"]}"
        state.mac = descMap["mac"]

    if (state.mac != null && state.dni != state.mac) state.dni = setDeviceNetworkId(state.mac)
    if (descMap["body"]) body = new String(descMap["body"].decodeBase64())

    if (body && body != "") {

    if(body.startsWith("{") || body.startsWith("[")) {
    def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
    def result = slurper.parseText(body)

    log.debug "result: ${result}"

    if (result.containsKey("type")) {
        if (result.type == "configuration")
            events << update_current_properties(result)
    if (result.containsKey("power")) {
        events << createEvent(name: "switch", value: result.power)
    if (result.containsKey("uptime")) {
        events << createEvent(name: "uptime", value: result.uptime, displayed: false)
    if (result.containsKey("deviceType")) {
        state.type = result.deviceType
    } else {
        //log.debug "Response is not JSON: $body"

    if (!device.currentValue("ip") || (device.currentValue("ip") != getDataValue("ip"))) events << createEvent(name: 'ip', value: getDataValue("ip"))

    return events

def parseDescriptionAsMap(description) {
	description.split(",").inject([:]) { map, param ->
		def nameAndValue = param.split(":")

        if (nameAndValue.length == 2) map += [(nameAndValue[0].trim()):nameAndValue[1].trim()]
        else map += [(nameAndValue[0].trim()):""]

def on() {
	log.debug "on()"
    def cmds = []
	sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "on");
    cmds << getAction("Power%20On")
    return cmds

def off() {
    log.debug "off()"
	def cmds = []
	sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "off");
    cmds << getAction("Power%20Off")
    return cmds

def refresh() {
	log.debug "refresh()"
    def cmds = []
    cmds << getAction("info")
    cmds << getAction("status")
    return cmds

def ping() {
    log.debug "ping()"

//changed 1/29/2019 by damondins
def setColorTemperature(value)
	state.colorMode = "CT"
	sendEvent(name: "colorMode", value: "CT");
	log.debug "ColorTemp = " + value
	def intvalue = value.toInteger()
	def intTWlow = TWlow.toInteger()
	def intTWhigh = TWhigh.toInteger()
	def kelvindiff = intTWhigh - intTWlow
	def tasmotadiff = 348
	def kelvinscale = kelvindiff / tasmotadiff
	kelvinscale = Math.round(kelvinscale)
	convertedvalue =  intvalue / kelvinscale
	flipvalue = 153 + (500 - convertedvalue) 
	flipvalue = Math.round(flipvalue)
	if (flipvalue < 153) {
		sendEvent(name: "Temp", value: 153);
		cmds << getAction("CT%20" + 153);
	} else if (flipvalue > 500) {
		sendEvent(name: "Temp", value: 500);
		cmds << getAction("CT%20" + 500);
	} else {
		sendEvent(name: "Temp", value: value);
		cmds << getAction("CT%20" + flipvalue);

//added by damondins
def setLevel(value) {
	sendEvent(name: "level", value: value);
	cmds << getAction("Dimmer%20" + value);

def setColor(value) {
	log.debug "HSVColor = "+ value
	   if (value instanceof Map) {
        def h = value.containsKey("hue") ? value.hue : null
        def s = value.containsKey("saturation") ? value.saturation : null
        def b = value.containsKey("level") ? value.level : null
    	setHsb(h, s, b)
    } else {
        log.warn "Invalid argument for setColor: ${value}"

def setHsb(h,s,b)
	log.debug("setHsb - ${h},${s},${b}")
	myh = h*4
	if( myh > 360 ) { myh = 360 }
	hsbcmd = "hsbcolor+${myh},${s},${b}"
	log.debug "Cmd = ${hsbcmd}"
	state.hue = h
	state.saturation = s
	state.level = b
	state.colorMode = "RGB"
	sendEvent(name: "hue", value: h);
    sendEvent(name: "saturation", value: s);
	sendEvent(name: "level", value: b);
	sendEvent(name: "colorMode", value: "RGB");


def setHue(h)

def setLevel(v,duration)
	if(state.colorMode == "RGB") {
		state.level = v
		sendEvent(name: "level", value: v);

def setSaturation(s)

private getAction(uri){
  def userpass
  def response
  if(password != null && password != "")
      userpass = encodeCredentials("admin", password)

  def headers = getHeader(userpass)

  def params = [
    uri: "http://${getHostAddress()}/ax?c1=${uri}",
    headers: headers
	log.debug "http://${getHostAddress()}/ax?c1=${uri}"
  httpGet(params) { resp ->
    response = resp.data

  return parseResponse(response)

private postAction(uri, data){
  def userpass
  def response
  if(password != null && password != "")
      userpass = encodeCredentials("admin", password)

  def headers = getHeader(userpass)

  def params = [
    uri: "http://${getHostAddress()}${uri}",
    headers: headers

  httpPost(params) { resp ->
    response = resp.data


private setDeviceNetworkId(ip, port = null){
    def myDNI
    if (port == null) {
        myDNI = ip
    } else {
  	    def iphex = convertIPtoHex(ip)
  	    def porthex = convertPortToHex(port)
        myDNI = "$iphex:$porthex"
    log.debug "Device Network Id set to ${myDNI}"
    return myDNI

private updateDNI() {
    if (state.dni != null && state.dni != "" && device.deviceNetworkId != state.dni) {
       device.deviceNetworkId = state.dni

private getHostAddress() {
    if (override == "true" && ipAddress != null && ipAddress != ""){
        return "${ipAddress}:80"
    else if(getDeviceDataByName("ipAddress") && getDeviceDataByName("port")){
        return "${getDeviceDataByName("ipAddress")}:${getDeviceDataByName("port")}"
	    return "${ipAddress}:80"

private String convertIPtoHex(ipAddress) {
    String hex = ipAddress.tokenize( '.' ).collect {  String.format( '%02x', it.toInteger() ) }.join()
    return hex

private String convertPortToHex(port) {
	String hexport = port.toString().format( '%04x', port.toInteger() )
    return hexport

private encodeCredentials(username, password){
	def userpassascii = "${username}:${password}"
    def userpass = "Basic " + userpassascii.bytes.encodeBase64().toString()
    return userpass

private getHeader(userpass = null){
    def headers = [:]
    headers.put("Host", getHostAddress())
    headers.put("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
    if (userpass != null)
       headers.put("Authorization", userpass)
    return headers

def reboot() {
	log.debug "reboot()"
    def uri = "/reboot"

def sync(ip, port) {
    def existingIp = getDataValue("ip")
    def existingPort = getDataValue("port")
    if (ip && ip != existingIp) {
        updateDataValue("ip", ip)
        sendEvent(name: 'ip', value: ip)
    if (port && port != existingPort) {
        updateDataValue("port", port)

def generate_preferences(configuration_model)
    def configuration = new XmlSlurper().parseText(configuration_model)

        if(it.@hidden != "true" && it.@disabled != "true"){
            case ["number"]:
                input "${it.@index}", "number",
                    title:"${it.@label}\n" + "${it.Help}",
                    range: "${it.@min}..${it.@max}",
                    defaultValue: "${it.@value}",
                    displayDuringSetup: "${it.@displayDuringSetup}"
            case "list":
                def items = []
                it.Item.each { items << ["${it.@value}":"${it.@label}"] }
                input "${it.@index}", "enum",
                    title:"${it.@label}\n" + "${it.Help}",
                    defaultValue: "${it.@value}",
                    displayDuringSetup: "${it.@displayDuringSetup}",
                    options: items
            case ["password"]:
                input "${it.@index}", "password",
                    title:"${it.@label}\n" + "${it.Help}",
                    displayDuringSetup: "${it.@displayDuringSetup}"
            case "decimal":
               input "${it.@index}", "decimal",
                    title:"${it.@label}\n" + "${it.Help}",
                    range: "${it.@min}..${it.@max}",
                    defaultValue: "${it.@value}",
                    displayDuringSetup: "${it.@displayDuringSetup}"
            case "boolean":
               input "${it.@index}", "boolean",
                    title:"${it.@label}\n" + "${it.Help}",
                    defaultValue: "${it.@value}",
                    displayDuringSetup: "${it.@displayDuringSetup}"

 /*  Code has elements from other community source @CyrilPeponnet (Z-Wave Parameter Sync). */

def update_current_properties(cmd)
    def currentProperties = state.currentProperties ?: [:]
    currentProperties."${cmd.name}" = cmd.value

    if (settings."${cmd.name}" != null)
        if (settings."${cmd.name}".toString() == cmd.value)
            sendEvent(name:"needUpdate", value:"NO", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
            sendEvent(name:"needUpdate", value:"YES", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
    state.currentProperties = currentProperties

def update_needed_settings()
    def cmds = []
    def currentProperties = state.currentProperties ?: [:]

    def configuration = new XmlSlurper().parseText(configuration_model())
    def isUpdateNeeded = "NO"

    cmds << getAction("/configSet?name=haip&value=${device.hub.getDataValue("localIP")}")
    cmds << getAction("/configSet?name=haport&value=${device.hub.getDataValue("localSrvPortTCP")}")

        if ("${it.@setting_type}" == "lan" && it.@disabled != "true"){
            if (currentProperties."${it.@index}" == null)
                if (it.@setonly == "true"){
                    logging("Setting ${it.@index} will be updated to ${it.@value}", 2)
                    cmds << getAction("/configSet?name=${it.@index}&value=${it.@value}")
                } else {
                    if (it.@index == "externaltype") {
                        if(state.type != "Sonoff S20") {
                            isUpdateNeeded = "YES"
                            logging("Current value of setting ${it.@index} is unknown", 2)
                            cmds << getAction("/configGet?name=${it.@index}")
                        } else {
                            log.debug "Sonoff S20 does not support externatype configuration"
                    } else {
                        isUpdateNeeded = "YES"
                        logging("Current value of setting ${it.@index} is unknown", 2)
                        cmds << getAction("/configGet?name=${it.@index}")
            else if ((settings."${it.@index}" != null || it.@hidden == "true") && currentProperties."${it.@index}" != (settings."${it.@index}"? settings."${it.@index}".toString() : "${it.@value}"))
                isUpdateNeeded = "YES"
                logging("Setting ${it.@index} will be updated to ${settings."${it.@index}"}", 2)
                cmds << getAction("/configSet?name=${it.@index}&value=${settings."${it.@index}"}")

    sendEvent(name:"needUpdate", value: isUpdateNeeded, displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
    return cmds

def parseResponse(description) {
	//log.debug "Parsing: ${description}"
	//return 				// DISABLED FOR NOW!
    def events = []
    def result = description
    log.debug "result: ${result}"
    if (result != []){
    if (result.containsKey("type")) {
        if (result.type == "configuration")
            events << update_current_properties(result)
    if (result.containsKey("power")) {
        events << createEvent(name: "switch", value: result.power)
    if (result.containsKey("uptime")) {
        events << createEvent(name: "uptime", value: result.uptime, displayed: false)
    if (result.containsKey("deviceType")) {
        state.type = result.deviceType

    if (!device.currentValue("ip") || (device.currentValue("ip") != getDataValue("ip"))) events << createEvent(name: 'ip', value: getDataValue("ip"))
    events.each {
    return events

def configuration_model()
<Value type="text" index="ip" label="IP Address" setting_type="preference"></Value>
<Value type="list" index="logLevel" label="Debug Logging Level?" value="0" setting_type="preference" fw="">
    <Item label="None" value="0" />
    <Item label="Reports" value="1" />
    <Item label="All" value="99" />
1 Like

Any updates on TuyOTA?
Just anxious to get the "Chinese Embassy", as my friend calls these devices, out of the house.

Started using a different one. Here is the link. One or the other has done all of my devices.


1 Like

Thanks, I'll look into it.

Ha I had not seen this one before. Just got tasmota running a single plug. LOL persistence pays I suppose.

And have a driver working with hubitat. Seems to work well.

@damon.dinsmore - You see any strange behavior with the led's? On this device it just flashes constantly. Or does nothing depending on what settings I use. Just curious if this is known behavior.

1 Like

OK I think I should warn everyone following. I pulled apart the powerstrip I bricked just to have a look. Found one of the receptacles to be melted inside the unit.

There was never any indication something might be off before I bricked it. Kinda scary to see. I do not think I will be keeping any of these devices around.

1 Like


1 Like

OK Damon. Thanks for that. Don't think my bulbs support it, but good stuff regardless.

I've updated the github repository.

-- Jules

1 Like

Hey gang, I was able to flash my bulb using Tuya-Convert!

I used the RGBW driver, without entering the temperature ranges I got the following error:

groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.io.StringReader.containsKey() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [type] on line 543 (off)

My bulb is CW only so I thought it didn't apply. Just a note.

I also have a 3 relay outdoor outlet I would like to convert. Are there any switch drivers I can pick apart to see if I can add additional channels?


EDIT: Did this get moved to another Tasmota topic? I lost track... It should if not...

EDIT2: I wonder if this would be a good starting point:

This is awesome stuff. I am new to Hubitat and GitHub. After many hours of deliberation, I opted with a simple virtual switch and IFTTT. I use this for my Wemo dimmer as well. I named the virtual switch the same thing as my smartlife plug and have linked my smart life/ewink through IFTTT. I've also purchased a Geeni outlet. It is not on IFTT. Boo...

I am considering buying an emylo switch - can you please provide some details on how you flashed it OTA

There was an issue with TUYAota recently. Dr. Zzz posted a video about it.
I would hold off until you hear if the team figured out how to get around that issue.
I haven't heard.

1 Like

Does anyone know if I can control Brilliant smart plugs via Hubitat? They are made by Tuya as well.

Hey everyone, I have a SmartLife WiFi LED (which I understand uses Tuya on the back end), and a SmartLife Power Strip. Is there a good place I should start? This thread is massive. I would prefer a GitHub readme.md if possible.

I think the consensus here ended up deciding tuyaconvert was a better option.
I know there was an attempt by tuya to update the firmware so it will block the software.
I need to test if it still works myself.

Tuyaconvert loads tasmota on the device wirelessly.

FYI, there is a WEMO driver for Hubitat and it is working very well for me.

I can get some switches that are able to be flashed with tuya-convert. Have you managed to get a HE driver for tuya-convert switches?

See post 169 of this thread - it links to another thread with a driver in the first post.

I have been using this one for a few weeks with my Teckin SP10’s.

I had to modify the driver as described in the other thread since the SP10 is a single socket so would not handle the socket # being sent.

If you need more specifics on this let me know.

Just started using HE and was wondering if Tuya convert is the only way to accomplish? I just have the HE unit and don't have a RPi to host some kind of server which seems to be necessary after reading the entire thread. (or did I read it wrong?)

All I currently have are single socket switches that use the Smart Life app. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Or I could go the IFTTT route but I'm still learning this new platform. But I am not knowledgeable enough to attempt to perform any kind of firmware flashing.

Thank you.