[BETA]Tile Template Device Manager

Here is the log from the Template Device Manager

Did all of the steps. Still not working

Just found this:

Not sure what the error message pertains to

Error message is due to something I put in for debugging (and fat fingered), but the cause of your problem is now apparent. Looks like you're try to use a multi-device template with the single device app. Easy correction to the template is to remove the number and colon preceding the attribute name, i.e. <%714:power%> becomes <%power%>

I will try that. Thanks!

one question: how do you remove the number and colon?

It’s text file, download it and edit and then reupload is the way I usually do it.

Hi @thebearmay , quick question about usage guidelines for the app : when should I create a new instance of the app vs add slots to the current app?

In my current setup I have 9 templates on the same instance. Everything works except I've noticed the template assignments view can take a couple of minutes to load. Also when setting up new dashboard tiles I am struggling to remember which slot is for which device, so I keep the template assignment window open in a separate tab when working on the dashboard. Would it be possible to customize the slot names somehow?


The output device is coded to use 10 slots for this app, so when you exceed that you would need a new instance. Slot names have to be hard coded as they are attributes of the device. Might be able to add the ability to store a descriptive name to give you a visual cross reference if it would help.

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The provided example is a great starting point, but it would be great if someone could provide one that shows how to change the icons.

I managed to change the colors and size of the texts my matching the device value and the css id, but for the icons it looks like it a bit more tricky.

Any examples or suggestions?

Easiest way is to set up two classes based on the values expected, and change the background image based on that. A rough example:

<style>.mo-active{background-color:red; background-image: url(‘ http://hubIP/local/active.jpg’)}.mo-inactive{background-color:green;background-image: url(‘ http://hubIP/local/inactive.jpg’)}</style>
<div style='width:100%;' class= 'mo-<%motion%>' >
<div><p style='display:block;width:100%;'>&nbsp;<%motion%></p></div>
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Got my trunks on and about to take the plunge with this pair of awesome-sounding Template apps, but first have a procedural question:

Can the value of Hub Variables be used (directly) in building a Template? Or must they each be associated with a Variable Connector (device) in order to be accessed.

Mostly asking because I intend to use quite a few 'attributes' while trying my best to keep the number of virtual devices to a minimum.

I haven't added it...yet, but it would a simple add to do.

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That might be really cool (if I'm not the only one inquiring).

Meanwhile, is it fair to say that your Tile Template Generator app cannot "stand alone" in the sense that its templates must be further processed/animated through either the multi- or single-device version of Tile Template Device Manager app?

Correct. It was just a quick utility to get people started on the journey. :sunglasses:

And (final question, let's pray) is it correct to say that one must choose the Multi version (of the Manager app) if multiple devices' attributes are being incorporated into a given Template?

(Asking mainly because Generator seems perfectly happy to create such a multi-device template ... but I imagine only the Multi mgr app will appropriately watch for events on those devices.) If this is off-base, perhaps I've got the paradigm muddled in my mind.

Correct. That's where I'm going to add the Hub Variable logic also.

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Got myself all squared away nicely with the holy quaternity of Generator / Manager / Driver / Device installed on my hub. The default template (involving a table of attributes and their values) is present and Preview-able, as well as exportable via Maker API on the Device's "HTML" attribute, as expected.

Now, how does one go about editing said Template? I'd like to take it in a different direction than just a Table, and I sense that I'm missing a key step to make the needed changes. (Will now re-read and search Topic for clues... I believe this is the suggested edit method.)

It's an editable text file, so just download, edit and upload to the File Manager.

Edit: I see you found where I said that up above :sunglasses:

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Done, although I'm bumping into an unexpected mismatch between what I pasted into the HTML text file:

<style>p{font-size:30;padding:10;color:green;background-color:<%604:variable%>;border:10 solid <%605:variable%>;}</style><p>

and what is showing up in the template Preview:

<style>p{font-size:30;padding:10;color:green;background-color:<%604:variable%>;border:10 solid <%605:variable%>;}</style><p>

(I hard-returned before the <b> tag so you can spot the difference in the 2nd line, namely the angle brackets around the merge_key 606 are being dropped somehow.) Which means the literal string %606:variable% appears in the finished – and otherwise looking-as-expected – HTML render, instead of that variables value.

This has the knock-on effect of Template Manager ignoring the need for Device #606 to be included or watched. It only demands Devices #604 and #605 now (though I included #606 already anyway).

Is HE maybe stripping something during the upload (to File Manager) process?

Going to need to study this, but File Manager doesn't look at what's uploaded.

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