No they can be connected to HE directly
The best that I have by far are the Xiaomi sensors with the mod never dropped offline and I have no repeaters so presumably no mesh
Since posting I ended.up buying the FIBARO Motion Sensor Z-Wave. I installed them beginning of May in my fowler which is heavy usage and have not changed the battery yet.
They respond and work great.
I wanted to work in using a lux sensor but never set it up.
But these are not cost efficient to put in ever room.
In security circles Visonic was known for breaking quality, reliability, security, non-falsing, and battery life barriers in wireless battery based sensors ( albeit all proprietary ).
They are now making ZigBee radioed devices (driven by a deal w/ Xfinity) which many of us have configured w/ Hubitat. Of course Visonic isn't the highly focused company it once was since being bought out by a big player.
Anyway, I'd bet their motion is as good as they get...but I don't have 1st hand experience w/ the ZigBee generation of their motion sensor(s). Their previous proprietary radio based sensors were rock solid.
Just wanted to add a note that the support offered by this forum and thread is simply AMAZING!
I come from Vera, and the Hubitat community is one of the reasons I switched.
That's the one I have in each of my bathrooms. Ceiling mounted so it can see the sink and shower area.
work well with battery life?
Supposed to be 3-5 year. No idea if that's true, but all mine are still on 100%.
I have two ceilings that are reporting 63% on three year old batteries, door contacts also three years old, 62%...
Curtain motions are 2.5 years old, reporting 100%...
I just (3 - 4 months ago) deployed 4 SmartThings multi-sensors and they seem to work great. Very fast.
Does anyone have a suggestion for current best motion sensor for HE? Looking for long battery life, fast response, price...
Zigbee or zwave?
One of those things is probably going to have to give -- kinda like the ol' "cheap, good, fast - pick any 2" customer-service adage.
Hue and NYCE would still be my top choices today.
I'm good with either Z-Wave or Zigbee
does Hue connect directly to the Hub? ...Or do you need the bridge?
Hue motion sensors are direct to hub and work very well in my experience. Downside is price...not inexpensive, but you can adjust their time-out settings directly, and sensitivity (at least w/outdoor I know that's true, I only have the outdoor version). They use larger batteries so battery life should be very good - I'm only a few months into having mine but still reading 100%.
You can also adjust the motion sensitivity on the indoor Hue Motion Sensors.