It doesn't report on motion but you can chose the change in level required to report as well as a fixed time interval.
Thanks ! I am in the market will check it out
I find the Hue Motion Sensors work amazingly well. They are instant response, not delayed like the multi-sense 6. I have had them for only about 2 Months, but my outdoor motion sensors From hue have been going strong for 1-½ years.
[fixed typos]
Update, it is now October, and my indoor motion sensors still report full battery, and have not given me any issues over the past 8 months
I forgot to ask , you use all this on HE right ? Just
This is the specific valve I bought/use in Hubitat:
There are many others that may work as well or better. Don't know, as this is the only one I've tried.
Do the Hue Motions Sensors need a Hue hub or can they plug directly into the HE?
They are only usable on Hubitat of paired directly to Hubitat. (However, you can still use them to manipulate Hurt devices when paired to Hue and thwn integrate those bulbs/groups into Hubitat if desired.) So, depending on your needs, you may want to pair it directly to Hubitat.
Cool, I'm looking to control my sengled bulbs and lutron switches through the Hubitat to turn on/off lights when motion is detected. Thanks!
Did not see this. I use[quote="chrismsales, post:67, topic:40054, full:true"]
Do the Hue Motions Sensors need a Hue hub or can they plug directly into the HE?
They work directly on HE. No need for a his hub. In fact, if you put them on the Hue hub, they are useless to HE.
You said “no need for a hub” but I think you meant “no need for a Hue hub”.
SmartThings Contact sensor with DIY AA lithium batteries and IP66 enclosure just completed for driveway gate since I was annoyed of changing batteries too often ( usually during bad weather
Brilliant idea!
Hi Cobra
Thank you
I have to agree that there are much better options, unless you NEED all the various measurements. For motion/temp, there are cheaper, faster, more reliable, and battery-miser options out there.
Agree on the battery stuff. I still find myself swapping mine every 2-3 months. That being said, when I actually had them paired to my old ST hubs, they lasted 1-2 years. It's very platform-dependent.
I think this is a fluke or bad reporting by the device/driver. I find that on Hubitat, most of the time my devices are totally dead, but the last report shows 100% or something still relatively high.
I own about 15 of these MS6 and if I get more than 3 months I'm blown away. I keep a log of my battery replacements because it was so bad. They never had any battery life issues on ST, but immediately after moving over to HE. Working with Support, we could never figure out why. I've tried so many drivers, and just sort of gave up. I get my daily battery/activity alerts, and replace stuff almost daily between all my contact and motion sensors.
In terms of speed, I've not found anything quicker to react than my old school zigbee ST sensors. It's ever so delightful to enter the room and the light turns on before you could even reach the light switch. I try to combine MS6 and dumber motion sensors when I need a combination of 'skills.'
You might want to look into updating the firmware before you deploy these long-term.
For me personally, if the battery life could be improved, I'd be pretty happy with the MS6.
@bogdan.mail, would you share where you purchased the IP66 enclosure ?
Hi Guffman,
Sure. I have purchased the box from Jaycar (i.e. national hobby store network in Australia). I've purchased from the same shop the battery holder (I,e, 2xAA) and the AA lithium bateries
Please see the attached link for the enclosure details
However, this is not important since you may be able or not to access this particular shop in our area. Usually, I am recommending to everbody to take the sensor(s) that they like and grab the battery holder and do a test in the shop to decide what is working for you or not. Also, in most of the the cases you will need to work a little bit the box. For instance, I have used a soldering iron to take out any excess ribs any other excess from inside the box not allowing to install all the gear inside. I hope that is helping.
I haven't deployed it yet, unfortunately, the way I envisioned the project has changed slightly. I will need to find a use for it, because it was a little expensive (including the recessor) to have it sit in a box.
Plenty to choose from on Amazon if that's an option:
Its a very good sensor and works quickly with HE
I'm thinking about picking up some Hue motion sensors. Do I need a Hue hub to use them?