Auto Reboot

Any way to automatically cause the system to reboot like at 3:00 AM in the morning?

Yup. There's a nice little app in HPM that will schedule a reboot. But if you have to do daily reboots I'd say there's something else going on.


What @brad5 said. However, you don't need to install an app to reboot. You can also do it via Rule Machine, and set the trigger to be the time of your choice.

For the action, simply send an HTTP POST to:

Just to emphasize, that has to be an HTTP POST (and not the more common HTTP GET).


Does this work if Hub Login Security is enabled?

No harm in trying it out.

Should have mentioned that I have Hub Login Security enabled and neither:



No, it will not. You will need to generate a login cookie using your credentials, and use it during the HTTP POST action. This is most easily done using @dman2306's Hub Rebooter app, which is linked to below, and available via HPM.


Hi. I am hubitatally challenged. How do i get this app installed/loaded on my habitat? Thank you.

I would start with the following.

This video is a bit older, so probably less accurate than the documentation. But it does show the basic steps in an easy to understand way.


And you might look into installing Hubitat Package Manager as it will make it easier to find and install other user apps. [RELEASE] Hubitat Package Manager (HPM) -- HubitatCommunity


Thank you for showing the method. It took a bit of work to figure out all the input locations, but it appears to be working.

WHY? I run a 3rd party legacy automation system that can integrate with Hubitat. I was finding that from time to time Alexa access was lost, and I've tracked it to the Hubitat. When rebooted, Alexa is working well again. So, as a housekeeping action, a periodic reboot is called for. Daily may be excessive, but we'll start there and see how it works. I don't use Alexa at 3am in any case.


Thanks for this. I've had a similar situation that only started this year and I can't seem to track it down on my older HE. My sensors will go offline and unplugging the HE will get everything working again. It's as if there's a slow leak which will cause this to happen every couple of days. I've also paired down all of my apps to bare bones. The only things I can think might be related are some interactions with either the updated firmware with 3rd party Ikea drivers this year, but I still can't guarantee that's the issue. Another potential issue is that my HE is oversaturated with devices. It could be possible that newer hub firmware is causing this. I would love to hear other suggestions or ways to troubleshoot this.

So for now, this is a temporary solution.