Aqara FP2 released

Anyone had their FP2 not get passed the slow blue light step, which I believe it when it is connecting back to the Aqara servers?

EDIT - All good, restarting the router seemed to do the trick.

Hi all, I just want to check, does Chinese version/ not global version will work with C8? Appreciate your view on this

Ali Express Aqara FP2

Sounds exactly the same as the global version, except that you have to choose Mainland China for the region to set it up.

All communication should have the same limitation. HomeKit only, so you either have to connect it to a HomeKit Hub and use virtual switches in HomeKit automations to connect it to Hubitat, or you connect it to HomeKit Controller in Home Assistant and then use Home Assistant Device Bridge to get the zone state into Hubitat.

I’ve no clue whether they allow the Chinese version to operate with its internet blocked or not. Seems to me the safer bet is to get the global version if you can, because we know for sure that you can block the internet with those and still get zone status.


Just seen a firmware update notification.
Will update remotely again :grin:


My first reaction--

"Oh, great... Not only will we still get ghosts, but they will be optimized ghosts!"

Yes, I know, most likely not what they meant, due to bad translation.


Just tried the latest update.

Looks promising. Might have to dig these out of the drawer and put to use now.

Seems the ghost issue has dramatically improved on my test device. I still get an occasional ghost but it quickly disappears. However I’m no longer seeing a party of ghosts. I’ve only tested for about 5 minutes or so—-but every prior update was completely unusable within seconds due to the house party my ghosts were having.

Seems some Aqara devs have maybe put in some late night hours on this one.

More testing and still working nicely to my surprise. First time I've been excited since buying these---I have 3. I'm still holding my breath tho expecting those ghosts to popup and stick around any minute but so far so good. I just can't believe it's working after being let down so many times and for so long. Fingers crossed this one is it.

Oh My God Wow GIF


I updated two my FP2 sensors (up to now being absolutely useless) with latest firmware. Quick testing is very promising. It looks like finally these toys could become useful. I still need to adjust zones and sensitivity parameters. It is still to early to claim a victory but so far so good. My integration with HE is via HA + HomeKit controller +HADB.

Anyone have ghosts still show up in interference sources? Even after the latest fp2 firmware update?

I have seen an occasional ghost on one (in the master bath), but not on the one in the open in the main part of the house. My take is that the reflections are causing it, but sporadically.

As an aside, are we any closer to somebody doing a driver for this device in Hubitat? I'm still setting virtual devices in HomeKit, which works, but it's kind of a pain, plus I'd like access to the light sensor, which just blows goats in HomeKit, since I can't get it to report levels.

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That would make sense where I have seen them as well, likely reflections off the TV and a glass sliding door.

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My stainless steel fridge is a ghost generator. The latest update didn't cure it.


I wonder if the fridge vibrates slightly when its compressor is running? That's really all it would take to trigger the FP2. Can you simply mark the fridge location as an Interference Zone?

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Are you using the built-in speakers on the TV? If the TV is completely off, does it still generate any ghosts?

Any sort of blinds or curtains on this door?

Nothing worked. I suspect is the reflection, though.

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Yes, it still generates the ghosts when it's off

There is, but I don't want it down all day.

It still seems to register the ghost, even with the interference source set.

Was more curious if the window/door covering material was always slightly moving due to an air current.

No, the blind is up most of the day and I think the ghost was appearing during the day.

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That is odd. My FP2 is been pretty much rock solid. So much so, that I have chosen to not update its firmware to the latest one that was recently released.


Mine seems to be pretty stubborn....