Announcing Iris V1 Support: Hub Update 2.0.8

Iris V1 Devices Now Supported!

Hubitat Elevation Platform update 2.0.8 is available:

Please note, the process takes about a minute to download (depending on your Internet connection) and extract the hub update, and 1-2 minutes to perform the update after you click 'Update Hub'. We recommend that you periodically download a backup of your setup from the Settings page, Backup and Restore.

Changes from 2.0.7:

Platform Additions / Changes

Drivers and Devices

  • New drivers:
    • Iris V1 Button
    • Iris V1 Contact Sensor
    • Iris V1 Key Fob
    • Iris V1 Motion Sensor
    • Iris V1 Outlet
    • HomeSeer Indicator Light Sensor (HS-FS100-L)
    • HomeSeer Perimeter Water Sensor (HS-FS100-W)
  • New device support:
    • Sylvania Smart (contact) Sensor, using Generic Zigbee Contact Sensor
    • Sylvania Motion, using Generic Zigbee Motion Sensor
  • New driver features:
    • Lutron Shade
      • add window shade capability
      • add travel calibration routine
      • add start and stop position change commands

New App Features

  • Rule Machine: Added support for valves as conditions or trigger events.

Bug Fixes

  • SmartThings presence V2 and V4, increase startup timeout (should help with false presence triggers during reboot)
  • Apps UI detects FireFox and doesn’t show safari time picker
  • Hubitat Dashboard
    • Fixed inability to change icon for presence in template editor
    • Fixed template editor tiles of default state not setting in tile
    • Fixed mode template custom colors not working
    • Fixed safari HSM NAN issue
    • Fixed font size of CO2, energy, power, temperature, humidity and illuminance to be more consistent in size and follow font size instead of icon size setting
    • Fixed DD/MM display issue in history and HSM pages
    • Fixed Yes/No popup render issue on Edge
    • Fixed cloud dashboard menu, toggling to local links not loading local dashboard correctly
    • Fixed all zero HSM and Mode PIN bug
    • HSM and Mode pin are now password fields, still restricted to numbers only
    • Font Size for Device name now follows font size for whole dashboard
    • Contents of tiles now are clipped to the boundary of that tile
  • Motion Lighting: Fixed bug breaking override and mode change options
  • HSM: updates for security keypad issues.
    • Note: There are known issues when arming Home or Night from HSM or Dashboard when using Home or Night delay settings, these will be resolved in an upcoming hotfix.

We have pushed a hot fix release, Version

This release includes a fix to HSM for exit delays for Arm Home and Arm Night, as well as resolves issues with keypads interfacing to HSM. It should be noted that Iris keypads, the ones with a Partial button, have to be selected to either arm Home with Partial, or arm Night. If you go into the auto arm settings of HSM and remove your keypads completely, and then set them up again, this choice will be offered. The Centralite keypad with 3 buttons doesn't have this issue.

There was a small UI bug in Motion Lighting when Delay Per Mode is selected, now fixed.

The Group virtual device name (label, actually) will now change if the name of the Group is changed.


We have pushed a hot fix release, version

This release includes the following fixes:

  • Dashboard:
    • Fixed iOS 9.3 white screen.
    • Fixed valve not sending correct command on click.
    • Shade template supports WindowShade capability.
    • Menu ssl links now open correctly.
  • ZWave Exclude in discovery on Edge browser fix.
  • Rule Machine was fixed for multiple Periodic triggers not being scheduled.
  • Lutron dimmer now allows decimal levels (for fan control).
  • Fixed Iris V1 fob button event.

We have pushed a hot fix release, version

This release includes fixes for Dashboard templates that use the slider.