All of z-wave devices suddenly are stopping to respond


I am using hubitat for four months, but in last month suddenly all of z-wave devices are stopping to respond while zigbee devices are working great. There are no error logs that may indicate the cause. Reboot from GUI doesnt help. Hard reboot (unplug and wait a minute) it brings all to normal, everything works fine for a day, than, again z-wave devices are failing to respond. In the begining of this issue, this fix worked for a week, but now not more than a day.

I tried hubitar support, i got some basic response respone (after 5 days), and wrote to them again but got no response again.

This issues started with platform version, and continued with and Hubitat hardware version is "Rev C-5", its Eu version with external z-wave usb dongle.

Right now all automatisations, google and alexa commands are useless, unreliable and annoying. If you have any tips or tricks it would be great :slight_smile:

Have you tried rebuilding your z-wave mesh?

Tagging @bobbyD.

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The one thing I don't see that you did was perform a Z-Wave repair.. I would reboot your hub and do a Z-Wave repair.. Then repeat the process two more times... Three times total.

It could be a hardware issue for sure, but it could also be a bad device. I had many trepidations with Z-Wave on SmartThings until they released their new Z-Wave stack. Z-wave commands are serial; a second command cannot be send until the first one completes. The radio might be crashing, shutting down, or otherwise getting "stuck" because of this.

A Z-Wave repair may help.


Today I had the same problem. I have this problem not everyday, maybe once a month. Z-wave repair is not helping because list in "z-wave details" is empty so finish of z-wave repair is about 0,5 s after you click repair. Also reset don't help. Only hard reset and unplug z-wave stick.

When you hard reset and have a list of zwave devices, did you try zwave repair at that point?

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not just after hard reset (because after hard reset everything is working) but between two hard resets i've made some z-wave repairs

Thanks for the tip, i did z-wave repair 3 times, it took around 1 hour and 10 minutes each time to finish (I have 14 z-wave devices). Now lets wait and hope it will work. Thanks again

That is really long. Are you using the z-wave poller app? If so, stop using it, and see if it makes a difference.


Just for a point of comparison, I currently have 61 z-wave devices, 17 of them are battery powered. My z-wave repair takes about 25 minutes.

Yeah, it seems that something is wrong with my hardware or setup.

Also after yesterdays reboot and 3 z-wave repairs, it lasted 12 hours only and again z-wave devices stopped to respond.

Ps: No i am not using poller app, i dont even know what it is

Same problems here...started yesterday. Two Zigbee bulbs stopped responding (never had that happen) and my zwave switches aren't responding to commands. Had to reset the two bulbs, but don't know what to do about the ZWave stuff.

@enver.kurteshi are you are using maybe some trv like Eurotronic or Danfoss?

This might help. Further down in the thread, @aaiyar posted the required curl commands so you can automatically do this once every few weeks with Rule ma hub until you find the Z-Wave device on your network that is causing the issue.

Quick Z-Wave fix

Been having issues since last update. Currently on Last few days my devices have just stopped working by morning.

Didn't think anything about it the first reboot, but today is the third day in a row now. Woke up this morning and nothing was working, couldn't get to hub via IP either. Hard reboot and all is good. Now at the end of day everything is grinding to a halt. Devices are barely working (zigbee/z-wave), and delay has increased as the day went on.

EDIT: Ooops, just realized I have 3rd party app (TP-Link Integration) and drivers that are out of date. That was the only thing that really showed up in the logs once I actually sat down to troubleshoot. Sorry for the kneejerk :man_facepalming:

No, for trv i am using two fibaro, but it seems that i have problem with one of 8 Neo Coolcam switches, i disabled that one and so far its been 3 days and i dont have problem anymore. Also zwave-repair it doesn't take more than a minute (previously it took more than an hour). I hope this was the faulty z-wave device and i hope i don't have this problem anymore.

how you get that you have problem with this one switch?

I have the same problem and no response from support at all!

Very dissapointing because it makes the Hubitat VERY unreliable...

All my z-wave device just stoped working (im not home at the mo). Why the question about trv's i have 3 (1 Euro and 2 Danfoss)??

I'm assuming that generic z-wave thermostat driver used for Eurotronic trv is the cause of this problem - there was few similar topics here on community and almost always somebody have Eurotronic trv.

HELP, disabled z-wave and re enabled
ran z-wave repair,
still no communication back to the hub