Update from the other thread requesting to put the logs here:
Here is the debug code when adding two doors, while doors are connected by single keypad.
dev:3572022-06-21 02:19:23.298 pm debug[is_locked:false, family:2, id:631664, ssid:Calebash, user_id:598057, rssi:-67, description:, doors:[[desired_door_status_outcome:success, updated_at:2022-06-21T18:01:01Z, desired_door_status:Close, id:750542, user_id:598057, vehicle_color:OTHER, door_index:1, icon:1, link_status:3, door_updated_at:2022-06-21T18:01:01Z, created_at:2022-05-09T20:08:05Z, desired_status:99, status:4, fault:0, ble_strength:0, is_enabled:true, battery_level:0, device_id:631664, name:Garage Door 2 , vehicle_type:OTHER]], ownership:owned, is_expired:false, timezone:America/New_York, is_enabled:true, model:02, created_at:2022-05-09T20:08:05Z, updated_at:2022-06-21T18:06:41Z, zipcode:, is_updating_firmware:false, location_name:Home, serial:F0AD4E217C84023, vendor:GENIE, location_id:384684, name:Garage Door 2 , status:1]
I've set this driver up on other systems but this is the first configuration for this system. The feedback on the state variables are as follows:
State Variables
- devices : [{door_number=1, device_id=631639, battery_level=0, ble_strength=0, name=Garage Door 1 , legacy_id=null, link_status=3, fault=0, status=4}, {door_number=1, device_id=631664, battery_level=0, ble_strength=0, name=Garage Door 2 , legacy_id=null, link_status=3, fault=0, status=4}]
- wasExpectedClose : false
- reconnectDelay : 1
- token : 0718CA9EECDF6C5D
It sees both doors but only has one child device listed. Thank you in advance for your help.