Aladdin Connect (garage door) driver

just fyi this solution, using the relay, does not work for the side mount openers, which are so much better from a space standpoint and way quieter in operation.

since there is no wires anywhere in the setup. the overhead light and the wall mount buttons are both bluetooth. there is no way to intercept based on How to Use the ZEN16 MultiRelay as a Garage Door Opener on Hubitat - Zooz Support Center

i really hope either it can be reversed engineered again or genie opens up their API, i have at least emailed support asking for hubitat support or opening the API :man_shrugging:

One option you have is to possibly pull it apart and find the output connection from the signal board and wire to that... (I'd have to meter everything, I don't have experience with that unit). That said, it being cloud based, likely Hubitat themselves will not invest time trying to make it work. If there is an API available someone in the community may work on it. Another thing some have done is taken a spare remote and wired the button outputs to a zen and used a usb inverter for power (or just replaced the battery in the remote every couple of years) and that works as well.

yea i really don't want to invest that kind setup, just personally. and i guess when i said i emailed support, not hubitat support, but genie support, asking genie to either work with hubitat or open their API

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Yeah on something like that I'd just wire the garage door opener to the zooz relay and be done with it. Sure, takes a bit more work but worth it in the end. Still better than cloud based options.

Just noticed that someone has an updated Python module which uses the new AWS endpoint.

Linky to the changes.


Something wonky going on w/ the driver. I wasn't able to communicate w/ either of my doors, but the parent device was reporting that commstatus was good.

I removed the device, and repaired via package manager. Successfully added the Aladdin connect system, user & pass, but neither of my 2 doors show up now.

Anyone else having this issue?

It's a guess, but I think you are running into the fact that a firmware update from Genie broke this integration: Aladdin Connect (garage door) driver - #9 by tomw

The post just before yours indicated that a different community had found a solution. I'm going to take a look to see what it would take to port that into my Hubitat driver.

  • My garage door opener still works with this integration.
  • This integration no longer works for me.

0 voters

I have a new version in a dev branch that a couple of users have tested successfully. I would like to get a pulse on the best time to cut over to that as the main version. Can I get input on the community on the current state of your systems via this poll?

I recently installed genie connect, and this version is working for me with the exception of the battery property on my garage door device. I have the battery backup on my Genie opener (7155) so I would expect a status to be shown, but the device value has always only shown an "unknown" status. I have tested battery backup on the opener, and it is working. Does Genie report the battery status of the unit through AladdinConnect, and should it be coming through in this app? Are others able to see battery status on their devices? Thanks!

The reported battery (and rssi) level is for the door sensor, which is part of the Aladdin Connect RetroFit Kit. If you have an opener with Aladdin Connect integrated, you don't have one. The backup battery status is not reported by Aladdin.


Ah, makes sense. Also explains why I have an RSSI on the parent Aladdin Connect System device (for its Wi-Fi connection) and not the child device. Thanks!

@tomw Thank you very much for the fix. I used the dev version and now both my doors work with Hubitat. This was a feature I wanted so much for Hubitat as I want to move off ST when I complete my addition.

FYI: In case someone does a google search for OHD Anywhere controlled by Hubitat, this divece code will work with Overhead Door Company motors.

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Dev version also worked for me. Thanks!

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Cool! I merged in version 2.0 and mentioned an important caveat to existing users here.

With this version becoming main, the dev branch linked in some other threads no longer exists. Please look at this thread to find the code.

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I'm having difficulty connecting more than 1 door. They are separate ceiling units but joined by a single keypad. Could something be throwing off the configuration with that? The registration of the doors gets one door to have it's name "Garage Door 1". While the other gets an id number. Any ideas?


Will you please enable logging on the parent driver (Aladdin Connect System), then open the Logs window in a separate tab, and run the initialize step? I'll need to see what is coming back from the cloud request.

EDIT: also, are you installing for the first time, or are you a long-time user of this integration? There's an important configuration step -- please see here and respond in that thread so we can debug further.

Just installed one of these openers today. Installed Aladdin Connect, and got it working in Hubitat. Thanks.

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Update from the other thread requesting to put the logs here:

Here is the debug code when adding two doors, while doors are connected by single keypad.

dev:3572022-06-21 02:19:23.298 pm debug[is_locked:false, family:2, id:631664, ssid:Calebash, user_id:598057, rssi:-67, description:, doors:[[desired_door_status_outcome:success, updated_at:2022-06-21T18:01:01Z, desired_door_status:Close, id:750542, user_id:598057, vehicle_color:OTHER, door_index:1, icon:1, link_status:3, door_updated_at:2022-06-21T18:01:01Z, created_at:2022-05-09T20:08:05Z, desired_status:99, status:4, fault:0, ble_strength:0, is_enabled:true, battery_level:0, device_id:631664, name:Garage Door 2 , vehicle_type:OTHER]], ownership:owned, is_expired:false, timezone:America/New_York, is_enabled:true, model:02, created_at:2022-05-09T20:08:05Z, updated_at:2022-06-21T18:06:41Z, zipcode:, is_updating_firmware:false, location_name:Home, serial:F0AD4E217C84023, vendor:GENIE, location_id:384684, name:Garage Door 2 , status:1]

I've set this driver up on other systems but this is the first configuration for this system. The feedback on the state variables are as follows:

State Variables

  • devices : [{door_number=1, device_id=631639, battery_level=0, ble_strength=0, name=Garage Door 1 , legacy_id=null, link_status=3, fault=0, status=4}, {door_number=1, device_id=631664, battery_level=0, ble_strength=0, name=Garage Door 2 , legacy_id=null, link_status=3, fault=0, status=4}]
  • wasExpectedClose : false
  • reconnectDelay : 1
  • token : 0718CA9EECDF6C5D

It sees both doors but only has one child device listed. Thank you in advance for your help.

Not sure if I should start a new thread, or tag on here.
I have installed the @tomw Aladdin driver following the steps on the github driver page. My single door now shows up a a child in the Devices page. When I open the child device, the "door" in the status section DOES change when the door goes up/down. But the two command buttons "Close" and "Open" do not activate the door. This was my first check to be able to get this to work manually before I began adding rules/automations. Also I put this device on a dashboard (again with instructions from the github driver page) but it doesn't work there. Any suggestions for troubleshooting to get the manual "Close" and "Open" buttons working?

Enable debug logging in the parent device and try it. This is what I get when I press the open button in the child device (security stuff omitted):

dev:8772022-11-21 12:27:26.933 PMdebugparse: {"serial":"F0ADxxxxxxxx","door":1,"door_status":1,"fault":0}
dev:8772022-11-21 12:27:05.387 PMdebugparse: {"serial":"F0ADxxxxxxxx","door":1,"door_status":2}
dev:8772022-11-21 12:27:04.634 = [:]
dev:8772022-11-21 12:27:04.093 PMdebughttpAccess(POST, [uri:, headers:[AppVersion:5.30, BundleName:com.geniecompany.AladdinConnect, User-Agent:okhttp/3.12.1, BuildVersion:2042, X-Api-Key:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Content-Type:application/json, Authorization:Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx], requestContentType:application/json, body:{"command_key":"OpenDoor"}])