What are you guys using for chimes when doors open?
I just got mine, and I'm trying to decide what to use.
What are you guys using for chimes when doors open?
I just got mine, and I'm trying to decide what to use.
The standard doorbell tone.
Can you send me an example of how you are kicking off a chime? Are you using rule machine?
I have a motion sensor near the front door that activates a nice chime (can't remember which one, but it's a bell ding dong ding dong ) I also use Westminster Chimes every hour to make me feel kinda safe and like I'm a kid again (my parents had a clock that did something similar). Freudian analysis anyone?
Is there a default sound level?
Is there way to adjust the volume level in RM?
Awesome. I was looking for that!
So this should work correctly then?
How about adjusting the volume through Hubitat Safety Monitor? Anyway to raise the sound?
Well, that's not really what I had listed...you don't have to use the custom action. If you have any settings, such as a strobe along with the sound, this won't do that. This will just play the sound. If you want to get the beep effect, you have to use the beep command which can be found where I listed it before.
Okay investigating more.
Iām getting stutters for chimes once and a while.
I created a virtual switch that Iām triggering manually and Iām noticing it will stutter the chime...
Any clue how to fix it ?
Rule Machine has an action for Chimes so with that action all you have to do is select the playSound command and enter the sound number.
If you're using another action to change the volume before playing the sound then adding a 1-2 second delay between those actions may solve the stuttering issue.
Why are you changing the volume of the siren and the chime? That's unrelated to the problem, I'm just curious...
It looks like your contact sensor is reporting open twice which explains why it's stuttering.
Try a door using a different contact sensor and see if it still stutters.
That's correct. These Ecolink Sensors do this.
I'm just playing with options..
Why are you canceling the delay after all the actions have happened?
Try a door using a different contact sensor and see if it still stutters.
You might be able to configure the action so that it only executes it once, but considering that they happen at almost the same time, I'm not sure if that will work.
So I've created a virtual switch now. I'm testing as I go.
Basically, contact sensor opens it turns on a virtual switch. Now the notification only looks to see if the virtual switch is on or off now.
Here's the results... Still doing weird stuff!
dev:12182019-07-10 07:58:53.224 pm info Aeotec Siren 6 - Chime stopped
dev:12182019-07-10 07:58:48.623 pm info Aeotec Siren 6 - Chime playing '1. Ding Dong'
dev:12182019-07-10 07:58:48.159 pm info Aeotec Siren 6 - Chime playing '1. Ding Dong'
dev:12182019-07-10 07:58:48.112 pm info Aeotec Siren 6 - Chime playing '1. Ding Dong'
dev:12182019-07-10 07:58:47.705 pm info Aeotec Siren 6 - Chime playing '1. Ding Dong'
dev:12182019-07-10 07:58:47.357 pm info Aeotec Siren 6 - Chime playing '1. Ding Dong'
dev:12182019-07-10 07:58:46.434 pm info Aeotec Siren 6 - Chime playing '1. Ding Dong'
dev:12212019-07-10 07:58:44.857 pm info Front Door VS was turned off
dev:12212019-07-10 07:58:44.847 pm info Front Door VS was turned off
dev:662019-07-10 07:58:44.328 pm info Front Door Contact Sensor was closed
dev:662019-07-10 07:58:44.270 pm info Front Door Contact Sensor was closed
dev:662019-07-10 07:58:44.267 pm info Front Door Contact Sensor was closed
app:14512019-07-10 07:58:42.170 pm info Action: Chime: Play Sound on Aeotec Siren 6 - Chime sound number 1
app:14512019-07-10 07:58:42.139 pm info Action: Chime: Play Sound on Aeotec Siren 6 - Chime sound number 1
app:14512019-07-10 07:58:41.960 pm info Action: setVolume(10) on Aeotec Siren 6, Aeotec Siren 6 - Chime
app:14512019-07-10 07:58:41.957 pm info Action: setVolume(10) on Aeotec Siren 6, Aeotec Siren 6 - Chime
app:14512019-07-10 07:58:41.922 pm info _Notifications - Doors Open Triggered
app:14512019-07-10 07:58:41.915 pm info _Notifications - Doors Open Triggered
app:14512019-07-10 07:58:41.893 pm info _Notifications - Doors Open: Front Door VS switch on
app:14512019-07-10 07:58:41.885 pm info _Notifications - Doors Open: Front Door VS switch on
dev:12212019-07-10 07:58:41.705 pm info Front Door VS was turned on
dev:12212019-07-10 07:58:41.693 pm info Front Door VS was turned on
dev:662019-07-10 07:58:41.090 pm info Front Door Contact Sensor was opened
dev:662019-07-10 07:58:41.086 pm info Front Door Contact Sensor was opened
This makes no sense to me. Why are you using a virtual switch as an intermediary? This would do the same thing:
Trigger: Contact sensor open.
Action: Beep on Siren.
I don't understand why you're making it so complicated. How many times a second are you opening your front door?!? KISS ....Keep It Simple Stupid.
Because I'm trying to fix the double triple alerts. I'm trying to figure out away around this problem.
The ecolink sends multiple information.