Aeotec Multisensor 6

Contacted how? Email? they send an automated response, did you get that? If not, send again to:

Normal response time is very quick in my experience. Days, not weeks, Hours, quite common. @bobbyD

ZWave is regional. There are different frequencies for each region. The devices and hub must match.

Hi, could somebody confirm full cooperation multisensor 6 with hubitat ?
By fully cooperation I mean :

  • temp sensor
  • lux sensor
  • motion sensor
  • Tigger sensor

Yes, I have one and it reports all of that, and more.

Wait- what is a "tigger" sensor?

What else ? Do you have hubitat drivers ?

I have the following:

Current States

  • acceleration : inactive
  • battery : 100
  • humidity : 33
  • illuminance : 40
  • motion : inactive
  • temperature : 73.1
  • ultravioletIndex : 0

Using the regular Hubitat driver.


I've been using this driver for a while without issues, but today I noticed my temps are way off. Both battery and powered. First my powered aeotec was showing as 12deg c, when it's really 24deg c, I changed to the default inbuilt driver and changed back and it seemed to work. Now it's happening on the battery powered device. Whilst, the first one is now measuing 30deg c, when it's still around 22-23 deg c.

Anyone else?

You need to calibrate your temp sensors against something proven to be accurate. However, I'm pretty sure my Aeotec Multisensor 6 temp sensor is trashed. The temp has been doing this oscillating thing:

Which is not normal. Here are the rest of my temp sensors - relatively steady in comparison. They're mainly just following the thermostat temp:

Mine have been great for months, probably 1 year. It's only in the last few days that they've started going weird. I dont know if it's the platform update issue with the zwave switches - unlikely.

It looks like a sensor issue to me. I haven't had the greatest experience with these devices. Perhaps 6 sensors is just too ambitious.

I switched to the csteele driver and my temps went 10-15 degrees f above actual. I removed, reset, re-paired the sensor with the stock driver and it's back to normal.

Using the CSteele driver, I had the same problems noted by others with respect to incorrect temperature being reported. The temperature was randomly off by as much as +12 /-12 degF every time I changed the report interval, it drove me nuts. I narrowed down the problem to tempOffset on line 629 of the driver V1.6.12:

zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 201, size: 2, configurationValue: [tempOffset, tempScaleByte]),

The problem is gone by defining this on line 577

def setCalValue
setCalValue = tempOffset.toInteger()
if (setCalValue < 0)
	setCalValue = 256 + setCalValue

and using it in line 629:

zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 201, size: 2, configurationValue: [setCalValue, tempScaleByte]),

I am relatively new to Hubitat and am using a AeoTec Multisensor 6 and recently added the driver by cSteele. I provided some log info for this. Here is what I am experiencing (NOTE: I am on Battery):

  1. Set the interval to be every 10 minutes, but it does not seem to take. It does say 10 minutes but the logs show about every hour.

  2. I don't see the device Firmware being listed in the device settings area. You can see in my screen print it says Firmware: Null

  3. When I turn on debug logging and enable all preferences, after the first pull, it turns them off. I am not sure why that is.

I am simply trying to get the polling for the device to occur every 5 to 10 minutes. In addition, I would like to figure out the firmware version and see if I am at the latest firmware, otherwise I may need to update it (which will be another effort...).


I think the Version is only reported in v1.7 and greater.


On battery, the default is 60 mins.... per their spec.

Thanks for the response. I did remove it from my HE system and then added it again. after adding it back, I selected your driver and now I have more information. Funny thing though, which I will be monitoring as well, I paired it to HE while on battery. Initially I paired it on USB and then switched to battery afterwards. The interesting part is that it provided updated information in 10 minutes which was my interval. I am not sure why it did this, but will monitor. Everything else seems to have appeared correctly now: Picture below...

I believe that it (internally) only checks once for power source (Battery or USB) per power cycle. When you change drivers, you should click the Save Preferences button obviously, but then you should click Configure. It may take several minutes for all the results to come back from the device when it's on battery.

I will continue to monitor - but it just reported back the temperature again. seems to be on a 10 minute schedule, see image.

cSteele - I saw that you had to click on the configure in your writeups. I did do the configure and after a few hours, nothing changed, I did get the additional preferences, but things seemed a bit squirrely. In any event, I did remove and added it back and it does seem to work as you advertised. I appreciate the effort you put into this.

Ahhh.. a reader.. welcome!!

LOL :slight_smile:

It's difficult on this side of the Screen to know what people read and don't.. so I think a lot of us lean towards repetitive posts -- just to be sure.

I've always thought, "what can it hurt to repeat?" But I've since found out there are those that get insulted!! {sigh} :smiley:

Not insulted :slight_smile: I am in the IT field and find all of this fascinating and fun - guess it is a sickness LOL. However, I did read that the Aeotec support said to Pair the device on Battery if you will be using it on Battery and Pair it on USB if you were going to use it on USB. Like you and others, this made no sense. But since I was setting it up again, I decided to pair it on battery and use your device driver once paired. in the last hour, it has reported the information every 10 minutes as I selected. Might be a fluke or it may need to settle down now that it is configured, but so far it seems to have ignored the 60 minute reporting cycle (which I also read in the literature... :wink: ) I will continue to monitor.