Aeotec Multisensor 6

Begin by using the built-in Hubitat Driver. On the Device Info page, there's a field for the name of the driver, change it to be "Aeon MultiSensor 6" and then Save Device. Then click Configure button near the top. (Anytime you switch drivers, hit configure to make sure the driver sends it's config to the device, overwriting whatever the previous driver set.)

The built-in driver exposes fewer options and there's probably something to be gained from simplicity.

Once it's working to your satisfaction, then change to use the "Aeotec MultiSensor 6" driver.

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I have done that with one, saw it cycle through the rainbow of colors. If i recall it seemed to work for a bit but now is stuck in active.

I just went out and pressed the action button on another and reconfigured it back from default driver to this drive. The press of action seemed to have woken it up. I now changed state and pushed to my phone. That one seems to be operating again.

Its like they are going into sleep mode for motion. I do know that one of my devices is firmware 1.08 and the rest are likely older.

Battery devices don't wakeup for a while. If you switch drivers and click configure, it could take a couple minutes for it to wake up and get the config.

You can speed it along by clicking the button for (I think) 3 seconds. It then stays awake for 10 seconds. You should be able to get a config in there in that time. :slight_smile:

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Just installed one of these and I am using your driver. I see no led lights at all though the sensor seems to be functioning. I have your LED setting set to use full led lights. the device is connected to power, not battery.

Do i have a defective unit or am i doing something wrong (likely).


It’s a feature of v1.10 of the multisensor

Mine are firmware version 1.12. Also, regardless of version, shouldn't i be seeing the LEDs work anyway, regardless of the ability to make settings changes? I see none ever, other than when i paired the unit to HE.


Bug found and corrected.

Please import the new version. (v1.6.11)

Done, thanks! It works now.

You're the best!


Hi everyone,

I am pretty new to hubitat. and I have recently bought "Aeotec Multisensor 6" senso. I am having an issue with its inclusion to hubitat's z-wave network. I have been following instructions from hubitat's documentation of supported devices . When I start inclusion and press activation button on the sensor, green light starts blinking, then I always get red LED light meaning that inclusion has failed.

I have explored the following options and none of them helped:

  • I have put the sensor on usb cable as a power source.
  • I have brought the sensor to 15 cm distance from hub
  • I have tried exclusion (had the same results as inclusion)
  • I have done factory reset for the sensor
  • I have tried restarting hub after each failed inclusion
  • I have tried resetting the z-wave network

Did any of you run into similar issue with this device?

Hi @andrius. Welcome to Hubitat.
Try holding the Multisensor button for 20 seconds. That should reset it to factory default.

I have already tried that, did't help.

Sorry, I should have seen that in your list of attempts.
Is this a new, never used before sensor?
Do you have any other Z-wave devices connected to your hub?
Does anything appear in the logs while you try adding the sensor?

This a brand new sensor and also the first z-wave of mine. Logs are not very detailed in regards to z-wave inclusion. Logs basically just show that inclusion has started and stopped, nothing else.

Make sure that you are actually pressing the button in. On mine, the button presses a lever (inside the battery compartment), which in turn presses another lever. Might be best to try for the lever, with the battery compartment lid removed.

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I guess it's always possible that either your hub or that sensor has a dead Z-wave radio.
Do you have another Z-wave device to try?

It looks like it is time to contact support.

I'm interested in buying this sensor but I would like to know how it works with hubitat.
Amazon reviews are a little bit scary, there are people saying that motion detection is not reliable and batteries doesn't last long. Is it true?

Hi @andrenn23. I have 9 of these on my hub with absolutely no issues but YMMV of course.
8 of them are powered via USB but the ninth seems to last several months on a pair of batteries.
The battery powered one is in the upstairs hallway so it gets triggered at least 20 times a day.
I would suggest plugging them in if at all possible, when all 9 of mine were on battery it seemed like I was changing batteries all the time but now it feels like just a couple of times a year.


I have 12 of them, only 1 is on USB power. Battery life seems more dependent on the battery batch than 'use'. I have one facing a stairway and like @Wounded said, it's seeing motion 20+ times a day. I didn't change it's battery for 2 months but then about 3 weeks later I was replacing them again. Those were the last two of a batch of 20 I bought. Presumably that means they were 'half dead' when they arrived. I have another Multisensor 6 mounted Outside, under an eave (no other protection from the elements) and it's battery is coming up on a 1 yr anniversary soon.

If I could, I'd have them all on USB, but all that crawling around in the attic space to run power would probably kill me so I buy batteries instead :smiley:

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Thank you for your answers, I see that this multisensor works well with Hubitat.
now I feel it's safe to buy one :grinning:

@Wounded it looks like Hub has a dead Z-wave radio. I have just bought fibaro motion sensor and it wont pair as well. I have contacted the support already, although they have not responded for over a week now. Is this a common case within Hubitat?