Aeotec Multisensor 6

Live Logging

Right click on Logs in the left menu, click Open in new Tab.

Then start with an Exclude.

I took that old Multisensor6 that's on my development hub and excluded it... live logs show:

sys:1  2019-08-14 08:45:58.071 am info Z-Wave device Aeon Multisensor 6 excluded and removed.
dev:164 2019-08-14 08:45:40.693 am info Aeon Multisensor 6 motion active
dev:164 2019-08-14 08:45:40.505 am info Aeon Multisensor 6 motion active

All I had to do was one click on the arm inside the Multisensor. (The logs show me picking it up, getting those two motion messages, then the successful Exclude.)

YOU will want to do a general Exclude, since it's not joined to Hubitat. (Device: Discover Devices: Zwave: Exclude) But the results will be the same EXCEPT for the device name. "Unknown Device Excluded"

The device is doing the rainbow thing with the LED. So.. I Included it again...

dev:234 2019-08-14 08:56:38.086 am debug parse: zw device: 06, command: 3105, payload: 05 01 30 , isMulticast: false
dev:234 2019-08-14 08:56:37.941 am info  Aeon Multisensor 6 temperature is 79.8°F
dev:234 2019-08-14 08:56:37.925 am debug SensorMultilevelReport: SensorMultilevelReport(precision:1, scale:1, sensorType:1, sensorValue:[3, 30], size:2, scaledSensorValue:79.8)
dev:234 2019-08-14 08:56:37.877 am debug parse: zw device: 06, command: 3105, payload: 01 2A 03 1E , isMulticast: false
sys:1   2019-08-14 08:56:35.560 am info  Z-Wave Discovery Stopped
sys:1   2019-08-14 08:56:35.535 am info  Z-Wave Device Discovered: Aeon Multisensor 6
dev:234 2019-08-14 08:56:35.508 am debug cmds sent: [85010101, delay 500, 70046504000000F1, delay 500, 70046F040000003C, delay 500, 7004040105, delay 500, 7004280100, delay 500, 70042B020064, delay 500, 70040302003C, delay 500, 7004510101, delay 500, 8002, delay 500, 3002, delay 500, 31040100, delay 500, 31040300, delay 500, 31040500, delay 500, 31041B00]
dev:234 2019-08-14 08:56:35.048 am warn  configure...
sys:1   2019-08-14 08:56:28.614 am info  Initializing Z-Wave Device : 06
sys:1   2019-08-14 08:56:24.597 am info  Z-Wave Discovery Running

There are many more lines of logs but they are all from the device itself.

It only took a single click on the arm inside the Multisensor to go from rainbow, to flickering green to off, once Include was begun.


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@csteele You're a smart guy.... Question:
I have one multisensor 6 that the batteries barely last 2 months. Is there a way to tell if it thinks it is in battery mode versus externally powered mode?

I went ahead and excluded/re-included it last night - so maybe it will behave now. But thought I woudl ask.

Have one also that I simply cannot find a way to connect. I came to the conclusion in the end that it must be a European frequency and therefore won't connect to my US Hubitat bridge. Not sure how to check that.

assuming the rear cover is for the device in hand, the label shows the frequency: 908.42mhz is the US frequency.

If you use the Basic ZWave Tool to read Parameter 9, which results in:

dev:234 2019-08-14 10:44:14.765 am info ConfigurationReport- parameterNumber:9, size:2, value:2


OR, using the Aeotec Multisensor6 driver, click Enable Debug Logging, then click Save Preferences and in the logs you would see:

dev:270  2019-08-14 12:06:45.253 pm debug MultiSensor6K (familyroom) is now on battery power
dev:1775 2019-08-14 12:08:25.815 pm debug MultiSensor6L (stairs) is now on battery power
dev:845  2019-08-14 12:13:26.583 pm debug MultiSensor6A (officeDesk) is now on dc power

Ah, cool. I didn't even look at the parameter list (which is odd for me, since I live by those for driver development...). Guess I shouldn't have been so lazy. lol. Now I'm embarrassed.


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Ah, thank you. Time to try to find the back cover. It was used powered before so the back cover is off and I have no idea where the heck it is!

Won't help you because it won't Join, but...

if you enable debugs and then click configure:

dev:234 2019-08-14 02:09:58.526 pm debug productTypeId: 258
dev:234 2019-08-14 02:09:58.523 pm debug model: US
dev:234 2019-08-14 02:09:58.520 pm debug productId: 100
dev:234 2019-08-14 02:09:58.517 pm debug manufacturerName: AEON Labs
dev:234 2019-08-14 02:09:58.514 pm debug manufacturerId: 134
dev:234 2019-08-14 02:09:58.511 pm debug ManufacturerSpecificReport cmd = ManufacturerSpecificReport(manufacturerId:134, productId:100, productTypeId:258)

Brief question, how do you update the device driver to v1.6.8.
I have copied the code from github and then pasted it over the existing driver code.
However it still reports old version.

Your advice will be welcomed

Quite a few Developers add an "Import URL" to the top of their code:


You can copy that, and paste it into the Import box:

When Save is finished, the new driver is active. Nothing else is needed. The State Variables section is not dynamic and the updateCheck method runs once a week. You can, for that driver, click Save Preferences on the Device Info page and 20 seconds later, updateCheck runs. However, it's still not dynamic so the results won't show til the page itself refreshes.

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Its that easy...thank you

I thought I could figure this out. I have imported the last driver in this thread but my sensors device page still looks like the default driver. What am I missing?

hey @cenlador - welcome to the forum.
Further down that page, where it states the driver, you need to scroll to the bottom and change it to the new driver if thats what you're asking

Ah, all the way down the device type list at the very bottom. Under User.

Thank you very much! Migrating from Smartthings....

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easy peasy mate, yeah just takes awhile to learn where they hide all the things.
What device firmware do they come up with ?

Not seeing the firmware listed on my device like i have seen in this thread. But my Current States did slightly change as did the available preferences for the device.


Anytime you switch drivers, you need to get the device and driver to converse. That's done via the Configure button:


The Current States for one of my Aeon MultiSensor6's look like:

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Yes thank you. I have refreshed my web page and it has updated the State Variables but i still have not seen it list firmware. Minor issue. I be believe this potential has something to do with my 4K resolution as I have encountered some thing similar to this with my Lorex security cameras.

Im new to hubitat and currently only have 4 multisenor 6 paired while I figure this system out and migrate from ST. The problem I am getting is my motion sensors seem to be stuck. They still accurately report temp and humidity but the motion features are stuck in either active or in active. I have changed all my batteries and they report 100%. I had one working just fine and then installed the latest driver from here. After that they motioned once that Im aware of and stayed 'locked' in that state. I have played with motion delay (from 20 sec to the default of 1 min) with no change. Ive unpaired and repaired one device with no change in activity. If I go and touch the devices they blink green from tamper.

Looking for thoughts. Thanks.

That is odd. Have you also tried resetting the device by longpressing the button for about 25 seconds?