Aeotec multi sensor question

I have an 2 Aeotec Multi Sensors I had Automations set up for the Motion Sensors to turn off light “AND IT WORKED” on both automations. Then I added them to my dashboard as Temperatures meters, and now the motion Automations won’t work. Can Hubitat not operate both functions at once.

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The answer is they report everything motion, temp and illuminance if they are the MS6's like I have. This comes from the device itself not HE. It's very unlikely that changing something on the dashboard had any impact on the device configuration.

The only thing I can think of is your hub might be experiencing some low resource issues like memory or overheating or something else. Another possibility is a faulty device

You can check the logs, also Hub Info driver is nice for extracting data out from the system.

Assume you rebooted and still not working. You could try a Soft Reset to see if that clears up any wonkiness.


You may also want to turn on logging options for the lighting rules and Aeotec devices to troubleshoot what is happening.