Adding equipment Switchbot and Yale Linus

I own a Yale Linus smart lock and a switchbot Bot. Is it possible to add them as devices to hubitat ?

Switchbot has some integration, I don't think Linus does as it's bluetooth. Here is a link to switchbot.. SwitchBotAPI Driver for SwitchBot Bot

You could I suppose do it through ifttt

Hi there and welcome to the forums. These should get you going in the right direction:

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You will need to have their hub as well for this to work. Switchbot stuff work on BLE so you can't link it to HE without their hub as the intermediate device.


I have the hub for both of it Yale and switchbot but I am confused about how to add it.
Is there any more detailed instruction, please?

On the links supplied above, copy the code, then go to yourhubip>>drivers code, click new driver, paste the code, then save. After that click devices>add device>virtual device. Name it and save it. Go to it's device page and change the driver to the one you just created. Also give this a read How to Install Custom Drivers - Hubitat Documentation

I think I did it...but not sure on how to find that ...
Screenshot 2022-08-29 004049
Inserted everything else but looks not working...

And this is the device
PS The switchbot works perfectly will the hub and iPhone app...

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Anyone managed to make it work please ?

Which driver are you using for Switchbot? Did you post in the thread for the developer for this driver?

I don't use this device and I am not familiar with how it works, so I am not able to do much except direct you to somewhere you might find the help you need.

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Do you mean in the thread here( inside hubitat community)?

Yes. If you can tell us who the author of the driver is, we should be able to find the relevant thread.

My SwitchBot integration does not require entering the ID manually. Give it a try if you'd like to. It also supports several other SwitchBot devices: SwitchBot gets an open API! - #17 by tomw

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Thanks, I will check it this weekend and I will get back

Did you ever get it working?

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