2.2.4 Release - Congrats to the HE team!

Best question all day. :smiley:


Kind of like the build error on initial 2.2.4 release. :wink:

OK, ok. I'll stop now. My jokes are hilarious to ME, but I recognize I'm not funny to anyone else.


You know, it's embarrassing to make this kind of mistake. This is how we learn, by making mistakes that we wish we hadn't made.


Hey, as long as you're happy. :wink:

I really am kidding. I figured out how it was affecting me in about 10s, and then It took me all of 30s to roll back. Life goes on.

Plus it gave us something to talk about tonight. :slight_smile:

I'm probably more of a crying clown type. :clown_face:


You know, I once brought a multi-million-$ company to its knees for a week when I borked a database refresh. I managed to lose all but about 20 of their customers and the majority of their sales. I did get it all restored correctly, but it took enough time that I probably cost the company somewhere in the high 5 figures at least. I was sure that I would be fired. But instead that particular refresh, which needed to be done monthly as I recall, became my particular task because my boss knew I'd never bork it again.

I have a great deal of sympathy.


Ha ha ha! That's so funny.
Good luck with that.


Okay just did the rollback thanks for the heads up.

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:rofl: that was a good joke! HA is almost a full time job!

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I’m the major incident manager for a SaaS company, we make mistakes all the time, but the important thing is we don’t shoot ppl for it, we learn from the mistakes and get better.


So true.

The way you know you have a good boss is not when things are going well, but when sh_t hits the fan. Then you will see by their reaction and how they treat their people if they are quality or not. Your comment is quality.


Story about American Airlines (from the trade rags).

One day, the Board of Directors was looking over revenue numbers. They couldn't square why they weren't making as much profit as they expected.

After a lot of digging and soul searching--they tracked it down to the program that calculated their "overselling" of seats (yeah, back when most tickets could be traded/exchanged easily and freely).

Turns out there was a programming bug where something like a ">" vs ">=" was accidentally used.

That was a really easy, really serious bug.

Along those lines, AT&T had a massive network outage on the east coast. That got traced to a similar bug. Someone proficient in machine language "hand assembled" a patch in their head--and got something like a "branch less than" and "branch more than" confused. When the heavy lunch load hit, it crashed that system-overloaded another, crashed it, etc. until the whole east coast went offline.

So, yeah, very simple bugs can be quite fame-inducing. :slight_smile:

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Actually when was the last time you checked? It has gotten much much better. 2 years ago, right before i purchased HE, I looked at HA and was like no way, I have a full-time job and a family.

Now I have to say it's way easier than it was. Still a somewhat steep learning curve, but the flexibility is amazing. What they lack, is their community, it can't touch HE. Questions often go unanswered there, but there are 88,000 youtube videos to compensate, some of them quite well done.

Well, do let us know how it goes! We will eagerly await your reports of great success!

I currently use it, and have for maybe 1.5 years. How much time it takes depends on what you do with it, your devices, etc. There are some things it does great, and some.... Not so great.

These days I only use it for homekit controller so I can have local access to my ecobee thermostats

I looked at it very closely before buying a C7 (ran it for about 1 year) - I got frustrated with the constant breaking changes with virtually zero community support, plus excessive hurdles required to get Voice Assistant integration running without the Paid service.

But I'm really not trying to argue or convince you one way or the other. There is no one size fits all product, if there was there would only be 1 product.

How good/bad a product is depends on what you need it to do, and what you expect out of it.

Lots if people run HA and love it. I didn't, and that's ok too.


You all do great work. Been happy with 2.2.4 on my C5. And C7, even though it sits empty waiting f for migration. :slight_smile:

Thanks all!

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I think I'm lucky. My C-7 is running like a swiss watch. Or an American Factory. Whatever the streamlined throughput du jour reference is.

I must have just the right mix of device types, drivers, and apps. Because I'm super happy with my C7. Yes, I had pairing issues early on....Yes I figured out multiple ways to make ghost nodes (on much earlier firmware), and then repair them. But once I got all 80 devices paired and no ghosts, it has truly been Cadillac-ing.

My dev C7 is running awesome too. And I do all sorts of bad things to it. :slight_smile:


I detect sarcasm? Anyway I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get a stable system. Maybe #4 is the charm?

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