[2.2.4] Automations using Ecolink (and other battery powered) sensors delayed or unresponsive

Alas, yes. I had been 7 for 7 (good) before today.

Per Pushover, the last time I arrived in the garage was yesterday at 12:06PM. The failed open was today at 7:05PM. So, a resting duration of 31 hours (I don't believe the door was opened-I looked at the past log for the tilt sensor, but it doesn't go that far back in time).

Any other choices if the Ring contact driver does not work. I have some older GoControl contact sensors that exhibit this very behavior described here (I am on I tried switching over to the Ring driver but that does not work for these (it does not update contact state).

Skipped over most posts, but thought I would chime in with my experience with Ecolink devices.

  1. I have an Ecolink PIR-ZWAVE2 which is very snappy and 100% reliable

  2. I have a Ecolink D/W ZWAVE2 sensor which is connected to a commercial alarm contacts on my garage door via the external contacts. Again a very quick to respond device and 100% reliable.

  3. Another Ecolink D/W ZWAVE2 is using the external contact with a alarm system magnet contact for a gate alarm. I use the alarm system magnet assembly to get the wide gap I can't seem to get from Zwave or Zigbee standard devices.

  4. I had a Ecolink Garage Door Tilt sensor which gave me a lot of grief and I could never seem to get it working right.

For the most part I like Ecolink, but I never find them at a great price and so most of my DW sensors are Iris.

These are on a C4 with platform

I'm not aware of any other suggestion other than changing to the Ring driver...

2.2.5 is supposed to resolve these issues, so hopefully that will arrive soon.

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Ran into something similar except I was also seeing the delays going all the way back to version 2.2.3. I have been chasing this issue for months. Try this driver for your GoControl switches. It seemed to get rid of the delays the generic driver was causing in my system. MAKE SURE TO SAVE PREFERENCES after switching to this driver as there is no CONFIGURE button. You may also have to cycle your contacts a couple times too.

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Thanks for sharing that driver!

I did end up for now using the old community driver (Hubitat/GoControl Contact Sensor at master · michaelahess/Hubitat · GitHub) with the modification of disabling battery reports for now. I am still monitoring but things are promising.

That's the driver I am currently using too, with the same section commented out. The WADWAZ driver is nice in that it will let you use the external contact. The driver we are using never had the external contact child ported over (that I'm aware of).

@fpa1974, Has this driver solved your slow downs?

Is it possible to get this thread renamed (again) to reflect the now well understood scope that this issue is beyond Ecolink sensors?

For now, I would say yes. No slow downs, mesh works great since I switched the driver and changed it not to report battery status.


I was curious if you experienced the same results.

Battery reporting is pretty inaccurate on most devices anyway so I just run Device Activity Check on all of my battery operated devices every evening and if one of them pops up in the report, I know I have a possible dead battery.

The only devices I look at the battery level are my iris sensors as they seem to get flakey under 15%.

Device Activity Check is a great app. Thanks for the tip!

Things continue being very stable since the change I made to the contact sensors. I am close to declare this closed for now.

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A little update here. I tried updating my contact sensors back to the built in driver and unfortunately did not fix the issue of temporarily locking up the mesh. So I am back to my custom driver which seems to be doing the trick.

I have not reverted my drivers... anyone else have success reverting back to the "correct" driver?

Generic contact working fine for me

Things are screwing up again for me.
This time around, not just a lonnnggg delay, but just doesn't work at all.
Opening door a couple times helps, as before.
Using on C7.

does changing to the ring alarm contact driver resolve it?

And is today is the first morning it's happened?

i have had one time stuff was delayed for about a minute since on 2.2.5. Thought i had another not working but that was due to having the rule paused and not realizing it.. It auto pauses the outdoor lights on slider etc, with a virtual switch through alexa, and resumes when you tell her to turn it off. This is so I can shovel the deck without the lights going off in the middle. But I forgot to tell her to turn them off and when going to hottub the stupid lights wouldn't come on. Thinkng of adding a rule for a certain time fram if open door, and paused give a warning.

thats one thing you cannot do in event engine. When one rule fires have another nested if that checks something else..

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Yes. Things had been happening here and there, but it kind of reached reporting annoyance level this morning.

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