[] Woke up to Slowwwww world - delays & non-responsive

OK, one question. When you "Add Dashboard" do you click the checkbox that says "toggle All on/off" in the device selection box for the dashboard?

If you do. Don't. Each dashboard should have visible to it only the devices you intend to use in it.

You may be already aware of that, but just in case, I thought it worth mentioning.



How very serendipitous.
I just restored, (thankfully, it seems to have worked), and things are slower again.
It did occur to me, 'why are all those other dashboards using this device?'
So, this is going to be my next step!

I upgraded from to yesterday and had my hub lock up twice, the first was after about 4 hours and the second was overnight so probably about that but am not sure. Each required a hard power reset to recover. There are no errors in the logs from apps or anything else just prior - things just seem to stop.
The same config is rock solid on 145 so I’m running that again for now. As another datapoint, while I have a couple of dashboards set up I don’t use “all devices” on them and I rarely access the dashboards (mostly use homekit or voice assistant for control when I need it).

Yup - some relases back that was the default setting, happily they changed that in a late 2.2.3 release or early in 2.2.4.

Didn't seem to help, but again, it's hard to tell.
It's like it goes to sleep and takes a while to wake up.

At least yours wakes up :stuck_out_tongue: mine just stopped entirely. Another datapoint if it helps anyone is I’m using a C4.

I skipped from .145 to .148 and see this in the .147 release notes:

Hub core: revised memory settings for C4 hubs.

I wonder what that entailed and if it’s at all related.

After restoring, just experience a 20 second wait for the basement lights to go on.

Walling off the basement seems to be the only logical step at this point.


I probably focus on that automation since it's just a few steps from the couch.

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OK, question -- do you have zwave devices and automations that work reliably, all of the time?



I'm gonna say no. It's not like it's all contact sensors...even motion is affected.

However, one closet does have a motion detector directly associated with a switch for a light. I also have a couple of directly associated switches in the basement for 3-way purpose. They are reliable.

I'd like to make some of those Ecolink sensors directly associated as well, but haven't found a way.

OK. Hmmm.

Do you have a basic time based automation, or any automations you run on a schedule? Just curious really, I think if we could isolate a case that works it might point us to why the others don't. Personally, I've experienced specific rules (Motion lighting with some of the built in conditionjs) that I could never get to to work, but I have other automations that work first time, every time.

So try to automate a simple light switch (zwave or zigbee) or plug to come on and go off on a set (periodic) schedule, and see what happens.


I have a floor lamp plugged into a switched outlet that comes on at sundown. I haven't noticed screwing up except around the daylight saving time switch, as I recall. As I've said, these rules work: you just have to wait for them....sometimes.

I would submit that you have a chatty device or several that are spamming the hub. How do your logs look while the hub is running?

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Did you ever do that hub statistics that I posted in one of your other threads? That might point to a specific app or device that is causing problems.

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I found three links: enable, disable, and report. It didn't seem like it provided anything useful. I might have not let it run long enough or I had the wrong links:

I do have a presence sensor that reports in every 20 seconds.

I'm going to look into this more:

You should end up with a huge list of app numbers, times, and so on.

So you enabled, let run for 5 minutes or more, then went to stats and it was blank?

Here is stats before enabling.


Here is after I enabled.


Here is after running for a minute, and hitting browser refresh button.

Do you not get something like this?

running now...