Zwave get updated 7.17.1



Dammit...I could have sworn I burned all the copies of that picture. If my wife ever sees that it's over.

[Holds a lighter near his laptop screen] Burn, dammit, burn!!!


Was this just for the 500 series? All my 500 series ZSE40s are on firmware 32.02 like you mentioned, but my 700 series ZSE40s are on firmware 32.32.

Yes, the ZSE40-700 already has this fix from the start, it only sends reports on the first motion active then again for inactive. The 500 model with 32.02 will send notifications every 8 seconds during active motion which was thought to be contributing to the mesh problems it was causing. Even worse, by default it sends TWO alerts together, one as a BASIC command and one as a Notification command. So after much pleading Zooz delivered a fix for the old 500 model.


New version with some additional fixed @bcopeland @mike.maxwell


Interesting.. 7.17.2 includes this on the fixed issues list:

ID # 750117 Large network becomes unresponsive using 700.


Yeah the problem is always that they don't specify which component fixes that particular issue. Is it the firmware? Is it the plaform? SerialAPI fix? Is it a specific app? Etc.

But I am all for them fixing things. :slight_smile:


True.. and it's not clear if solving that issue requires updating all 700-series device's' firmware (not just the hub) to the 7.17.2 SDK level.


Is it likely that the wait to release HE 2.3.1 is more related to the Z-Wave SDK, or just working out other improvements to the software? I am asking because the improvements to the SDK would seem to help more Users than any additional improvements to the software functionality.

There is more; they have publicly commented on some upcoming features, including some Rule Machine enhancements. I can't remember what else is or isn't public except that and the fact that they're also testing the Z-Wave firmware update, but there's at least that. :slight_smile:


I had a hub that had some Z-Wave table corruption - a device was showing up in Z-Wave details but NOT on the secondary controller. Was unable to remove and in all likelihood thought I would have to reset Z-Wave and start over.. :scream:

Last ditch effort went with the Beta and was finally able to remove. Also noticed that while I did get a network busy message once when attempting a device repair it seemed to clear up quickly and things did not get bogged down. Also adding devices seems to be working fine as well.



I am not trying to dump on Hubitat, because I like their products and people. But they do seem to be overly software-centric, when in fact, they are selling a "system" that includes hardware (antennas, controllers, etc.) that must perform for their software to be of any value.

I would hope that Hubitat also uses network sniffers to fully understand how their "system" is working in the real world. But I am not confident that they do...

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I am.

I've conversed with Staff regarding Zniffer traces over the years.


I would also say both @mike.maxwell and @bcopeland use them


One simply cannot perform this work without capturing and analyzing frames...


Ugh, I've been getting the dreaded z-wave network no-response more lately - this FW update can't come soon enough! I suspect I just haven't seen it more often purely from a lucky timing PoV - but when it does happen, it's frustrating as hell.

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So I'm not exactly sure what to report. All 5 of my 500-series ZSE40s are paired and are reporting with no noticeable degraded performance thus far. I'm not seeing a ton of chatter in the logs, however, I have had 2 of them go from 100% battery to 1% battery during this time. It could be a coincidence because these sensors are all about 2 years old and theoretically could all be up for battery replacement, but it's a little bit TOO coincidental. I'll continue to update over the next couple of days if the new batteries also drain.

It is, lithium batteries last a long time, then the voltage falls off a Cliff.


Yup...and always dies just when you need the device most. :slight_smile:

I hope it helps you out...been lots of good things reported on the new Z-Wave stack update that is enabled w/the new FW.


Yep, it usually happens when you are in a meeting and your study lights turn off and then won't turn back on! :man_facepalming: