I installed HPM and tried to load 'Zooz Switches Advanced Drivers' for Switch and Dimmer. It came back with:
An error occurred downloading https://jtp10181.gateway.scarf.sh/zooz-zen-switch.groovy
Maybe HPM has out of date repository URLs. But I'm guessing the Zooz Advanced Driver's Groovy script can be directly loaded, so I'll try that approach.
No that's the correct URL for the driver code, it works here. Possibly you have some sort of DNS blocking that is blocking that site. I just use that scarf gateway site to estimate how many people download through HPM, it doesn't really do any other tracking just counts how many times people hit that URL. But, yes you can manually grab the code and put it into the drivers as well. If you then do a "Matchup" in HPM you will get notified of future updates.
Up to now, I do not fully understand what's going on - I don't see how changing DNS provider will affect SSL certificate validation, unless DNS changes are currently being propagated.
Regardless, I've got the driver and it is working! Thank you!
I just wanted to update this old thread.
I was trying to use the Hubitat Package Updater to get the latest version of the Zooz Advanced Drivers. The same error came back again:
An error occurred downloading https://jtp10181.gateway.scarf.sh/zooz-zen-switch-v2.0.2.groovy
I'm using DoT (DNS over TLS) via CloudFlare at the router level. After temporarily disabling DoT, the Hubitat updater was successful.