Zooz Zen74 - Double Tap without turning on main switch

I assume this would apply to any Zooz switch, but for the Zen74 specifically, I want to use Double Tap to turn on another Zen74 switch without turning on the switch I'm double tapping. I'm using the Zooz Advanced Switch drivers to assign buttons 3/4 to double tap actions.

Currently when I set up a button rule for double tap UP (button 3), the light connected to the switch turns on (if off) before turning on the separate switch I actually want to control. Oddly enough, double tap DOWN (button 4) only turns off the separate switch and not the light connected to the switch.

Ideally if I double tap, I don't want the switch I'm performing this action on to change its own state. Is this possible?

Tagging @jtp10181


I assume you are using this driver: [DRIVER] Zooz ZEN Switches Advanced (and Dimmers) ?

Set Double Tap Up Brightness to Disabled. That should disable the switch from turning on when you double tap and only send the button event.



That did it, but it wasn't available from the mobile app. Desktop web app did have it though.

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