Zooz Zen32 Scene Controller

Yes, I'm aware that you can do this based off of a rule and triggers, I didn't know if there was going to be a consideration for the firmware/driver since we can set up the LED to be always on, on with relay on, on with relay off, or always off.

However, I'll set up a rule to do just that, thanks!

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Am I missing something or are there really only 4 different colors for the LEDs? If so, I'm pretty disappointed you can't have each button a different color.

From the manual:

  • Adjustable LED indicator in 4 colors and 3 brightness levels

It’s a little confusing, the driver allow selection of:
White, Blue, Green, Red, Magenta, Yellow, Cyan.

But the configuration parameters for each LED have color values of 0, 1, 2, 3, for colors White, Blue, Green, Red, at brightness values 0, 1, 2, for levels bright, medium, low.


Which driver are you using to get that many options? The built in driver that auto set upon inclusion only shows 4.

The SmartThings driver that Zooz provides on their ZEN32 product page, should be fairly simple to modify for Hubitat.


@agnes.zooz any reason why the smartthings driver would have more LED color options than the hubitat driver?

I'm not Zooz, but I don't see where the ST DTH allows more colors--the ST DTH appears to have only the same: white, blue, green, or red. However, it does use ST's new "custom capabilities" feature (note that this may also affect Hubitat port-ability), so I'm not sure what all of those do, and it's possible one displays more colors somewhere (though I still don't see how that would actually make it possible on the device).

The Documentation on z-wavealliance.com seems a bit confused, with typos. It may be that a firmware change by zoom made it possible to combine colors, with multiple LED components on at the same time to give different colors, rather than just Blue, Green, Red, and White (all LED component colors on).

Here is the support article from zooz that details the settings; parameters 6-10 are listed as providing a choice of 4 colors for each led:

Tony, I completely agree, and that more or less matches the config parameters for the device at z-wavealliance.com.

It just doesn’t match the choices in Kevin LaFramboise’s (@krlaframboise’s) SmartThings driver linked to on Zooz’s page for the device, which makes me wonder if Zooz didn’t do some sort of a firmware update to allow a wider range of colors by turning on multiple LED component colors simultaneously. Zooz likes to do firmware updates to add features to their products.

Have you used the driver on ST? Can you show a screenshot of what you see where if so? Just from looking at the code, I don't see any options beyond those mentioned both Zooz's own docs and those on the Alliance site:

@Field static Map ledColorOptions = [0:"white", 1:"blue", 2:"green", 3:"red"]

and later in setButtonLedColor():

Integer value = ledColorOptions.find { it.value.toLowerCase() == color }?.key
	if (value != null) {  
           // ...

which suggests to me that anything not in those choices won't work. But, again, I've never used this device on ST.

EDIT: are you, by chance, thinking of the ZEN34 remote instead? I'm working for a Hubitat driver for that, too (one that also exposes all scenes as "standard" button events), and it does have more color options.


My ZEN32 DTH matches the specs and only supports those 4 colors. My ZEN34 handler supports more...

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Robert, you must be right, I am wrong. While I do have an idle SmartThings hub (after migration to Hubitat), I was clicking through Kevin LaFramboise’s GitHub repository, trying to see if he had a driver for this device for Hubitat (he has a couple, but not for this device), and I must have selected the wrong tab on my browser. My error. Wait until you get into your seventies, senior moments will happen to you.

We’re you able to write a rule to change the color & brightness of the LEDs? I must be missing something because I can’t find where those are exposed in rule machine.

Those are custom commands. You can get to them in Rule Machine with "Run custom action." Also, to turn off the LED, you'll need a custom driver (I wrote one, above) since Hubitat's exposes that only as a preference, not a command. To adjust the LED in accordance with other device preferences you may have set, the built-in driver will work.

Doesn’t a brightness of 0 turn the LED off? If so, a custom Actuator command of, e.g., setLED(1, ‘Red’, 0) might do it?

In my driver, yes (the color doesn't matter then really, but you still have to pick one to complete the command's parameters). I don't believe that's an option in the built-in driver. Also, the color name for mine must be lower case, but I should probably normalize input to that in a future revision...

That’s where they are, thanks everyone.

The built-in seems the same as yours, and a color must be chosen.

Right, but I don't think "0" was a valid level (to control whether it's on or not, which I recall being exposed as a preference with slightly different options instead of as part of any command).