Zooz Zen30 Relay Switch Not Working

That is not an On command, that is the device responding and telling the hub it is on. If you commanded it from Alexa directly to the bulb (not via HE) this is all you would see when the bulb turns on. But you are saying it did not actually turn on?

If you command the bulb via HE you will see a command-on event followed by the actual on event, indicating the bulb reported back that it did in fact turn on.

The doCheckIn is just daily scheduled event where the driver checks in at an http url so I can guage how many people are using my various drivers. No other info is collected, just number of unique check-ins.

The "2 Pending Changes" means there are settings selected that are not taking on the device. This is probably from you running multiple configures. If you just click save preferences at the bottom it will try to sync up the two it has not confirmed yet.

Settings are fine as I showed, I was just explaining how it would impact the switch state.

For Alexa control, there should be no issue sending the commands through HE, same as if you were to control the bulb via the switch. It is going to depend on what device you have shared to Alexa, what device you are commanding, and if you have the proper rules setup. For example if you share the ZEN30 to Alexa and then command it to turn on/off but the switch is in smart bulb mode, that command alone will only change the state of the switch (with your current settings anyway) and not the connected load. Also when using Alexa you will ONLY get a switch event, as opposed to pressing the paddle you will get both a button event and a switch event. So if your rule to toggle the bulb is triggering from the button press then using Alexa to command the switch will not trigger your rule. This is possibly where your issue is.

Overall, it is looking more and more like an issue with the Wiz bulbs and probably has nothing to do with the ZEN30. Unless you can confirm that when the bulb goes offline the load is for sure unpowered (by using a voltages tester or a regular bulb).

What you see there is the result of a physical press of the Zen30 up paddle, and the lights did not turn on. There were no other event entries, that is the only thing it shows there.

For Alexa control, there should be no issue sending the commands through HE, same as if you were to control the bulb via the switch. It is going to depend on what device you have shared to Alexa, what device you are commanding, and if you have the proper rules setup.

I have shared both the bulb devices and the switches from HE to Alexa, while also sharing the bulbs from the Wiz app/network to Alexa as well. Alexa is able to turn Wiz bulbs on when I set the routine to include bulb commands via Wiz app (directly to the wifi bulb) but she is not able to turn on Wiz bulbs through the Zooz switch/Hubitat when those bulbs are on a circuit connected to a Zooz switch that has Smart Bulb mode enabled, and she is not able to command that same Zooz switch itself either. So what I noticed when analyzing my "good morning" Routine is that it was set up to trigger Zooz switches that are connected to dumb bulbs (and not in Smart Bulb mode) and then also directly through Wiz (bypassing HE) to certain other bulbs and bulb groups. When I experimented with changing the Routine to try and trigger "smart bulb mode switches" and not the bulbs themselves (direct through Wiz or indirect through HE) the lights would not turn on at all. Only when I switched the Alexa routine back to commanding the bulbs directly (through Wiz app/network) did the Routine then work as expected.

If there was a rule in HE to turn the bulb on you would see a command-on event in the events log for the bulb. If there is nothing, then no command was sent to the device.

This makes no sense, having the bulb connected to the ZEN30 with the load turned on is no different than having it connected to a dumb switch or a pull chain socket.

Again, sounds like entirely a Wiz problem and nothing to do with the ZEN30.

You are going to have to break it down into one small problem at a time, troubleshoot and fix that, before you move onto something else. It seems like there are multiple issues (or misunderstandings) going on all at the same time.

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Meaning, she is not able to control the switch by means of communication through Hubitat, she is only able to control the bulbs through wifi/router.

But, there's been another event today that kind of narrows things. This morning there was a thunderstorm here, I got woken up by a huge crack of lightning. Power went out to stuff, but what was odd, and what has never happened before, is that like ~30 seconds later some stuff turned ON. Both of my TVs turned on (there's CEC on both, so not sure which component actually initiated it or not) and some lights came on (surge? and not actually a blackout? both? i'm not sure). When I got up to investigate and check things out, every lightbulb and switch in my house worked just fine and everything seemed in working order........except for the bulbs connected to my two Zen30 switches. All of my Wiz bulbs that are in either always-on lamps, dumb switches, or Zen72's immediately worked normally, no issues. Those Zen72's performed all their normal rule functions as well. On the Zen30's the both relays worked fine, but not the Wiz bulbs. So I checked the Wiz app and they were offline (both the living room and bathroom this time). To experiment I first unscrewed the bulbs from their socket and then back in and tried the dimmer switch after about a minute, no different. So the thing I decided to test was to go into the hub and disable smart bulb mode and re-enable load control for both physical and z-wave, whilst also doing what you suggested earlier with setting both min and max dimmer settings to 99%. Lo and behold, power was restored to the bulb, it illuminated, connected to the network and when I checked the individual bulbs settings they were all on the expected "Wiz Rhythm" that would have otherwise normally been on. I re-enabled Smart Bulb mode, and the bathroom dimmer and bulbs started working normal again. To me it seems pretty clear that there is a hiccup somewhere either with the switch itself or the software running it? I obviously don't know the interworkings like you do of how they connect and interact and all that stuff, but I'm telling you from my side as its hard to articulate all the little nuances that I see and my familiarity with how the setup performs on a normal basis, but I can definitely say its not the bulbs, and now that the identical issue occurred at the exact same time to both Zen30's and ONLY the Zen30's and the bulbs normally wired/connected to them immediately worked on other circuits...... I don't see how it could possibly be anything else but the switch or the software. I'm also submitting a ticket with Zooz to see if they have any input. But these Zen30's just have not been as reliable as the Zen72's and I have no idea what it is but every little experience and nuance points toward it in some fashion.

Post-outage performance for me, and others, have been problematic, and it's not just Zooz, or Z-wave, for that matter.

I'm in the middle of searching for something automatic to bring my Z-wave back to normal, ie, turn off those dam lights, after power restoration. Turning off all the switches (Zooz and non Zooz) didn't seem to work, might need a refresh first. Not an exact science; have to take outages on house power as well.

BTW, a UPS of some sort on the hub helps.

Did you ever change this setting like I suggested? It will force the dimmer to be on after a power failure.


Also you could try setting the Auto-On although I am not sure how it will work with the Smart Bulb mode enabled (I could test it later) Tested and all it does is turn the switch state on, did not turn on the load.


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@velvetfoot It's not just post-outage, its every day, but the post-outage was the singular event that really helped kind of narrow the focus down. And it's not post-outage to anything but the Zen30, which also says something. And my C-8 is connected to a UPS, thankfully (as well as my new home server NAS. Best $130 investment!)

If this setting makes the light turn on then there's still a flaw with either the switch or the software with the Zen30 because aside from the one aforementioned power outage there have been no power outages, and if there was some sort of wiring issue the two Zen30's in question are on different circuits so it would then be EXTREMELY unlikely to be related, and again if there are some sort of outages or wiring issues with multiple breaker circuits then it still points to the Zen30 or software because they are the only ones affected in any way. Zooz emailed me back and has asked for some info so I'll work with them and report back.