Zooz Zen30 Relay Switch Not Working

Here's debug logging on while pressing the Configure button on the parent device

And this is for the child device, still showing "UNK00" for model:

Looks like you do not have the current driver version. You need to update it for it to work on the new zen30

Interesting. I'm searchin' around and can't see where to update it, and in the Hubitat Package Manager it's only showing an update available for the plugs driver. Where should I go to get the update?

You could try a repair on that package. I did move the manifest a while back, if you never corrected that you will need to unmatch then match up again.

@jtp10181 OK now I'm even more confused. When I go in to the Repair option for packages and click on the dropdown your ZEN30 driver isn't even showing on the list?? as if its not installed at all. but yet its an option when selecting the Type in the devices page and I've been using it for the other double switch I've had for a year now

Are you certain you're using Jeff's custom driver for the Z30 (and not the native/stock Z30 driver)?

The driver name may look very similar in both cases.

It is part of the advanced switch package. If you go to the package list you should be able to see it there and the version.

@hydro311 yes certain. I'm going to reinstall it.

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And comparing what I already have installed to the link above, I do already have 2.0.2 installed as well.

@jtp10181 I have done the matching, I've gone through the repairing, it is showing as v2.0.2, not showing as any updates available, I'm selecting everything, and still showing as UNK00 type in the child device settings. Here's the debug logs on the parent device while pressing configure.

The info on the child device is irrelevant in this issue.

Looks like you cut off the start of the debug logs which is the part I actually want to see, see my post above for an example.

On the device page of the parent, the top right corner would show the version of the driver in an info box with a link to the community post, if its not there then it is so old it is before I added it to the top right.

It's there. It says "Community Link - Zooz ZEN30 v2.0.2"

Ok can you show the start of the debug logs from configure? It should look something like my example above. In your last screenshot it looks like you cut off the start of it.

After it is done, refresh the page and also show the Current States and State Variables again.

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Screen Shot 2024-06-08 at 6.31.40 AM

Ok everything looks good now. The child relay is still not working correctly?

If you want to clear any of that info from the child, switch the type/driver to the one named "Device" then use the two buttons to clear current states and state variables. Refresh the page and it should be clear. Then you can switch it back to my custom child driver Child Central Scene Switch if you have it installed, otherwise Generic Component Central Scene Switch will also work.

You could also use the Device driver from the parent to delete the child device if you don't have a bunch of automations tied to it, and then let my driver r-create it.

From there, it looks like it should be working correctly now that the configure has detected the endpoints.

Whew. This worked! It's working through z-wave/the hub, working on the physical buttons, and now even working with Alexa as well. In the process of everything I even noticed the "Relay Auto Turn Off Timer" setting which is super handy for the bathroom exhaust fan to turn itself off after awhile of venting moisture after a shower.

You're the man! Thank you so much.

Glad we finally got it sorted out. So did you just have the wrong driver set on the child device this entire time? Clearing that warning on the child, although annoying, would not have done anything to make it suddenly start working. I honestly think the real fix was getting the configure to work correctly and getting that "endPoints: 2" state variable to populate. That is the KEY in making the 800LR model work with my driver.

If you want to take your bath fan to the next level check out this app. You just need a humidity sensor in the bathroom and one other in the house to use as a baseline.

@jtp10181 No I had the correct driver the whole time, and it was always on the recent version as well. I'm not sure what fixed it.

However, I've started having trouble with the OTHER double switch now, the one in the living room. I noticed the issues with that one started after this latest driver update. Some of the issues have been I could not get the bulbs to turn on at all (and in the Wiz app they showed as offline, as if they were not receiving any power at all. Troubleshooted the bulbs to no end, they're working fine). I had to hit Reconfigure in the device settings so many times, restart the router, untwist and twist back in the bulbs in case there was something goofy within that network as well, made sure all the drivers were up to date and the platform was uptodate and eventually it all started working again as expected in every way. But now what I'm seeing is every morning when I wake that dimmer switch no longer works. The relay does, both with physical button, Alexa commands, and Zwave from the hub portal, but the dimmer switch does not. I have an Alexa routine for when I wake up, "Alexa good morning" and she turns on just about every light in my condo as well as turning off the ceiling fan and such. What I've seen the last 3 mornings in a row now is the command works fine everywhere, except when I walk out to the living room and the lights on the double switch dimmer circuit are still off. I'll press the up paddle on the switch in case it was an Alexa routine command gone wrong, but alas the switch doesn't turn them on either. The only way I have gotten it to work for the rest of the day is to come in to the hub and hit the reconfigure button and reboot the Hubitat hub after. Then it all works the rest of the day until I go to bed and stops working again in the morning. Any ideas?

EDIT: actually now that I look at it, when I said "with this latest driver update" I'm actually thinking the driver update I saw was not the double switch but was the "ZEN Dimmer Advanced" one. Is that the one you pushed the update out a few days ago? If so then I have no idea what would have been the initial cause of the switch starting to have issues.

So you have Wiz bulbs connected to the ZEN30 dimmer? Do you have the dimmer part in smart bulb mode so that it does not but the power? Do you have a rule to adjust the bulbs from the dimmer paddle?

Go to the Events tab on the parent (dimmer) and show the me the area where you had the issue in the morning.

@jtp10181 Yes both the living room Zen 30 and the master bathroom Zen 30 have Wiz smart RGBW bulbs on the dimmer circuit, the dimmer definitely is in smart bulb mode. I have not set up a rule to adjust the bulbs, the only thing Hubitat does for my Wiz bulbs is on/off commands. No dimming of any amount, no scene settings, all of that I do within the Wiz app (99% of the time I just leave it on the circadian rhythm-like schedule I have programmed into them).

I screenshot the Events tab and put it below. It looks like not every interaction with that switch is represented (ie, my "Alexa, good morning" routine. But as I type this that makes sense because the Alexa Routine is commanding the Wiz bulbs directly, not the switch/bulb group in Hubitat). At the beginning of the sequence (earliest) I am hitting the Configure button, then going out to the physical switch again to try it, then hitting configure again, "28 pending changes" shows up, I reboot the hub and after that the lights come on via command through the Wiz app, then again in the hubitat events I'm testing the physical switch again with a down paddle command instead of an up paddle command and then it works from there. Similar kind of thing each morning. The Alexa "Good morning" routine fails to turn on the living room bulbs and I have to troubleshoot to get them to work for the day.