Zooz Zen30 Fade On/Off Dimming problem

Hello everyone, first time installing the Zooz Zen 30 Double Fan switch.


The switch is working 99% fine my issue is with the "fade on/off" dimming feature, I was able to change the Ramp Rate to Instant at which the physical switch turns the lights on and off BUT the dimming speed for digital control isn't wiling to cooperate, according to the logs the message I keep getting is "There are 1 pending changes, please click the Save button again" no matter how many times I have tried to change this setting and press save preferences and save device the dimming speed isn't changing to the option which says Match Physical Ramp Rate.

I have 2 switch both are having the same issue.

  • firmwareVersion: 3.00

Help Plz

Try this driver, should work better for you: [DRIVER] Zooz ZEN Switches Advanced (and Dimmers)

EDIT: Actually my driver may not fix your issue, I think that parameter was removed by Zooz shortly after the first version came out a while ago, no idea why. I have brought it up but they never have said anything. Let me check my notes I will get back. I do not have that setting in my driver so you at least wont get the pending changes errors.

You are trying to get instant on/off when you control it via the hub correct?

Please confirm the issue exactly (besides the pending changes). When you say dimming speed I assume you are talking about the ramp rate when you turn on/off via zwave, or adjust the level? According to my notes and testing this should always match the ramp rate you have set via the "Dimmer Physical Ramp Rate", it is hard coded in the firmware with no way to change the setting or to override it in any way that I could figure out.

Yes my goal is to turn the light on/off instantly via the hub without the fade feature.

After I changed the option "Dimmer Physical Ramp Rate" to "Instant" the physical switch turns the light on/off instantly but still makes the fade On/Off when I use the hub to turn it On/Off.

Just tested with 6 seconds and Instant, in both cases the digital commands match the rate of the physical. This is using the on/off commands. I am using my driver linked above. I also do have firmware v 3.10 but the changelog does not mention any fixes with the ramp rate (although could be fixed and not documented).

Did one other test as well, it seems they fixed the firmware in v3, and setLevel will honor the fade if you set it. If I set the duration to 0 it will be instant, if I set a value it does the slow fade. If left blank the duration will match the ramp rate setting.

I would try my driver first see if that fixes it, if not it must be the firmware. It is possible the built in driver is not sending the on/off and setLevel commands the same as I am I, thus not getting the same results. I did some research for my last driver update to make sure I was following the zwave docs and sending all the proper commands in this area.

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I just tried using your driver and it fixed my issue 100%. :grin:

thanks for the fast response!

@bcopeland - see above, seems to be an issue with the built-in driver.