Zooz ZEN21 unresponsive

Just clarifying here ... Should that first statement be,

...when you set 4/6 it adjusts 3/5.

I found what you're talking about to disable at the top of 4/6, and did that. From the configVals data (that I don't think I can clear if I go back to other drivers), it looks like 3 and 5 are now 0.

You can also see that it's showing firmware 3.01 (I run into the .1 vs .10 thing on something at work all the time, too. So I understand having it as .01).

What led parameter 11 to be disabled, and can that be enabled again? Or is that smart bulb setting not relevant to a ZEN27?

Edit: this did fix the 3/5 settings, but it doesn't explain why the driver keeps causing the dimmer to be recognized only as a switch.

I changed motion lighting to a switch instead of a dimmer, and the light doesn't turn off. In fact, now I can only turn it on/off physically.

I don't expect you to remember, but before I bought the switches I consulted with you via DM about the fans, and you warned me about inductive load. Then I contacted the fan manufacturer, and I thought we worked out the ZEN21 was ok. I will contact support and share the specifics of that to start off.

@jtp10181 please see my edits in post 41

You ran the Parameters "Test All" command and probably because you have the wrong driver selected (Switch driver on a dimmer) it got confused and thought that 11 was not working so it disabled it. Run "Clear Hidden" and then switch to the correct driver. You may want to run a configure after that to be safe and if it says there are any pending changes when done just go to the bottom and hit "Save Preferences" which should make it try to sync up again.

I am getting really confused because you keep talking about switches and dimmers so I think you have some of both? In the screenshot above it is for a ZEN27 I think but you have it set to the SWITCH driver. Make sure you use the one labeled Dimmer "Zooz ZEN Dimmer Advanced" for dimmers if using my driver. This would cause your dimmer to show up as only a switch as well.

Maybe I need to add a warning if unsupported hardware is detected.

Oh geez. The only one I found in HPM was the switch one, and I incorrectly assumed it was able to tell the difference. That's my fault in so many ways (I started this about a switch). I'll find the dimmer driver.

Its in the HPM package, you should get a dropdown to select which you want. You should be able to go to the modify section select my package and then select which drivers you want.

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I ended up going to the GitHub repository, manually creating the driver by copy/paste, going to HPM matching, and then updating. I noted that the update updated both even though only dimmer had shown up as needing one. I did the test after following your instructions to clear, and all the values are ok now.

I think that now has the right driver, and that probably resolves my ZEN27 issues. Thanks for sticking with me, and I'm sorry for the confusion.

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