Zooz Zen17 relay

If your Zen17 device is Dev 1601 in your logs then you are getting the same as me. The other stuff in your logs are from different devices. Looks like Dev1597 might be spouting out a bunch of nonsensical stuff but that is beyond my pay grade. Might want to look into that device. If it is throwing out that much stuff there could be something wrong with it? Again, beyond my pay grade.... Could that possibly be the parent device?
Here is what I got in the logs by simply twice shorting the wires on Sensor 1 while in Motion Sensor Mode.

Device 1597 is the ZEN17 parent device while the 1601 is the sensor. It's that debug logging of the ZEN17 showing the Zwave values transmitted that I would like to see. I turned on Debug Logging on the parent device to see that tracking.

I see said the blind man...

Here is my data including the parent device with logging on. Once again I shorted the Sensor 1 twice.

Well, this shows me that the Hubitat driver is responding in a predictable way; Notification Type 6, Event 0 sets the device value to inactive, while Notification Type 6 Event 8 sets it to Active. My ZEN17 is sending the opposite Events to the Hub. I just sent a copy of my trace to Zooz support, we'll see what they say. Thanks for posting your trace.


Remember that DEBUG logging is what the developer things would be good to see if they got called upon. In these cases it's just the bytes received by the ZWave radio (parse) made into a sentence.

Indeed, this shows that the Hubitat driver consistently handles what it is receiving, but shows that what the ZEN17 is sending seems to be incorrect.

I am about to upgrade from 1.02 to 1.04 using the firmware provided by Zooz support. I have a C-5 so I am using Bryan’s binary driver. Does anyone know what target I should specify?

I thought I was going nuts on this because at some point yesterday, the motion sensor indicators were reporting correctly, but later they went back to being incorrect:
I think this is only happening under "real world" conditions, when the sensor is being rapidly toggled by the motion detector. Logs have been sent to @agnes.zooz.

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Am I reading this correctly that the reports get swapped if there are too many triggers coming from the input on the motion sensor?

Yes, that is what it appears to be happening.

It could be a mechanical limitation on the input side since it's getting many events per second from the motion sensor. Do you have a way of limiting this on the motion sensor at all?

Not that I can see. It's a Bosch DS-820, nothing weird.

I suspect that most wired motion sensors rely on the alarm panel for debouncing.

At this point, I can't figure out how to get the reports swapped back to normal. Once it happens, it persists through a power cycle.

I'm actually using the Zen16 with 2 DS-835 (with 3rd relay for detecting Main/AC power off using a 12V UPS)

That thing was made for security alarm so it's comparatively slow in triggering motion but turn off signal fast. There are multiple thresholds/stages required to be met before triggering the signal to make sure no false alarm (so it's not meant to be used for occupancy)
The DS series doesn't have bus, just dry contact switch output.

I have Zen16 relays set as toggle switch and use virtual motion sensors

@agnes.zooz I have might be similar observation when using TKBHome z-wave relays with dumb flood light's motion sensor. When I didn't set a time limit (physical switch for test/1m/5m/10m) for the motion sensor, motion sensor could switch between on/off every few seconds, the z-wave relay seems sometimes got output reversed.
I'm now paying more attention of the Zen16 output to see anything abnormal.

Thinking some more about this while looking at my logs, it does not seem that using a ZEN17 with a regular alarm motion detector is a good idea. Unless you can limit the activation and recovery time for the motion detector (like you can usually do for Zwave and Zigbee motion detectors), the ZEN17 will flood your Zwave network with messages. My motion detector is in a room with alot of foot traffic and is issuing a Zwave message every 3 seconds. This motion detector was originally on a Hubduino, which not only took the traffic off the ZWave network, but it also had logic to set the "motion" and recovery times, essentially "debouncing" the signal. To get a similar function with a ZEN17, I would have to put an Arduino and a relay between the motion detector and the ZEN17 sensor input to screen out most of the messages.


A motion sensor + arduino results in exactly the same Event on Hubitat as a Zigbee / ZWave Motion sensor. Don't lock yourself into thinking you must use every feature of the ZEN17. It is just a 'relay board' as well as everything else. Get a motion event, tell the ZEN17 to close a relay. Ta da. :slight_smile:

Your described flow of Motion --> Arduino --> relay --> ZEN17 input --> ZEN17 relay could be:

Motion --> Hubduino --> Hubitat --> ZEN17 relay

Of course you could just get a Zigbee Motion sensor and have:

Motion --> Hubitat --> ZEN17

I have several motion sensors in certain rooms and they don't bother each other :smiley:

I don't (yet) have a ZEN17 but I do have a ZEN16 and there are zero connections on the S inputs... I use it only as a relay board.

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This is accurate, although I am not activating the ZEN17 relay at the end of the flow, it's just to control lighting. And I agree, it makes no sense. I currently have a Hubduino Mega running with several door/window switch inputs, this motion detector and one other and a garage door controller. The problem with the Hubduino is that it periodically (once every 3 or 4 weeks) stops issuing events (and the heartbeat times out). I have not been able to duplicate this intentionally even having it run on my workbench for weeks with logging on, so I was looking at the ZEN17 as something perhaps more reliable. I don't really want to replace what is a really good motion sensor (PIR + Microwave), and the other one I am using is a microwave unit over the driveway for outside lights.

(Ha, ha, the Board software is telling me "Let others join the conversation. This topic is clearly important to you – you've posted more than 20% of the replies here.)


Thanks this is my setup now. :+1:

Very much looking forward to being able to get my hands on a Zen 17 in Canada. Please let me know if there is an option I missed. I just reached out to Home Tech Solution on Amazon.ca hoping they can get their hands on these. Thanks

Anyone know of any water leak sensors/probes that will work with this? Manual says max 40k Ohm but all the probes I've found are ~1M Ohm. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I've had my ZEN17 for a few days now, having issues, trying to see the advanced prefs. I have a ticket into Zooz, but so far, no luck. I am running the latest firmware, 1.04, but all that shows is the standard prefs and I am in need of some of the advanced settings, for adjusting the momentary timer. I had to order a ZEN16, to complete my install for a customer, since I can't seem to get the ZEN17 to show up correctly.