Zooz Zen17 relay

You trying to say you want a drop down menu for more of the settings? Wouldn't be that hard I just didn't feel like typing it all out for this quick thing (not really that quick) and figured people could use the docs. https://www.support.getzooz.com/kb/article/698-zen17-universal-relay-advanced-settings/

If anyone want to make the list for me just has to be in this format:
options: [0:"Disabled",1:"Enabled"]

I could also include the firmware version limiting features of my code I stole from me other drivers using their changelog info, again just was trying to whip this up as quick as I could and get something out here.

Also, FYI, Firmware 1.20 is out, some sort of bug fix, I was just about to install it myself.


Not necessary, but just a footnote in either the driver and/or where you post this that you need to have that info handy.

Hmm, guess I need to request that. I still wish that Hubitat could just link to these or something without going through the rigmarole of emailing Zooz.


I gave the companion driver a quick whirl last night, and I'm a big fan of its potential -- this would be a nice win to help attract more users to the Z17, since I think some potential users are put off by the complexity of manually managing parameters (which is pretty unavoidable with this device).

If you end up continuing this project and create a new post for it, we can help flesh out some tips-&-tricks WRT things like breaking down the order of steps and what buttons to hit & when on which page etc.

For instance, I know I still always struggle a bit every time I use the darn Basic Z-wave Tool when I go back to the original driver -- do I hit Configure there again too for good measure or just let it ride (IIRC, that can vary [hence my struggle]).

But for such a widely-capable device like the Z17, the idea of a companion driver is really awesome -- I think it would really help increase adoption.

Thanks Jeff!


Wanted to thank Jeff as well. I have had no time to play with this but it looks like it is well on track as to what is needed for this awesomely capable device! Would definitely need the list of parameters if no pull downs are in the driver....

@neonturbo since you said you tried the reverse option I have a question. In the zooz docs it sounds like if you want them reversed you should ALWAYS set the reverse parameter to the same thing as the relay type (only working for options 4-10). Is that correct? If that's the case I could just code it as a Enabled/Disabled dropdown and behind the scenes set it the same as the input type. Or is there any reason to set them as different types?

That is my understanding of that setting, although I have never tried doing the incorrect way.

I am not sure that there would be a reason to set it "incorrectly". I would hope that if you set the reverse option and the initial parameter as normal, you would get some error or logic fault.

So unless Agnes or anyone else can provide evidence to not to, I guess that coding it so that when you reverse things, it does automatically lock you out of the other setting. If I get a few minutes I might try and see what happens.

Adding all the drop down menus, and coding it so the reverse is just on/off visually but in the back end it will set it to the same value as the trigger when possible, otherwise it can forcefully turn it back off if it cannot be enabled for the selected trigger. Stay tuned. Will be posted as its own thread and on HPM when ready.


@dale.boyles @steve.maddigan @neonturbo @Levahj @hydro311

Released and updated on HPM with a new post.
Matchup should work if you already have it installed.