Zooz Zen04 Smart Plug Driver and Newone N4003

Do you have a link for a manual for this thing? Part of the problem might be you are not setting what you think you are by using the ZEN15 driver. I can give you suggested settings to manually set using my driver. Also, if it is a 700 series device I have a universal scanner driver that might be able to scan and present all the settings for you. [RELEASE] Z-Wave Universal Device Scanner

LOL, I was already uploading it in the other thread.

I have your driver set up and everything looks okay.

Wattage is constantly shifting by more than 50 Watts so the excessive reporting continues. Nothing that can be done about that for now.

What is Accessory State Threshold?

What do you have plugged in that is changing in power draw so frequently, that is not normal.

As I was just looking at the parameters for the ZEN04 I realized, that I think this N4003 is just a clone of it. The ZEN04 has the same limit of 5-50 watts and same parameter number 5 for the power reporting. The original ZEN04 was spamming 0 volts a lot but they fixed it with the 1.20 firmware, is your sending 0 volts reports?

This post explains the accessory attribute and setting: [DRIVER] Zooz Smart Plugs Advanced (ZEN04 / ZEN05 / ZEN14) - #56 by jtp10181

It's got a power strip with AV equipment connected. The main draw is a Denon AVR.

I never had a problem like it before but it wasn't excessive reporting when it was in a different location that I'm aware of.

No zero volts reporting just a lot of Watts reports pretty much just over 50 Watts:

It's not flagged for excessive reports at this moment.

Yeah its not too bad but getting close. Keep an eye on it, going off that often it could cause some delays on your other devices if it has to keep re-routing.

Looking at the setting for the ZEN15 that one you can set the reporting threshold as high as you want or totally disable it, in which case it will only report at the interval set. That might be what you need for this setup.

I wonder if the ZEN04 (and your device) would take a value of 0 for parameter 5 to shut that off despite what the docs say? I will test it on mine shortly and report back.

I haven't noticed any delays as of yet. I'll try using a different brand monitoring plug that was freed up from the Xmas stuff later on and see if the problem follows.

I had tried setting that to a higher value using the ZEN15 but I don't think I tried a zero value.
Edit: Looks like it ignored the value. Reporting continues apace at 50 Watts. Ooops, looks like it went to default 5 Watt reporting rather.

But the ZEN15 driver was trying to set a totally different parameter number, so none of that would have saved to anything anyway.

Anyway, my ZEN04 wont take anything outside of the advertised range of 5-50 so I am guessing yours will be the same.

I used your parameter setting feature but it reset to the default and didn't accept the zero value.

Yes, the same.

I seem to be having an issue with accessing the energyDuration in a tile:

The 6.07 value looks like where the old driver left off before I setup yours.

Yes, I do not have it as an attribute so it cannot be used in a tile. If thats something that is useful I can change it to an attribute in an update.

How do you use the information then? Or is it only available to view in the Device page? If it's not currently usable for tiles or calculations then I'd prefer an attribute personally.

Yes it need to be an attribute to be used on tiles or in RM.

I am thinking maybe I should call the attribute energyDays and just make the value the number of days only without the word "Days" in it? Then it could be used in RM if desired since it would only be a number. I could keep the state down below how it is already.

I already have this partially done, and I just need to add some automatic detection to turn on the power metering, then you should be able to use my updated version without modification on your device.

I'd only suggest that changing the variable name adds a little hassle factor when switching to your driver as you'll have to update any existing tiles or RM's. It's probably not too big an issue for most folks but does add an extra layer of complexity.

Good point I will keep it but I think I am going to make it be days only and send the unit in the event separate so only the number gets shown.

Are you actually using it in RM somehow with the "Days" word at the end? How do you use it in that case?

I'm not currently using it in rule manager and I'm pretty new to HE but I figured I could work some standard string manipulation magic to isolate the numeric value. You could use it then to calculate average KwH/day, etc. As I haven't looked at it closely, I'll have to defer to your experience.

localVariable = left (energyDuration, (indexOf (energyDuration, " ")-1)) or something like that.

As I had indicated earlier, I was switching a different energy monitoring plug in to the media center position. I have done that and it's working much better now. The range of settings allowed me to set parameters that will work fine and the excessive chatter is now ended.

I switched in a Monoprice 27481 Smart Plug / Repeater and set it up with your driver:

* deviceId: **10**
* deviceModel: **UNK00**
* deviceType: **257**
* firmwareVersion: **1.02**
* inClusters: **0x5E,0x25,0x32,0x27,0x2C,0x2B,0x70,0x85,0x59,0x72,0x86,0x7A,0x73,0x5A**
* manufacturer: **520**
* zwNodeInfo: **D3 9C 00 04 10 01 5E 25 32 27 2C 2B 70 85 5C 59 72 86 7A 73 5A 68 23**

@MajorEvent I published an update to HPM that should work universally for power metering:

I'll switch to that and respond in your thread going forward.

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