Zooz firmware version

I didn't either, but I would like to know what that other remark was referring to so feel free to PM me...

When I didn't see a difference I switched back to Hubitat driver. Firmware 24.16

The Secure Join setting is set to "All Secure Z-Wave". I did not recall setting this so it must be the default setting. If I change it to "Locks / Garage Doors" what is it going to do to my existing switches and Tilt Sensors?

I replaced the old sensor with the new one in my simple lighting app to turn on lights on motion but it is not working. Seems that I traded one problem for another. Looking at the log nothing is being logged when I have motion and nothing in the log indicates that the event was triggered.

I changed the Secure Join to Locks / Garage Doors, removed the sensor and added it back. Everything seems to be working now. Thanks for your help.
As for the changes in the firmware one of the items fixed was the multiple events triggering when motion was found. Hubitat made a work around for this by adding Suppress duplicate motion events. This firmware in not supposed to need this anymore. Not sure what other things were changed.

With All Secure selected. only devices that were able to join securely would have joined securely. All others would have joined regularly. Changing it won't affect anything and is what you should set it. Securely joined devices send a lot more traffic over the Zwave network. There aren't many devices that do offer security so it hasn't likely affected anything. If you are curious if there are devices that have joined securely check the bottom of the device page for
zwaveSecurePairingComplete: true
That will only show up for a securely paired device.

I confirmed with Zooz that the only change they made was to add some new association related settings that can be used to stop the duplicate reporting.

To avoid breaking existing handlers I believe the reporting is the same as the previous versions by default so you'll need to change one of the new settings in order to stop the device from sending duplicates.

That firmware is not in production yet so I doubt the new config parameters are supported in the Hubitat driver and they're not supported in my SmartThings handler so you'll need to use that basic z-wave tool that was previously mentioned if you want to change them.

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