I have a Hubitat C8 hub with several Zooz switches installed. I am having an on-going issue with the ZEN30 Double Switch. I have 2 installed on a Celling Fan/Light combo, both setup in the same configuration (Dimmer controlling the lights and relay controlling the fan) The relay on the double switch will turn off at random times once per night (both switches). There isn't a set time that it stays on it varies every night before turning off then once you turn it back on it will stay on until it is turned off. I have confirmed the auto off timer was disabled, even unpaired the switch and re-connected it to no success. So I made made a Facebook group post which told me to check the logging system and see what the cause of it was and post it here. The logs show " [dev:21] 2024-07-01 03:14:41.377 AM [info] Master Bedroom Fan: switch is off" every time this event occurs making me believe it was the switch causing the issue. So i created a support ticket with Zooz and after multiple firmware updates with Zooz the issue still continued. I finally got the idea to disconnect the hub overnight and see if the issue persists, to which it didn't. This is day 3 without having the Hubitat connected and the switch functions like normal (besides having the z-wave connectivity) so I guess my question would be has anyone else ran into a similar issue that has a solution? Or is there a better avenue to get this issue resolved with Hubitat?
Thank you in advance for any support or resolution to this issue!
I also am having this issue. Mine is a brand new install (less than 48 hours)
In your log, does it show the relay turned off by 'physical' not 'digital'
Mine shows 'physical' but on by 'digital' because I am turning it on via app.
There is not a common time issue either as sometime is turns off after a minute or two sometimes it takes 30 mins or more. but so far never more than an hour.
My work around for now is a Basic Rule that turns it back on when it senses it turns off. I use a Mode restriction as I only run Ceiling Fan in a specific mode.
Your troubleshooting by unplugging does implies that it is the Hubitat sending a 'off' command but that should result in a 'digital' off in log not 'physical'.
I am also going to try testing by disabling the 'physical' 'Relay Paddle' (button) in the Parent setting. If that prevents it from turning off, it would be the Hubitat or the Driver (most likely cause).
I have not tried a firmwire update yet.
Try my ZEN30 driver in this package: [DRIVER] Zooz ZEN Switches Advanced (and Dimmers)
Be sure to run configure after switching the driver and check over all your settings.
You can enable debug logging indefinitely which might give a little extra info in the logs.
Jeff, I should have mention, I am running your latest build not the default.
I have 8 ZEN77 Switch's (with no issues), but this is my first ZEN30 in my setup.
I just cannot phantom how it could be the Hubitat or your driver. Log clearly says 'physical' off
I cannot find advanced logging option on the child, only the parent. So all I can get is INFO. Debug or trace would be helpful. The Parent log is not tracking the 'off' action.
FYI - My Rule is turning it back on. Just annoying.
All the messages come in through the parent device, if there was any trace or debug logging the parent would log it for the child device. The info logging is created by the component driver on the child when events are passed over to it.
Interesting. So the parent (in Debug) Event Log and Log are not logging any child events.
The Parent device ID is DEV598
The Child device ID is DEV599
Parent log only logging DEV598 events
From Child Event Log:
Automatic turning off:
Date/Time: 8/01/2024 4:26:43.906 pm
Name: switch
Description: switch is turned off (physical)
State change: true
Physical: true
Digital: false
Value: off
Source: DEVICE
Type: physical
Device id: 599
Device name: Office Ceiling Fan
When the Basic Rule runs or I use app to turn on:
Date/Time: 8/01/2024 4:26:45.438 pm
Name: switch
Description: switch is turned on (digital)
State change: true
Physical: false
Digital: true
Value: on
Source: DEVICE
Type: digital
Device id: 599
Device name: Office Ceiling Fan
From Child Log: (excerpt)
dev:5992024-08-01 04:26:45.436 PMinfo Office Ceiling Fan: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:5992024-08-01 04:26:43.905 PMinfo Office Ceiling Fan: switch is turned off (physical)
dev:5992024-08-01 04:01:56.073 PMinfo Office Ceiling Fan: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:5992024-08-01 03:49:38.059 PMinfo Office Ceiling Fan: switch is turned off (physical)
dev:5992024-08-01 02:42:50.196 PMinfo Office Ceiling Fan: switch is turned on (physical)
dev:5992024-08-01 02:42:43.133 PMinfo Office Ceiling Fan: switch is turned off (physical)
dev:5992024-08-01 02:42:34.821 PMinfo Office Ceiling Fan: switch is turned on (physical)
Usually I only generate debug logs for duplicated events, like if an ON comes in when the child device is already in an ON state.
Trace would show every single incoming message from the device, before and after being parsed.