I have noticed that the sensor is always reporting 1 pending change and has been showing this for well over 2-3 weeks. I have it named "Living Room" The logs indicate:
[dev:80]( 07:06:18.239 pm [info]( Room: motion is inactive
[dev:80]( 07:06:18.198 pm [info]( Room: motion is inactive
[dev:80]( 07:06:09.715 pm [info]( Room: syncStatus is 1 Pending Change
[dev:80]( 07:06:09.684 pm [warn](, Light, Humidity, and Battery will be requested the next time the device wakes up.
[dev:80]( 07:06:08.521 pm [info]( Room: battery is 100%
[dev:80]( 07:06:08.366 pm [info]( Room: syncStatus is Syncing...
The syncing event is after I press the Z-Wave button. I have tried removing the battery and putting it back in to force it to sync, but there was no change. My scheduled tasks seem to be fired once based on the bottom of my screen:
I have hit the Configure yes and the logs state it will send when the devices wakes up. I also see the Resync as well. After seeing the Resync, It then waits. I am not sure how often it wakes up, so I went over and hit the Z-Wave button and it did the same thing.
[dev:80]( 08:10:58.851 pm [info]( Room: motion is active
[dev:80]( 08:10:50.878 pm [info]( Room: syncStatus is 1 Pending Change
[dev:80]( 08:10:50.516 pm [info]( Room: motion is active
[dev:80]( 08:10:50.512 pm [info]( Room: motion is active
[dev:80]( 08:10:42.844 pm [info]( Room: battery is 100%
[dev:80]( 08:10:42.798 pm [info]( Room: syncStatus is Syncing...
[dev:80]( 08:10:40.111 pm [info]( Room: motion is active
[dev:80]( 08:10:40.107 pm [info]( Room: motion is active
I had to move my Zooz 4-1's from my C7 to my C5 and use Hub Mesh for C7 automation tasks. These motion sensors certainly have functioning issues with the C7, which I hope that HE and Zooz will address in a future C7 patch or device firmware update.
It is frustrating to have HE and Zooz possibly throw in the towel and simply state that these sensors do not work with HE, when motion sensors, we have already purchased, are so critical for home automation tasks.
These sensors, do work, on my C5, as expected, just not the C7.
Wait... I currently have 3 of these sensors and have been pretty happy with them and was planning on ordering a few more soon. What exactly is the issue with them that they are recommending not using them? I have a C5 hub, but if I needed to get a new hub for some reason I don't want any issues....
The issues that have been reported are various hub & mesh instability for the Zooz ZSE40 motion sensor. From what I can read, Zooz and HE apparently have decided to state that there is known incompatibility after many forum members have tried to use these on the C7. I have mine working on C5 with no issues and using Hub Mesh to get its status to the C7.
Zooz technical support staff sent me the following response when I asked how to perform an inclusion to my C7:
There is an issue specific to the Hubitat C-7 platform which doesn't allow non-secure inclusion for S0 devices. There's currently nothing we know of that could possibly address the problems on the device side but we're actively looking for other solutions to this issue.
The only known workaround is to use a 500 chip Z-Wave stick, add it as a secondary controller to Hubitat, and then use PC Controller to add the sensor without security to the network. Would you like to try this solution? We can send you a loaner stick if you don't have one.
Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to add the ZSE40 without security using a 500 series Z-Wave stick:
Include the Z-Wave stick as a secondary controller using the PC Controller software (you can follow the first 4 steps in this support article to set the stick up using the software): In Hubitat, click on Discover Devices > Z-Wave > Z-Wave Inclusion and click on Classic Learn Mode in the PC Controller window. Uncheck any security boxes that Hubitat prompts.
In PC Controller, click on the new PC Controller device created (Node ID different than 1).
Click the 'Add' button.
Click the Z-Wave button on the ZSE40 twice quickly to put it in inclusion mode (the LED indicator will flash quickly). If you open the logging screen in Hubitat, you will see activity including an Add Node completed message.
Go back to the Z-Wave details page in Hubitat and check to see the sensor has been added. There should be "None" in the Security column.
I assume after these steps above, one would exclude the UZB as a secondary HE hub, and the new ZSE40 device should show up as a new 'no security' device/motion sensor on the C7. I have not tried these steps as the ZSE40 sensor is working as expected on the C5.
Thanks for the info, Kurt. I've spent all morning digging into this. I've two of the 4-in-ones, and have had issues get much more frequent the last few weeks. It's at least good to hear I'm not going insane with something I messed up.
Me too! I spent a long weekend migrating over 75+ devices from ST -> HE, creating new Rules, groups, scenes, motion actions, mode changes. All went well as I had planned/expected, except for the Zooz ZEN2x switches and their ZSE40 motion sensors.
Many on this forum helped me identify that the C7 performs better when it includes selected devices with 'no security' when prompted (uncheck all boxes during inclusion). This tip helped with the Zooz ZEN2x switches after I had to force them to exclude (they had lost their neighbor routes), reset the C7's Z-Wave table, upgrading the ZEN2x's firmware to the latest, and then performing an inclusion for each device with 'no security'. Also, it helped to only add a few Z-Wave devices at a time and let the network mesh stabilize and select Z-Wave devices can examine optimal and neighbor routes over night. All my Zigbee sensors went in perfectly, along with my Z-Wave lock with no issues!
The ZSE40's and Fibaro motion sensors are now contained on the C5 and functioning as expected using Hub Mesh to get their status to the C7. I am tempted to try to add the Fibaro motion sensors to the C7 using the UZB method, but apprehensive to mess up my stable network mesh on the C7.
You know, if it isn't broke... but them again, what a challenge as I have 7 new Fibaro sensors to get up and working and I'm not sure I want them all on the C5...
They will almost certainly not. The issue is a Silicon Labs 700 series chipset limitation. So Hubitat cannot do anything without new chipset software/firmware from SL. Zooz might be able to, but they have 700 series sensors in the pipeline. The issue is fixable for $20 and a little time. I would not want a smaller company like Zooz to allocate scarce resources to old product.
It is just the C7. Not doubting your issues, but it's not the hub(s). I've had them work fine on both the C4 and C7 (once paired with no security).
Good opinion @bill.d, but one can always hope that great companies can resolve their product's interoperabilities... The ZSE40 version 2.0 is not considered 'old' when I spoke with tech support at Zooz and I'm sure they would like to see this sensor operate on the HE C7 as their other offerings do. If it was $20, I guess I might pay that to help defer their costs and help the Z-Wave development continue.
I am encouraged that you have a ZSE40 working as expected on a C7 and I might go at it once again (head banging) with the UZB, PC Controller and no security inclusion. I'm assuming that is what you did?
So as stated, I am not having any issues with the Zooz ZEN2x switches, ZEN16 multi-relay and ZEN15 power switch on the C7 since I updated the device firmware to be current.
It's the ZSE40 motion sensor devices on the C7 that has repeatedly caused ghosted devices and network mesh disruption. I know this because I have spent probably 3 days troubleshooting this device on the C7, with every configuration I can. Zooz support staff has specified to me in email (See above thread) that these 4-1 sensors should be included to a C7 with a UZB and PC Controller and no security. The ZSE40's are working as expected on my C5.
I did that and found that it stopped working. I could not get it to work again and decided to move it back to my C5.
I have 3 ZSE40 paired with no security and they seem to work well. I also have 3 Monoprice lookalikes (I think they are essentially Zooz V1 HW, but canβt say for sure...) and they seem to be working okay.
That said, I do have occasional issues with sending commands to my 18 Inovelli switches simultaneously and with updating their firmware... could be related...