[Zigbee] Visual render for getChildAndRouteInfo

Will this also make it in to the next update of the platform or will this remain separate?

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This community app is developed separately from the platform code. Since the app is open source (with a very liberal license), the awesome Hubitat devs can cherry-pick worthy changes and bring them to the platform.

For this release though, there were mostly visual style changes (Solarized color scheme, dark theme support) that might not be compatible with the Hubitat UI style. The HPM change is also not usable with the platform code.


You should do a z-wave one

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Another small release 2.1.0:


  • Add "Node repulsion force" config option to better visualize graphs with many devices

Have fun!


I want to give it a go at some point. Problem is I don't have any z-wave devices so I might ask you guys to help me with some raw data to work with.


I'm down to help

I have to admit, i have not read all of this thread, so if I missed this, I apologize. HOW DO WE GIVE YOU A :moneybag: DONATION, @dandanache ?


Click on the user icon and follow the links…


Awesome app. I have one question, could you add room name in brackets ()?
I have choice either too long devices names (not fitting in "Lights/switches" in native app) and possibility to indentify devices on graph, or nice names in "Lights/switches", but serious issues, to identify on graph which device where is located.

Dan, if you plan to come some weekend on the other side of the river, opposite of Giurgiu, we can have some beers, and you will get 2 or 3 Z-wave devices that are just sitting in my drawer and I will never use. :slight_smile:

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Thanks man, you have a kind heart! I don't have anything planned, but will def let you know if the opportunity arrives :+1:

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This is a great idea and I like it a lot! You are right that my devices list looks messy having the room information in their name. I was actually quite happy with my device naming scheme and now you ruined that for me :slight_smile:

Unfortunately the room information is not present in the incoming data that is used to build the graph; it can be added by the Hubitat devs though. Alternative is to find a hackish/messy way to retrieve this data.

Driver and/or Library:


This just happened to me (on Firefox 114) and in the browser console I found Uncaught NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY. Tried to reproduce it for the next 30 mins without any luck.

I assume it's a bug in the underlying graphing library "force-graph", not sure though. Unfortunately there's not much I can do about this bug if I am unable to reproduce it.

Fun fact: while investigating this issue, I realized that the constant redrawing of the graph (for animating it) is pretty heavy on system resources (CPU and GPU) especially when the moving particles are enabled.

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Yikes... I wonder if you might want to set the default to no moving particles just to save on energy use!

This is from task manager with moving particles:

13.1% of CPU and 14.2% of GPU were being used by "Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode..." when I captured the screenshot. Both would jump up over 15% at times.

After turning off "Show link particles":

0.2% of CPU and 0.2% of GPU being used by the same process. CPU varied from 0 to 0.8%, GPU was pretty consistent at 0.2 or 0.3%.


Added a small release 2.2.0:


  • Add option to display room name in the device name (using Maker API built-in app) - @abraham


  • Show all dates using the "time ago" format
  • Move contents of the "Help" tab inside the "Status" tab

Have fun!


Ran the last update on HPM. Now get a 404 error, tried a delete & reinstall. 404 error. Any ideas?

Be sure you are on the latest version of HPM. A fix was made 2 weeks ago to fix a problem with installing files.

Screenshot 2023-06-23 at 11.32.30 PM

I am, and have been since the update was released for HPM. Still have the issue. I suspect it now can't find the html page, despite it being on the hub. I checked. IP hasn't changed.