Zigbee Network Offline and Hub Load Is Elevated

Hi guys, my Zigbee radio has gone offline on 2 consecutive days. It's also happened a few other times over the last several months. A reboot seems to resolve this, however it's very frustrating. Do you have any idea what causes this, how do I prevent reoccurrence and is there a way of identifying the problem upon it occuring.

All help appreciated.....Stu

What firmware version?

I believe the community [RELEASE] Hub Information Driver v3 has an attribute for the Zigbee status that can be used in a notification rule.

Use zigbeeStatus2

Oh great, thanks.

Just before I do this, I've noticed this trigger in RM. Does this not work?

Hi guys, once again my Zigbee radio went offline. I've noticed that Hubload is elevated. What exactly does this mean, what is causing it and how do I resolve the issue.

Some of my Smarthings multi sensors and several of my aquara devices fell off the mesh and needed to be deleted and readded. They've been virtually rock solid for 2-3 years which I think is due to me having multiple IKEA bulbs, and outlets. Any thoughts guys. Cheers in advance...Stu

Can you PM me the hub id? I can take a look at the engineering logs on the hub.

Elevated hub load can knock Zigbee radio out. Take a look at Logs page, App stats and Device stats tabs. Are there any apps or devices that take unusually much of hub's time?

Cheers, I've just sent you a PM. What figures would constitute unusually high load. I'm not sure what to look out for ..Stu

Not sure exactly what Victor wants to look at, but you could post screen shots of your App stats and Driver stats pages using these selections as a start for the first page or so of apps/drivers:

There's a bunch of "Send socket thread interrupted for device 206" in the logs.
Can you open page http://hubs.ip.address.here/device/edit/206 and check what device that is? Disabling it will likely solve the elevated load issue. Once that is resolved, I'd bet Zigbee will stay offline online, too.

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Online? :wink:

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Yeah, fixed :man_facepalming:


Awww...I was really hoping for a "Noted." :wink: :rofl:

Hi @cjcharles my problem seems to come back to my heatmiser neo hub bridge. Are you able to help. I haven't a clue what "send socket threads " mean but they're clearly causing my hub lots of issues.... Stu

Don't know either... Never seen that message before. The heatmiser integration doesn't send any zigbee messages, it's purely an Ethernet connection...

What does it show in the logs for the heatmiser hub and related devices? How many thermostats do you have? What is your poll interval? (Updated from default?) What percentage CPU utilisation is it actually taking? What level is your hub at?

Hi, and thanks in advance @cjcharles and @danabw . I have 6 thermostats in total. The only things I can see at the moment in the logs are screenshot below. They are showing some slight character issues. How and where do I check the poll interval and where do I see the CPU utilisation. Sorry for my lack of knowledge...Stu

Curious, not a super high hub CPU usage but clearly something funky going on with thermostat names, is it always the day one throwing an error? Did you rename any thermostats when this happened? Do you have spaces in their names?

Hi, I've not renamed any of the thermostats. They have basic naming conventions without any numerical characters except Hot water1.

Should I remove the number 1 character do you think?

The others are, Thermostat Hall, Thermostat Kitchen and so forth. See image if it helps.

What are their names in the Heatmiser app? That is how Hubitat tries to get the name, and sometimes gets strange results with spaces in it (having spaces in the Hubitat name is fine)

The names are pretty straightforward here too. How odd

Ok, so my guess would be the Hot water and utility are the ones causing issue due to the spaces. You would need to remove them and recreate to ensure that it isnt the cause, and then I'll have another look (as nobody else has this issue from what I can see).

I used to have the 'no spaces in names' comment in Smartthings, but its not in the instructions at the moment, probably as I thought I fixed it... But I may not have done so properly as I havent tested that feature/fix in almost 2 years!