Zigbee Network Offline and Hub Load Is Elevated

Thanks, I removed the number 1 from my Hot Water name in HE last night.

So far I've not had an elevated hub load today. I've had an elevated load at least once per day for the last 4-5 days.

Could this be the cause? I don't want to remove my thermostats from Heatmiser just yet in case I've already fixed it.

Is this readable or just a complete coincidence do you think?

Just a coincidence I'm afraid, it'll be the name in heatmiser that matters for my code, but it's potentially something else driving a weird interaction if that did fix it...

Just an update guys. I've not closed this thread with a "Solved". However, I've not had an elevated hub now for 2 days. Fingers crossed :+1:


My problem has disappeared. Big thanks to everyone who's had any input. I'm really not sure what's resolved the issue but after a week, I seem to be in the clear :+1:


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