Zigbee LED strip; of normal LED strip with zigbee plug?

Just came to say I think the simpler of your two options for an under-cabinet kitchen lighting project has more merit than I first thought.

Why complicate things if I just need white LED with some color temp adjustment. I agree, once the right color temp is found it's not going to be bothered with again. At least not in this old codger's environment; no disco mode, no romantic mode, no 'ooo look at those fancy cabinets' mode, just full-on "make it so these old eyes can see while wielding a knife on slippery vegetables". OK, I can see merit in being able to adjust the brightness...but I'm starting to think that really doesn't have to be run through HE if the LED controller's control is reachable.

The key would be finding the LED controller that could be set and then reinstate things as they were when being turned on/off via a Zigbee switch or outlet.

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