Zigbee Devices Behaving Badly

I cant find anything unusual in the log files. As for the device/app stats, seems typical of past history.

I have removed all my Hue Motion detectors and will include them onto my other hub. If I still have problems with zigbee on my main hub I'll remove each device one by one. Given that it may take hours between each change it may take a while before I can actually find the problem.

Curiously, what make/model is the Washing Machine outlet?

It is clearly the linchpin of the ZigBee mesh, but I recall reports of flaky behavior from certain models. May or may not be a factor here.

How long has your Zigbee network been setup for? It looks like you only have one repeating device? What channel is your zigbee radio set to? Pull the air gap on the zigbee outlet or turn the breaker off however you can cut power to it for a few seconds.


Network has been up for at least 2 years. The last zigbee device I added, at least 1 year ago, would have been a Hue motion sensor. Never had any issues. All devices and hub in the same location since as far back as I can remember.

The zigbee channel is 20

I have removed every device so far as the last one, a ST Multi sensor appeared to die and is completely unresponsive. Now I will try to add one device at the time. If that doesnt work I'll try a zigbee radio reset

Going from bad to worse. I removed all devices, factory reset each one, tried to re-include but none would join, reset the radio, changed the channel from 20 to 15 and all effort failed. None of my devices would join except for one. That particular device joined but did not respond.

I then tried to add these same devices to another hub sitting right next to me. They would not join. I dont know how many times I did a factory reset on these suckers yet they just will not join.

I am totally out of ideas

When you are joining them, are you joining them in place or next to the hub? Do you have any zigbee bulbs in your mesh?

Did you cut power to the zigbee outlet?

I tried both. I had “better” luck near the hub only in that the device joined but didn’t work

Yup. I ended up removing it from the network.

Your entire issue from everything you've said seems to be a seriously weak mesh. On the device that joined but didn't work, how did you pair it? Through the manufacturer or classic zigbee pairing? I recommend only using classic zigbee pairing. Then check that the driver is correct after pairing. Pair right next to the hub.

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So you have two Hubitat hubs? If you have the zigbee radio turned on on both try turning off one of the radios. Also make sure to factory reset the outlet and include that one first. Don't know if you're using hub mesh on your hubs but if you are turn it off for now. Might sound dumb but if you actually have two hubs make sure your using the correct hub and your not dealing with hub mesh issues from reseting and all that junk.

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I think (& hope) I have fixed my problems. A couple of days ago I was getting error messages from Blink and Acurite hubs (can't connect to cloud error) both of which are "hard-wired" to one of my AP routers. Because it had nothing to do with Hubitat and all my other wifi devices were working fine I ignored the error.

This morning I was ready to throw everything in the garbage as no zigbee device would connect to either hub. Grasping for straws I decided to try one more thing. Turn off my wifi radios. reboot the routers and turn wifi back on. I then tried to include the powered zigbee socket and it connected immediately. The Hue motion detectors added with ease and atm all seems to be working.So far so good. Here's hoping it stays that way. By the speed each zigbee device joined the network I am optimistic I found/fixed my problem

I believe now that my original loss of my zigbee devices started this weekend due to wifi interference. One of my AP routers had wifi issues this weekend and I turned off the radios. Obviously not soon enough as the remaining wifi was still raising hell.

Thanks everyone for all the great help you provided. :grinning:


FWIW, I had a very similar issue with a couple Netgear routers (R7900P from Costco) that I had put into AP mode. Though I had assigned a channel to them they didn't honor the assignment and were channel hopping which caused interference with my Zigbee mesh, but not nearly as badly as your experience. After these routers were replaced with Unifi APs the problem went away.

I regret not associating my experience with yours much sooner as I might have saved you time and grief.

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I was heading down the wifi radio route as I was just reading this thread, glad you got it sorted. @ogiewon had a good post with a diagram somewhere I found quite useful, explaining good channels to use.

Actually he has two :slightly_smiling_face:


I spoke too soon!!!!!!
Everything is in chaos again. Some devices work sporadically for a while then stop responding. Rebooting my routers did nothing. I checked my Hue hub channel. Its at 25 while hubitat is at 20. For now I have shutdown my 2nd hub until I figure this out. Very frustrated :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I haven't read the entire thread in detail, are the routers set to a fixed wifi channel?

Yes they are. 1, 6 , 11
I do believe it is wifi related problem though. I got everything work real fast this AM so I moved on to another problem. Specifically, a wifi camera which keeps disconnecting. I was trying to use several different/available SSIDs and all that commotion (I think) created more problems. I shutoff the wifi radios and eventually all but one of my zigbee devices started working again. Wifi is back on but the camera is unplugged. Now I need time. If the wifi isnt the problem I dont know where to look next

I have 4 access points on different channels but same ssid spread across about 10000 sf with at least 4 hubs running zigbee and haven't ever seen the types of issues you are seeing. And ive invested zero time in coordinating wifi and zigbee channel usage.

Have you done a wifi channel scan to see what your environment looks like?

And im assuming we haven't done something silly like placing the hub on top or close to your aps...


Well, like I stated above, my (Hubitat) zigbee network has been up for 2 years with no changes in at least 1 year. My Wifi? Conservative guess, I would say hasnt seen any changes in 5-6 years. When I said above that " was trying to use several different/available SSIDs" I should clarify, these were existing ssids. I have a common ssid for the house, another for the garage which is shielded from the house wifi due to the steel doors.
Until I prove differently, I maintain the problems started trying to connect this wifi camera. Since I removed it everything seems to be working properly. Hope that statement didnt jynx it. :smile:

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