Hi Mike
SNZB-01 push push button Sonoff
SNZB-02 temperature sensor Sonoff
Both exhibit same problem as the socket.
Picks up and states it initialising but then time out.
Great news you may have found something.
Hi Mike
SNZB-01 push push button Sonoff
SNZB-02 temperature sensor Sonoff
Both exhibit same problem as the socket.
Picks up and states it initialising but then time out.
Great news you may have found something.
yes, well found and fixed are two different things.
All I can say at this point is that zigbee 3.0 backwards compatibility on the coordinator side is not what we were led to believe...
we fix one issue, and it seems to create a new one.
Not good to hear. You think they (si) will deliver a firmware update to fix some of the issues
its not a firmware issue, its a spec issue, and not everyone is following it, but to be fair the spec makes it somewhat difficult to maintain the same join procedures for both ZB3.0 devices and ZHA1.2 devices concurrently...
But we'll figure it out
There's more going on than Sonoff issue.
I've got multiple Sonoff devices that are staying connected while Sengled bulbs are still behaving badly.
My mesh is made up of GE in-wall Enbrighten switches and Tradfri plugs.
Tradfri plug\repeaters were keeping Sonoff and Xiaomi devices stable on C3 and C5 and assuming they are doing the same on C8.
Now messing around with Zigbee power at 8 on channel 23 and see a bit more stability but Sengleds are still not showing accurate state on dashboard and sometimes don't respond to rules even while I can turn them off and on in the HE app and on a dashboard.
Xiaomi buttons and temp senors are still dropping too much to be useful while Xiaomi motion sensor was solid even with zigbee power up at 20 on C8.
Make sure the old series Xiaomi/Aqara battery-powered devices are all paired to the hub only via a compatible repeater - Ikea, Sonoff, Tuya, or whatever mains-powered Zigbee device you have always on and is known to work stable with Aqara.
Copy the problematic Xiaomi/Aqara Device Network id:
Search for it in http://x.x.x.x/hub/zigbee/getChildAndRouteInfo
If you see the Aqara short ID in the Childs Data list (directly connected to the hub) - pair it again, away from the hub and very close to the mains-powered device which will work as a repeater. Choose a good repeater close to the Aqara sensor final mounting position - preferably w/ inCost:1 and outCost:1.
It usually takes several pairing attempts, until the Aqara sensor sticks to a good mains-powered Zigbee repeater.
The above works for my C-8 hub, currently I have 18 old series battery-powered Xiaomi/Aqara devices ( contact sensors, motion sensors, buttons ) that don't drop off from the Zigbee network.
My C-8 Zigbee radio power is reduced to 8.
Thanks much @kkossev
Let us know after several days if the same procedure works for you. Every environment is different...
But basically, it is exactly the same procedure with the new C-8 that worked for me on the old C-7 when I stabilized the Xiaomi/Aqar sensors two years ago. I don't purchase old Aqara sensors anymore because of this complex way and the significant efforts needed to keep them connected, but as I already have them, it is worth trying again.
Yeah am having same issue with new Moes 1 Gang Zigbee switch not paring with new C8 hub on firmware but connects fine to my C7 on same firmware.
On the C8 it just keeps saying "Found a Zigbee device, initializing..." and then times out
So far I have tired 2 different switches and both same issues works with C7 but not C8. I am currently waiting for replacement C8.
I have now given up trying as the results are so random. C7βs appear to pair slightly better but only just. If you get a device on they appear to stay there and work But getting them there is nigh on impossible.
I have two new c8βs and about 30 new zigbee devices and canβt do a thing.
Sounds like Hubitechβs chaps may be onto something. Fingers crossed or this will have been a very expensive journey of failure.
Can you give a shot?
The initial inclusion will likely still time out and showing a message like the one below. Click "legacy pairing method" link when it appears, and the hub will attempt to do the inclusion using different settings.
Updated and tried to include a couple of devices.. Failed and legacy option popped up.
I tried the legacy option to no avail.
Tried 3 devices with no luck.
So tried a soft
Reset and a radio reset.
Still no go. What am I doing wrong.
Tried zigbee button, temp sensor and socket.
Gets stuck in initialising phase.
Any more ideas?
Just updated to and tried to pair my Centralite 4257050-RZHAC and the zigbee pairing still doesn't see it and after timeout there is no "legacy pairing method" hotlink option.
Am I missing something? Why is there a problem with this most popular outlet? Been waiting patently for awhile now.
What are the manufacturers/models of the devices you tried?
Found a used one on eBay, it's on the way. I'll try reproducing this.
Sonoff SNZB-01 button, SNZB-02 temp and Sonoff socket outlet. BUT upgraded my 2 c7βs and
Everything pairing fine and not using the legacy pairing. Repeated it about 3 times moving between each c7 and works every time.
So it looks like itβs cracked the c7βs but the c8βs still a bit wonky.
Update after 2 hours of tatting adde added and removing devices. All zigbee.
C7β with latest firmware joins no problem.
The two c8 jobbys just will notpaie
I updated my C-8 to but unfortunately it still doesn't work when I try to pair the Third Reality motion sensor, even with the legacy method. I also tried to factory reset after the normal method failed and before doing the legacy method and it still wouldn't work.
The motion sensor is a 3RMS16BZ that I just picked up from Amazon recently.
The only thing I still haven't tried is to revert to
Dont bother, thats not going to sort it.
Well guess what....
I ended up reverting to - lo and behold, it worked!
I started the zigbee pairing, factory reset the Third Reality motion sensor, and the C-8 found the device. After about 5-10 seconds I was presented the lovely screen to name the device.
I also have a Aqara P1 sensor that was not getting through before and just for kicks I pair it and was successful (I didn't mention it before since it's not officially supported by Hubitat so I didn't want to muddy the water).
I have now switched back to and everything is working. It seems that somehow the newer firmware versions is not allowing new zigbee devices that have not been discovered before to join.
Technically my issue is now resolved but if anyone wants me to try anything to debug this issue, I am willing to help since I intend to buy more zigbee devices in the future and I don't want to have to revert versions anymore.
Just updated C8 to and still cant pair Zigbee devices even when choosing legacy method.
C7 working without any issues.
Ok for info.
Last night.
Went to bed happy man as progress being made
A new day dawns. (whoever Dawn is).
On ONE of the c8's
Apart from one failed attempt on the Sonoff mini and I think that was the crap plastic button on the device.... All devices connected fine and working. (and the world was a better place)
Next step.
Im leaving them for a couple of hours and make sure they are happy little soldiers, then I will remove all of them and re-add again to the same hub see what the results are as I have had issues where it would pair ounce and hen never again.
I will also add a few new devices toes what happens.
As a side note the other c8 which is on the same firmware etc and has had a few soft resets but not as through as this chap can't even see any of the above devices if I try to pair them.
As I said just dropping out some more info if it helps
Kind regards
Mr Completely Clueless.
Left a few hours (went to paint the fence..)
Then tried to add these Sonoff pesky socket outlets....
C8 with .123 firmware same issue initialising and stuck on initialising using legacy paring as well
Same socket with c7 on .123 firmware pared and happy chap.
Info from successful paring with c7 below.
Final test for the day.
On the working c8
So tomorrows plan is to repeat with the other c8 and see if a full clear down gets it to the same shape as this one.
So the only out standing trouble maker is the Sonoff socket.
Tomorrow is another day.