Zigbee contact sensor recommendations for C8

So apparently I’m a Dad although I have no children!

I'm a firm believer that you don't need to be a dad to go "dad mode."

No need to tag one of the devs. This has been discussed in other threads. Doesn’t sound like good news for you, I’m afraid.


alertMe (iris v1) devices are not compatible with c8.
No additional work on these is expected.

If you have these devices leave them on your previous hub and use hub mesh to bring them into your c8.


Nice, well you got me to buy a C8 hub so I guess that's something. That was the reason I bought the C8. So I could get rid of the extra hub in my house. I might as well of stayed with what I had. I already had an extra C7 hub, so I didn't need another spare.

I know you said before you can't test all devices but the Iris V1 devices are listed on your list of compatible devices, perhaps you should remove them or indicate you need a old hub.

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If you're within 30 days of purchase, the C-8 can be returned, and given your concern, @support_team might make an exception if you're past 30 days.

Agreed. Tagging @bertabcd1234.

From my experience w/Z-Wave on the C8 (much improved over C7), I'd keep the C8 and run Z-Wave on it, run Zigbee w/the Iris v1s on the C7, mesh devices across that need to be shared between hubs, and sell the other C7.

There is a note at the top of the page. There is also supposed to be a note on each device, but that entire field looks gone from the page (something that should be addressed at some point).

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FWIW Most of my Iris v2 motion sensors require me to rejoin them after battery change.

Well I guess there is no need to bother upgrading to a C8. That kind of a workaround is not much of a solution. My Iris V1 stuff is probably some of my most reliable devices.

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I love my Iris stuff too. They kind of seem like the old saying "they dont make em like they used to". I never thought about it but are the Iris mains powered devices part of a single mesh or are they their own thing?

They are part of the Hubitat Hub's one and only Zigbee mesh network.

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That is strange - I've never had to rejoin Iris v2's or v3's (or any Zigbee device) when changing batteries. Just did it right now on an Iris v2 - removed old battery, put in new one, sensor reports motion and other states w/out issue.


XHS2-UE sensors arrived today and were very easy to pair with the C8 and seem to report open/close very well.

Not having as good of luck with temperature... appears I'm only getting reports for temp changes of about 2 degrees or so. Not ideal for my scenario, as I'm looking for more precision for HVAC control inside.

I've quickly experimented with the Zigbee Configuration Reporting driver that @jtmpush18 referenced, but doesn't seem to be affecting the reporting.

Has anyone managed to figure out how to get these to report temp more frequently than what I'm seeing?

I have several, and I too ordered 10 off eBay.

It seems to me a lot of Zigbee devices have a mind of their own. They're gonna do what they're gonna do. I could be wrong.

Here's my Third Reality Temp/Humidity sensor, located in the basement, a fairly stable environment. People complain it's "chatty" which is up your alley. It can't be controlled, and 3R seems to like it that way. When the numbers change on the device display, it generates a reading...apparently.

edit: I tried changing the reporting interval of the xfinity contact sensor to 5 minutes and, 20 minutes later nothing, so I guess it's safe to say it's got a mind of its own.

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I dunno, I have mine set like this and it reports on change

you got the logs to prove it :slight_smile:

Yep, same thing with my oldie-but-goodie SmartThings leak detectors. I also have temp reporting disabled on all 5 of those, but they all report it regularly anyway (just like these contact sensors). Battery life on both devices is still great, so I don't sweat it. :man_shrugging:

I feel the same way about the xfinity contact sensors. They work great as contact sensors under some tough conditions.

The Hue motion sensor I have in the mailbox seems to report more regularly. It's set at .5C increment.

edit: It still throws the 5 minutes in there. Like 5 minutes or .5C, whichever comes soonest. :slight_smile:
Still, great as a motion sensor.