Zigbee 3.0 button controller $8.88 USD at home Depot, includes cct bulb

This would probably be the most likely driver to work on Smart things: SmartThingsPublic/zigbee-accessory-dimmer.groovy at 5fb1913fd4077a76a695f88f5c0f62f977fdb91b · SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsPublic · GitHub

Doesn't look like they are putting the hub in a group so if Home Depression didn't request something weird then there might be a chance. The two devices in the fingerprint are physically the same in the pictures I could see.

Based on @flotsam1's response, the device looks like it might be covered by the handler here:

Similar model names (ZBT-CCTSwitch-D0001 vs. ZBT-DIMController-D0800), and similar fingerprints - but not quite the same.

Using that code as inspiration, I've managed to make a configure method which does some of the work in the above ST device handler, but it looks like SmartThings Zigbee support is much more fleshed out than Hubitat's, so I'm learning as I go and writing raw commands to send. I used this device handler for example Zigbee code.

This configure block gets the remote talking more - but still not sending button presses, just a block of messages in response after I try to configure it.

It's stopping time for me for tonight, so I'll have to revisit later - and if I can confirm the code I've hacked together is actually doing something useful I'll share it here.

Cool! Thanks for looking into this!

Yeah, that first one is what I see as well upon pairing: Model Number: ZBT-CCTSwitch-D0001

Just to update everyone - I spent entirely too much time trying to get this to work and I think I'm going to have to back away for now.

It will happily respond with bind success messages to binding requests for all of the clusters it claims to support. It'll send battery information. It'll send error messages if you fill up the binding table. It sends some other messages I can't figure out the meaning of. But I can't get it to send messages when I press a button.

Because it's sleepy (I think), it only responds to requests after you press a button to wake it up, which can be a little misleading if you're trying to debug - but after the queue of messages gets worked through, the remote stops reporting anything when you press a button - except for battery (if enough time has passed since the last report).

This is making me want to get a sniffing capable zigbee dongle just to see what the remote and bulb say to each other during initial pairing.

I'm also wondering if the fact it's a device that supports Touchlink is part of the problem. From what I can tell, Touchlink is poorly (not?) supported by Hubitat? Someone who understands Zigbee better than I do would have to chime in.

I'd share code, but ultimately all I did was execute binding requests - which is pretty standard stuff.


I did some more digging via HD and found the manufacturer - Leedarson. I reached out to them this morning to find out if they have a ST Device Handler for the Remote, since they claim it works with ST. They will get back to me. I assume that if we get a ST driver, then Hubitat should be fairly "straight forward", but I could be very wrong . . .


Thanks, I tried contacting the Aurora company that makes an identical device for their driver, since they advertised ST compatibility, they told to go pound salt(aka ask Samsung)

Leedarson also came back to me. They stated that - when decoupled - only the bulb will connect (and be usable) with ST, and that the remote will not work with ST. It would seem that we are dead in the water as far as the remote is concerned - until a suitable device handler shows up. Ah well, a $9 CT bulb is not too bad . . .

It’s kind of sounding like this thing is touch link only, similar to the Lutron connected bulb remote. However, couple of things easy to try still. I’ve seen a lot of hail Mary’s here that actually turned results.

  1. Try pairing the remote a second time to Hubitat. Don’t delete the device, just pair it again, and see if that gives you different results.

  2. Try using this method for those of you that have a Hue bridge. I know, it’s not a Remote that’s talking to the hub, but it at least allows you to control a bulb with a Hue bridge (and Hubitat by way of the integration), and via the remote, without one or the other stealing the pairing.

I still have 6 Lutron connected bulb remotes “authorized” on my hue bridge that I use this way. It’s actually kind of nice. I can’t do the fancy stuff like I can do with the pico, but unlike a pico that won’t work if the hub has a problem, these always work. Keeps the WAF pretty high.

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I think you could touch link it on Hubitat. I touchlinked the remote to a Tradfri outlet. And it is still on Hubitat.

Think I'll pick up one tomorrow... and know someone will figure out how to pair bulb and remote. :smiley:

Did a quick search over on the ST forum and it looks like there's no DTH for it yet there either.


Update: LOL...just realized that's @Rxich's. sorry.

LOL, I'm trying to tackle the problem from both sides, since an ST DTH can be ported.
Although over on ST the best DEV's have left, ...
I wonder where they went ?:wink:


HD Price drop - now down to $4.88 for the kit. Even if I can't get the remote working with HE, still a good deal on a Zigbee CT tunable bulb. Bought 4 more . . . .


I just got my hopes up that someone else was working on the problem too. :wink:

Found another look a like that is supported by Zigbee2MQTT

They seem to just bind to the clusters like the other similar remotes.

For this price I picked up a couple of them a Joined the Bulbs to the Hue Bridge. What I'm going to do with the remotes who knows....

Picked up a couple last night. It relies on group multicast/broadcast messaging like some of the other remotes. Not going to work directly with HE unless they add that ability. Could not persuade it to send unicast packets.

There does seem to be an undocumented/mfg-specific cluster that might allow for configuration, since they seem to have a hub/coordinator of their own, but without documentation it would be pretty hard to reverse engineer.

So you tried this and it doesn't work with those like it does with Lutron Connected Bulb Remote, or you didn't try it?

The remote will touchlink on the Hubitat network with both the bulb and the Tradfri outlet without steeling the pairing. I joined all the devices to the Hubitat first.

So the remote is useful even if Hubitat can't interact with it directly.

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