Zen 32 Scene Controller extremely slow to respond or non-responsive

Ever get this sorted out? My Zen32 has been awful. If I'm lucky lights respond a few seconds later

I would enable logging on the device and pull up the logs on mobile. Press a button, see how long it takes to show up in the logs. You need to determine if the delay is with the button press getting to the hub, or something afterwards.

Also if it shows multiple times like shown above, then the device is struggling and sending the message out multiple times to try and get through.

Nope. Glad it's not just me. Sometimes it's instant and sometimes it never responds

As you know, I did that. I get multiple presses show in the logs even though I only pressed once. I have ghost. Odes which I will get rid of shortly. But for reference, I have a large system with over 75 devices, and dozens of scenes and automations. I have zerio problems with any other devices responding in this manner. I have many devices that act only when triggered by another device, and the response is always within one second. It has to be something with the way this Zen controller is designed. Very disappointing.

I doubt it's a (widespread) hardware/design issue - I recently replaced my 700 Z32 with the new 800 version, and both work equally well. I don't have any delays or wonky behavior with either version.

My last reply was to the other person @waffles

You could try the community driver if not using it already, see if it makes any difference.

Did the previous 700 version one cause you problems?

No problems with either version. Both were/are paired S2, and I've always used Robert's driver (linked above) with latest firmware available.

I updated to the 800 version when it was on sale recently just because I figured it was the heir apparent in terms of future support.

Ok, so I have updated information. First, I am using the custom driver shown above. So, I went to the device within Hubitat and selected button numbers to "Push" using the app, and it works perfectly and instantaneously every time. But, when I go to actually press the physical button, I get either no response or a crazy delay. So it has something to do with the message from the physical button push to Hubitat. Any other ideas given this new information?

This still applies

I did that before. What exactly would you like to see? In the meantime, I just ordered a new Z-Wave stick and will remove all the ghost nodes and see if that does anything.

I do not see the Z-Wave details anywhere in this post. Where did you post it?

What details would you like me to send?

Settings > Z-Wave Details

Preferably the entire page, use multiple screenshots if needed.
Otherwise at least just the entry for the ZEN32

Here you go. As I said, I have a ton of ghost nodes. Waiting for my new Z-Wave stick to remove them (I seem to have mislpaced my old one).

Can you post a similar ZW-details screenshot of device "6F"?

That's a range extender on the main floor, directly below the Zen32. It's probably no longer needed now that I've replaced all my Z-wave switches with Z-Wave plus, but it was being used to capture some nodes that were hard to reach.

That's screenshot of its Device listing, but I'm curious to see its ZW Details page entry (like the shot you posted 2 posts above). Since the Z32 is attempting to route thru 6F, I'm just curious how its health looks.

Right, sorry.

I guess it makes sense it's a mesh issue if it's working directly from Hubitat but not from the physical button. Is there any way to reroute the button? What if I remove 6F? I assume it would find another route for all nodes that use 6F to get to the hub?

6F looks good, so I don't think removing it is necessary. I have several dedicated repeaters like that in strategic places - they don't normally route anything, but they're ready to go if ever necessary.

Honestly, I'd hold off on this Z32 thing until you get the other ghosts out. Once that's done, give the mesh a day or so to do its settle-down thing, and see how the Z32 is doing then. If it's still wonky, then at least we'll know the mesh itself is in a good place.